• [deleted]


Dear Dr. E,

It will be this year's E12 TOE (not E9 - Nine dimensions are not large enough). I am a physicist, not a mathematician - some days I wish I had half of the mathematical ability of a Dirac. I do not claim to be special, but I have presented at least two ideas (specifically, Quantum Statistical Grand Unification, QSGUT, and Hyperflavor-ElectroWeak, but I have more ideas coming...) in my book that I think may have Nobel potential.

I consider myself a "generalist" and not a "specialist". Many of the tenured "specialists" of our industry have advanced the industry a nanometer at a time. Occasionally, one makes a real breakthrough. As a "generalist", I have found applications of Thermodynamics in GUT's, and applications of Solid State Physics in GUT's.

Four dimensional Spacetime is very important, as is the rank-4 Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT (4 dimensions = 4 rank). Any believable TOE MUST reduce to these primary elements via symmetry-breaking and dimensional collapse.

I have never seen a fifth dimension. I have a difficult time even imagining some of these concepts in my head. It is easy to question. But a rank-4 Georgi-Glashow SU(5) does not contain Gravity, and therefore, we need a larger rank GUT/ TOE and more dimensions.

I still like MDT as the four-dimensional end-product of a broken multi-dimensional TOE. If you choose to disgree with my ideas that is OK. I will agree to disagree, but I still like MDT. Personally, I would push it to the next logical multi-dimensional step.

Sincerely, Dr. Cosmic Ray

  • [deleted]

Thanks Dr. Cosmic Ray!

Yes--I actually wrote that Galileo piece back in October. :) Glad you got a kick out of it.

Sure--extra dimensions may come in handy, but after reading WARPED PASSSAGES, studying STRING THEORY, and looking at Lisi's E8, I'm not sure what they are necessary for.

An ironic aspect of all this is because MDT is simple, because it has a simple postulate: the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions; because it has a simple equation: dx4/dt=ic; and because both relativity and quantum mechanics arise from this simple, elegant, beauty, it is ignored by all the aging antitheorists who have brought forth no meaningful equations nor postulates during their antitheory reign of terror.

Well, rock on! Talk soon!

And of course I encourage everyone to pursue the truth they see in their souls, as often it is that it is found out there. And I think this is what life is about--following the quest we were born to follow--blazing our own paths.


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]

Hello to all ,

Thanks Chris .

Dear Dr cosmic Ray

you say "But now that I am convinced that extra dimensions exist, I must pursue them. Maybe I'm crazy. My friend, "Spherical" Steve Dufourny has tried to convince me that a 12-dimensional E12 TOE is overkill."

I am going to arrive to convince you I hope .You are not crazy ,me yes .I see spheres everywhere .

Dear Ray

Could you explain me the system without gravity ,I have difficulties to understand because it's foundamental in my model ,the velocity of rotation around themself of spheres implies the mass ,the gravity .....That's why I see a system without gravity for dark matter for exemple where the mass is 0 due a non rotation thus any mass ,an other kind of zero mass is the photon but it's different than dark matter because the linear velocity but the gravity is not there .

Do you imagine an other kind of 0 gravity .The foundamentals aren't there in this logic ,the gravity is essential is the physical universe ,it's the mass ,the energy ,the basic reality .

Dear Ray could you develop a little, d like a small explaination about extradimensions and the zero gravity ,what is in resume the foundamentals of these extrapolations? ,why extradimensions ,what shall be their rules ,how shall be the dynamic .Our physical laws are still logics there in your ideas ?

Is it in correlation with pure imaginaries? ,or with the physical reality...it's there it's difficult for me to understand .I can't imagine extradimensions .Perhaps could you convince me .For exemple these 12 dimensions ,what are these 12 dimensions.

Dear Dr E

Yao say

"Well, rock on! Talk soon!

And of course I encourage everyone to pursue the truth they see in their souls"

It's well said that .Rock on around the clock .

I am going to play guitar a little with this idea .I like so much rock .Do mi sol do sol si ré sol Ré Fa La Ré ...



  • [deleted]

Dear Steve,

I think that 4 dimensions of Spacetime and the rank-4 Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT are so evident because this is the "zero field approximation" of Gravity. If we take the artificial limit as Dirac's Large Number goes to infinity, then the gravitational coupling strength tends towards zero, and becomes negligible. To our great machines such as the LHC, gravity becomes negligible. Thus, any extra-dimensional effects from gravity also seem negligible to our physical senses and our best experiments.

In Section 5.5 of my book, "New Approaches Towards A Grand Unified Theory" (free partial preview available at http://www.lulu.com/browse/preview.php?fCID=1296633), I proposed that an SO(5) 10-plet of the tensor components of an 8 dimensional Octonion mix with the SO(4) 6-plet tensor components of a 4 dimensional Quaternion to form an SU(4)-> SO(5,1)-> U(1) Graviton 5-plet of WIMP-Gravitons 10-plet of Graviton-WIMP-Graviton Clifford bivectors.

Thus, an effort to better understand the fundamental particle (spin-2 boson) nature of the Graviton leads to a more complicated scenario for Gravity. Gravity now has a weaker "sister force" WIMP-Gravity that is mediated by Weakly-Interacting Massive Intermediate Tensor Bosons.

Because SU(4) and SO(5,1) have a rank of three, this mandates that the Gravity-brane must contain three dimensions. These three dimensions are in addition to the four dimensions of Spacetime. (Remember, Spacetime is the zero-field approximation of Gravity). Thus, we have a minimum of 7 dimensions. Lisi probably just thought I was going to cut him a break and say that an 8-dimensional E8 is OK, but we have not yet analyzed the effect of the Weak force.

If you read Section 7.2 of my book about Hyperflavor-ElectroWeak, you will see that I am proposing a 3-dimensional Hyperflavor-Weak Isospin charge space (Figure 3). Thus effects from the Weak-brane add another 3 dimensions, bringing 7 dimensions up to 10.

You have heard me talking about 12 dimensions more than 10. I would prefer not to talk about these two new special dimensions and their p-brane until my next paper (that is currently 21 pages long). I think 12 dimensions are required to complete the logic that started with the union of an Octonion and a Quaternion.

I am glad to see that your g-mail is back up. It concerns me that your g-mail and Len Malinowski's e-mail were both infiltrated. I wonder where Georgina has been? I hope they did not attack her computer as well. Either I am lucky, have good spy-ware, or they have not yet tried to infiltrate my computer...

Rock On, Friends!

Ray Munroe

  • [deleted]

Dear Dr Cosmic Ray ,

Thanks for these explainations.

I encircle better the whole of your ideas .

It's a beautiful methodology ,with hypercomplexs and imaginaries of course ,a beautiful superimposing of theories.

When I will can ,I will read your book .Like that I will understand still better .

We could insert a balance between the rationality and imaginaries .

In correlation with spherization ,some systems can be extrapolated with pragmatism I think .

Dear Ray ,have you already seen these numbers,this serie somewhere before .

0 0 1 2 63 56 27 13

and an other link with these numbers in trigonometry

0 2 23.4 24 3.1 26.7 97.9 29.6

What do you think ?



  • [deleted]

Dear Spherical Steve,

I was a little sloppy Friday night after nine hours of work and Good Friday church service. It should have been SO(5) Octonion X SO(4) Quaternion -> U(1) Gravity X SU(4) WIMP-Gravity -> U(1) X SO(5,1) -> U(1) Graviton 5-plet of WIMP-Gravitons 10-plet of Graviton-WIMP-Graviton Clifford bivectors, with 16 degrees of freedom at each step of the equation (I omitted U(1) in a couple of places previously, but the U(1) of Gravity is all we observe). This 3-brane "Gravity-brane" contains the SO(5,1) of WIMP-Gravity, but not Gravity.

Also, I said that the Weak-brane contributed another 3 dimensions. Technically, the Weak force is included in the Georgi-Glashow SU(5) GUT and the four dimensions of Spacetime. It is actually a Gravi-Hyperflavor U(1) X SU(3) "union" (somewhat like Lisi's Gravi-Weak) that yields these other 3 dimensions. Hyperflavor is related to the Weak force, therefore I think of this as the "Weak-brane".

But enough of my ideas. This is Dr. E's site...

I do not recognize these series. As you know, I have used the SO(N) and SU(N) series heavily. And I have suggested the Fibonacci series to your study. Mathematicians have defined many series - these might exist without my knowledge.

Your Friend, Ray Munroe (aka Dr. Cosmic Ray)

  • [deleted]

Hello dr cosmic Ray ,

It's the number of moons in our solar system and the slopes of planets ,simply ,I just say that to see if these numbers are in an other side of our physical reality.

but of course it's just a simple serie .it could be interseting to do the link with the mass ans the volumes and with our star too.

The Fibonacci series are towards infinity .Difficult for my model with limits .

Oh yes sorry Dr E ,really ,I forget always .



  • [deleted]

A taxonomy is essential .

But we admit it's difficult to insert the ultim system .

So much questions to link all ....Photon,tachyon ,molecule,neutron star,gravitational wave,neutron,spin,model standard,boson,particles,muon,phonom ,maths,electromagnetism,proton,muon,space time,spherization and spheres,atomic nucleus ,higgs boson,QFT,electron...ucd....quantum gravity,foundamental interactions,M theory and strings,fermions ,weak and strong int ,electromagnetism ,....and so many secrets still to discover .

So much questions to unify this splendid universe in evolution towards this ultim sphere.

We shall arrive .



  • [deleted]

Hello All!


I have recently hired two grad students to help out with MDT, and they have helped with this presentation:


Yes--I guess this is the MDT forum, though I do welcome a bit on other theories too! There are enough electrons to go around for everyone.

To make room for discussing other theories, I would like to invite you all to discuss them here: http://physicsmathforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=71

Or in any of the other forums there. Or I could create a new forum one there--let me know!


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]

Dear Dr. E,

That site


is somewhat difficult to read. LOL

I have a beach nearby. Should I hire a couple of grad students to help present my theories?

Sorry if I have occupied too much of your blog site...

Sincerely, Ray Munroe (aka Dr. Cosmic Ray)

21 days later
  • [deleted]

Regarding the effects of special relativity on GPS systems, has anyone really eplained why it is that only the orbiting satellites' clocks experience time dilation, but not the earth-bound clock? Are not all inertial frames equivalent?

MDT explains this--to be posted soon!

But first, everyone should read Chris Kennedy's awesome paper and discuss! http://www.cheely.com/second_T.pdf


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]

In the latest Star Trek movie which just hit the theaters, Scotty (the navigator/engineer) who figures out how to teleport people onto spaceships traveling at warp speed explains what allowed him to do it: "I hadn't realized dimensions move!"

I need to see it again to get the correct words; but if you watch it, see if you can catch them!

Good to see MDT making progress in having practical applications!


Dr. E (The Real McCoy)

  • [deleted]


Thanks for the promo!! Many people have read it but you are one of only a handful of people who truly get it.

I have made some progress in my entanglement research but still have a way to go. I will resume it after I complete something I started writing. I will post the link when I'm done. I am looking forward to reading your observations that you will be posting soon.

I am spending time on entanglement to see where MDT can fit in the whole grand scheme of things. If some or all of MDT will make it into the physics books someday - I thought entanglement would be a good place to see if that is possible. I have a feeling that for MDT, entanglement is where the rubber will meet the road. I wonder if I'm hung up on the word dimension?? I wonder if we could explore the possibility that something is expanding but call it something other than a dimension? I wonder if that will give me a little more psychological freedom to see how your theory fits in with existing evidence?

I saw the Star Trek movie last night. I think Scotty said "space" moving but since there are dimensions in space the two of you would probably be in agreement. I don't know the actor's name but I thought the "Bones" character (the other real McCoy) did a great job too.

  • [deleted]

Yes! He said that space is moving! And MDT stipulates that the fourth dimension is just like the three spatial dimensions, but it's moving/expanding!

Check out the figures starting around page 38 of the attached document. They account for/explain entanglement and nonlocality via MDT.

Entanglement arises because of the nonlocality of the fourth dimension's expansion:

Simple proofs of MDT:


Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension.

Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c.

Ergo, the fourth dimension must be expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate

of c, in a spherically-symmetric manner.

The expansion of the fourth dimension is the source of nonlocality, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made without change.

For the first time in the history of relativity, change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of

spacetime in MDT.


Einstein and Minkowski wrote x4=ict

Ergo dx4/dt=ic.


The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial

dimensions.Attachment #1: 5_MDT_PERVADES_NATUREIMAGINARY_NUMBERS_IMPLY_PERPENDICULARITY.pdfAttachment #2: 6_MDT_Unites_Relativityand_Quantum_Entanglement.pdf

  • [deleted]

chris--the thing i love about your paper is how it points out the paradoxes of relativity/gps--paradoxes which different prominent physicists have supposedly resolved in different ways, but they can't all be right! how come this seems to bother nobody?

4 days later
  • [deleted]

My guess is that - to most theorists who spend time on strings, wormholes, time machines and other really important stuff - devoting enough time to relativity to realize the inconsistencies would be a step backward. Who's got time for an already proven, 105 year old theory - when there is gold in them thar hills.

"They have eyes, yet they cannot see." (Lord Garth)

5 days later
  • [deleted]


The new essay contest "What is possible and impossible in physics?" suggests an essay titled:

"What is possible in physics? Physics!"

Or "Physics is possible in physics."

Or "Physics: The New Frontier of Physics!"

Right away the essay, by devoting itself to physics and physical reality, would debunk strings, lqg, wormholes, time machines, multiverses, the anthropic principle, the gravitgon, giant voids which are unmistakable imprints of universes just beyond our own, and geometric langlands, amongst other well-funded "proifessional" research.

What would be left?


*Physical* theories celebrating hitherto unsung *physical* features of the universe such as a fourth expanding dimension, unifying disparate physical phenomena in simple physical model, would become the focus, as all the flotsam and jetsam sank away into time's grey.

"A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability. -Einstein in a letter to Arnold Sommerfield on January 14th, 1908. CPAE, Vol. 5, Doc. 73:" "When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before, viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled." -Schrödinger

Moving Dimensions Theory's simple postulate, physical model, and equation account for both "relativity's elementary foundations," which Einstein stated we yet needed, and Schrödinger's "characteristic trait" of quantum mechanics--entanglement.

MDT: The fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic.

"Entanglement is not one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics." --Erwin Schrodinger

MDT provides a physical model for qm's characteristic trait. The fourth dimension's expansion distributes locality; so that two photons separated in the three spatial dimensions may yet be connected in the fourth dimension, provided they were locally connected in the three spatial dimensions to begin with. For all entanglement must derive from a common locality in 3D in the past. And too, it is no mystery that photons never age, as they yet retain a locality in the fourth expanding dimension, where they are yet stationary, as they propagate at c through the three spatial dimensions.

"The discovery of the quantum of action shows us not only the natural limitation of classical physics, but, by throwing a new light upon the old philsophical problem of the objective existence of phenomena indepedently of our observations, confronts us with a situation hitherto unknown in natural science." --Niels Bohr

It is not our observations so much as the independent collapse of wavefunctions that define reality. The fourth dimension distributes locality, and matter caught in this appears as photons. When a photon is measured, or when it blackens a spot on a photographic plate, or when it hits a wall, it is localized as it is no longer in the fourth expanding dimension. There is no need for us to participate in this.

"After long reflection in solitude and meditation, I suddenly had the idea, during the year 1923, that the discovery made by Einstein in 1905 should be generalised by extending it to all material particles and notably to electrons." --de Broglie

As the fourth dimension pervades all, all matter interacts with it, thusly inheriting wavelike properties. Indeed, all movement derives from momenergy's existence, at least in part, in the fourth expanding dimension. Photons alone exist entirely in the fourth expanding dimension,

exhibiting zero rest mass.

"The properties of elementary processes....make it seem almost inevitaebleto formulate a truly quantized theory of radiation". --Einstein

This is because all radiation is but matter caught upon the fourth expanding dimension which also distributes locality, exalting probabilistic measurementments via the creation of nonlocal probability ditsributions that expand at the rate of c, determined by dx4/dt=ic.

"For me, then, this is the real problem with quantum theory: the apparently essential conflict between any sharp formulation and fundamental relativity. It may be that a real synthesis of quantum and relativity theories requires not just technical developments but radical conceptual renewal." -John Bell

MDT is based upon the radical conceptual renewal, derived straight from Einstein's 1912 Manuscript. Time is not the fourth dimension, but rather a phenomenon that arises because dx4/dt=ic--because the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions, which aslo accounts for entanglement, thusly uniting relativity and quantum mechanics with a common physical model, while also provideing a physical model for entropy and time and all its arrows and assymmetries.

"The conclusions from Bell's theorem are philosophically startling; either one must totally abandon the realistic philosophy of most working scientists or dramatically revise our concept of space-time." -Abner Shimony and John Clauser

Moving Dimensions Theory provides this new concept of space-time. The vast ambitions of most tenure-track physicists, including string theorists and LQG hypers, causes them to focus on irrelevant, minute questions, and thus, though funded by millions for over thirty years, have not yet been able to string the bow. Deeper, true physicists, such as Abner Shimony and John Clauser are alert to the fact that physics need news ideas.

The expanding fourth dimension gives rise to non-local phenomena and quantum entanglement, as the expanding fourth dimension means that two events separated in the three spatial dimensions can yet appear to be at the exact same place in the fourth dimension. MDT thus provides the new concept of space-time.

"Bohr had an intuitive feeling that Einstein's position, taken serioulsy, would conflict with qunatum mechanics. Buyt it was Bell's theorem which materialized this contradiction." --Alain Aspect

MDT resolves the contradiction. dx4/dt=ic distributes locality, thusly causing qm's nonlocality and probabilistic nature, while also underlying time and all its arrows and assymetries, entropy, the contsancy of c, entanglement, relativity; while also being the foundational cause of all motion; and limiting all motion to but one velocity of c through space-time.

In the next 300 years of fqxi contests, the hopes are that one fqxi insider may read and comment on MDT, instead of exalting multiverses, anti-theories, and giant voids (which suck in funding) which suppodedly offer "unmistakable imprints" of universes just beyond the edge of our own.

The new MDT paper will also focus on how MDT accounts for the time dilation in GPS--something which Chris Kennedy has shown is yet to be accomplished.

Everyone should read Chris Kennedy's awesome paper and discuss! http://www.cheely.com/second_T.pdf

6 months later
  • [deleted]

Can anyone find any faults in these proofs of MDT?

Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon

remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells

us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding

wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be

expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c,

in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth

dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all its

arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all

motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made

without change. For the first time in the history of relativity,

change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.

MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict.

Ergo dx4/dt=ic.

MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial

dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way

to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the

three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c

relative to the three spatial dimensions.

MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is

stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding

@ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from [url]


Can anyone find any faults in these proofs of MDT?

2 months later

Please see attached paper!

"More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken's I have never seen in any senior or graduate student. . . ." -John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton University

On Deriving Relativity & Entanglement from MDT's Fundamental Physical Reality: dx4/dt=ic

What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero's Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory's dx4/dt=ic. E pur si muove!

by Dr. Elliot McGucken


"Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity." -Albert Einstein


Over the past few decades prominent physicists have noted that physics has diverged away from its classical, heroic journey traditionally defined by describing, fathoming, and characterizing foundational truths of physical reality via simple, elegant, logically-consistent postulates and equations humbling themselves before empirical reality. Herein the spirit of physics is again exalted by the heroic words of the Greats--by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Schrodinger--the Founding Fathers upon whose shoulders physics stands. And from that pinnacle, a novel physical theory is proposed, complete with a novel physical model celebrating a hitherto unsung universal invariant and an equation reflecting the foundational physical reality of a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic, providing both the "elementary foundations" for relativity which Einstein yet sought and QM's "characteristic trait"--entanglement, and its nonlocal, probabilistic nature. From MDT's experimentally-verified equation relativity is derived while time is unfrozen and free will exalted, while a physical model accounting for quantum nonlocality is presented. Entropy, Huygens' Principle; the wave/particle, energy/mass, space/time, and E/B dualities; and time and all its arrows and asymmetries emerge from a common, foundational physical model. MDT exalts Einstein's "empirical facts," "naturalness," and "logical simplicity." For the first time in the history of relativity, change is woven into the fabric of space-time, and the timeless, ageless, massless, nonlocal photon of Galileo's/Einstein's "empirical world" is explained via a foundational physical model, alongside the fact that c is constant, independent of the source, and the maximum velocity in the universe, as well as the only velocity through space-time. The empirical GPS clocks' time dilation/twins paradox is resolved by proposing a frame of absolute rest--the three spatial dimensions, and a frame of absolute motion--the fourth expanding dimension upon which ageless photons of zero rest mass surf; which underlie and give rise to Einstein's Principle of Relativity.

When the solution is simple, God is answering. -Einstein

Galileo, Newton, and Einstein: The Heroic Physicists

Time as an Emergent Phenomenon & Deriving Einstein's Relativity from Moving Dimensions Theory's dx4/dt=ic: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics

In Memory of John Archibald Wheeler

by Dr. Elliot McGucken

MDT's postulate: The fourth dimensions is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at c. MDT's equation: dx4/dt=ic.

Simple, logical proofs of MDT:

MDT PROOF#1: Relativity tells us that a timeless, ageless photon remains in one place in the fourth dimension. Quantum mechanics tells us that a photon propagates as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront at the velocity of c. Ergo, the fourth dimension must be expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, in a spherically-symmetric manner. The expansion of the fourth dimension is the source of nonlocality, entanglement, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, c, relativity, entropy, free will, and all motion, change, and measurement, for no measurement can be made without change. For the first time in the history of relativity, change has been wedded to the fundamental fabric of spacetime in MDT.

MDT PROOF#2: Einstein (1912 Man. on Rel.) and Minkowski wrote x4=ict. Ergo dx4/dt=ic.

MDT PROOF#3: The only way to stay stationary in the three spatial dimensions is to move at c through the fourth dimension. The only way to stay stationary in the fourth dimension is to move at c through the three spatial dimensions. Ergo the fourth dimension is moving at c relative to the three spatial dimensions.

MDT twitter proof (limited to 140 characters): SR: photon is stationary in 4th dimension. QM: photon is probability wave expanding @ c. Ergo: 4th dimension expands @ c & MDT: dx4/dt=ic -from http://twitter.com/45surf


In his 1912 Manuscript on Relativity, Einstein never stated that time is the fourth dimension, but rather he wrote x4 = ict. The fourth dimension is not time, but ict. Despite this, prominent physicists have oft equated time and the fourth dimension, leading to un-resolvable paradoxes and confusion regarding time's physical nature, as physicists mistakenly projected properties of the three spatial dimensions onto a time dimension, resulting in curious concepts including frozen time and block universes in which the past and future are omni-present, thusly denying free will, while implying the possibility of time travel into the past, which visitors from the future have yet to verify. Beginning with the postulate that time is an emergent phenomenon resulting from a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, diverse phenomena from relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics are accounted for and unified with a hitherto unsung universal invariant dx4/dt=ic. Time dilation, the equivalence of mass and energy, quantum entanglement, nonlocality, wave-particle duality, and entropy are shown to arise from a common, deeper physical reality expressed with dx4/dt=ic. This postulate and equation, from which Einstein's relativity is derived, presents a fundamental model accounting for the emergence of time, the constant velocity of light, the fact that the maximum velocity is c, and the fact that c is independent of the velocity of the source, as photons are but matter surfing a fourth expanding dimension. In general relativity, Einstein showed that the dimensions themselves could bend, curve, and move. The present theory extends this principle, postulating that the fourth dimension is moving independently of the three spatial dimensions, distributing locality and fathering time. This physical model underlies and accounts for time in quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical mechanics, as well as entropy, the universe's expansion, and time's arrows and asymmetries in all arenas.

"More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken's I have never seen in any senior or graduate student. . . Originality, powerful motivation, and a can-do spirit make me think that McGucken is a top bet for graduate school in physics. . . I say this on the basis of close contacts with him over the past year and a half. . . I gave him as an independent task to figure out the time factor in the standard Schwarzchild expression around a spherically- symmetric center of attraction. I gave him the proofs of my new general-audience, calculus-free book on general relativity, A Journey Into Gravity and Space Time. There the space part of the Schwarzchild geometric is worked out by purely geometric methods. "Can you, by poor-man's reasoning, derive what I never have, the time part?" He could and did, and wrote it all up in a beautifully clear account. . . .his second junior paper . . .entitled Within a Context, was done with another advisor, and dealt with an entirely different part of physics, the Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky experiment and delayed choice experiments in general. . . this paper was so outstanding. . . I am absolutely delighted that this semester McGucken is doing a project with the cyclotron group on time reversal asymmetry. Electronics, machine-shop work and making equipment function are things in which he now revels. But he revels in Shakespeare, too. Acting the part of Prospero in the Tempest. . . " --John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton University, Recommendation for Elliot McGucken for Admission to Graduate School of Physics

Dr. Elliot McGucken's Biography: "Dr. E" received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in physics from UNC Chapel Hill, where his research on an artificial retina, which is now helping the blind see, appeared in Business Week and Popular Science and was awarded a Merrill Lynch Innovations Grant. While at Princeton, McGucken worked on projects concerning quantum mechanics and general relativity with the late John A. Wheeler, and the projects combined to form an appendix treating time as an emergent phenomenon in his dissertation. McGucken is writing a book for the Artistic Entrepreneurship & Technology (artsentrepreneurship.com) curriculum he created.

Please see attached paper!Attachment #1: 4_1_2_wheeler_recommendation_mcgucken_medium.jpgAttachment #2: 2_On_Deriving_Relativity_Entanglement_from_MDTs_Fundamental_Physical_Reality_small.pdf

8 days later
  • [deleted]

Hello Dr E ,

Happy new year ,You begin well this year ,waww .

"cyclotron group on time reversal asymmetry" Could you tell me more please ?

