Does this relate to Plato and the world of forms?

I'm thinking of Plato's Allegory of the Cave. From Wikipedia: "Plato imagines a group of people who have lived chained in a cave all of their lives, facing a blank wall. The people watch shadows projected on the wall by things passing in front of the cave entrance, and begin to ascribe forms to these shadows. According to Plato, the shadows are as close as the prisoners get to seeing reality. He then explains how the philosopher is like a prisoner who is freed from the cave and comes to understand that the shadows on the wall are not constitutive of reality at all, as he can perceive the true form of reality rather than the mere shadows seen by the prisoners. The Allegory is related to Plato's Theory of Forms, wherein Plato asserts that "Forms" (or "Ideas"), and not the material world of change known to us through sensation, possess the highest and most fundamental kind of reality. Only knowledge of the Forms constitutes real knowledge."

I'm thinking in terms of the holographic principle relating mathematics and physics of higher (world of forms) and lower dimensions.

2 months later
  • [deleted]

I came upon this site by searching for "Plato" and "holographic universe." Just as the other person who commented, I also recognize the forms and the idea of a holographic universe as being compatible. Plato was perhaps the greatest thinker the world has ever known, and I find it very interesting that his forms matches with the idea of a holographic universe.

5 months later
  • [deleted]

Imagine I am an undefined quantum particle. How do I exist without an identity? I can join with others to be a wave, until an option presents itself for me to be something else. Liken me to the letter g I am nothing on my own until an opportunity presents itself to make me into a word or an equation or the print on this page, until that opportunity presents itself I exist in all my possible states. Think of a hologram. Wherever I am within that hologram I am in several states and places at the same depending on the driection from which I am observed. I can therefore be: any particle you want me to be, any letter in any word and/or contribute to the existence of any reality depending on the location you are observing me from which may be within or outside of the hologram.

2 years later
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3 years later

The structure of spacetime is God's Mind. Individual minds are a part of this Universal Mind. This way each point in the Universe represents the whole - i.e. the Universe is holographic.

Time is what Kant called the act of spontaneity which generates the representation 'I think'. This act performs synthesis. I.e. time is mind processing information. Space is the medium where information is processed. Each qubit has its own processing rate (its own time) and is a parallel Universe.



3 years later

EXPERIMENTAL quantum Anti-gravity --

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2 years later

It's called the Holographic Principle. It's when what appears to be n+1 dimensions is represented in n dimensions much as a holographic film can represent a 3d volume. The concept was brought up with string theory in resolving the information loss paradox of a black hole. It brings certain limitations as to information density and so far, everything including black holes has observed these limits. custom coupon codes saver Many people imagine the issue as being the universe is really represented on a 2d surface enveloping the universe but I see it as the universe and time being statically imprinted on the 3d volume of the universe, potentially the 11 dimensional bulk of m-theory being imprinted on the ten dimensions of string theory.

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