Essay Abstract

Logical development of physical theories is hindered by lack of rational mechanism of interactions between matter bodies. This has led to many illogical assumptions. The concept, currently used to facilitate interactions between matter bodies - 'action at a distance through empty space' - has no mechanism of action. Vague forms of fields and aether, which are also in use suffer lack of logical structure or mechanisms of action. Until these are replaced by a concept on a rational as well as real entity to facilitate as a medium between matter bodies, development of physical theories will continue to become more and more irrational. Matter is the only real entity in the universe. Hence, it is logical to expect matter to provide structured matter bodies as well as a universal medium that inter-links all matter bodies in nature. Matter itself, has to be in the form of infinite number of basic matter particles. A logical theory, based on only one type of postulated matter particle will lead to the development of an ideal universal medium. This universal medium should be able to account for all physical phenomena in nature, under the same rules and under all conditions.

Author Bio

Nainan K.Varghese is a retired Electrical Engineer. He pursues independent research in fundamental concepts of physics. Result of his research, during past twenty-five years, is published in the form of a book 'Hypothesis on MATTER'.

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7 days later
  • [deleted]

Eng. Varghese, how can your assertion be falsified? If it cannot be falsified then can it be 'scientific' and, if not, physics? Thank you.

5 days later
  • [deleted]

Hello Nainan.

The picture that you have presented is not nearly as simple as you have suggested.

Here are three important considerations. These are facts:

1) Importantly (and fundamentally) gravity and electromagnetism are understood as adding to the integrated extensiveness of being and experience (including space and thought).

2) Dreams are an emotional experience that occur during the one third of our lives that we spend sleeping, because emotion is one part (or one third) of feeling, emotion, and thought. Consistent with this, both feeling and thought are proportionately reduced in the dream. Thoughts and emotions are differentiated feelings. Dreams are essential for thoughtful and emotional balance, integration, comprehensiveness, consistency, and resiliency. Indeed, emotion that is comprehensive and balanced advances consciousness. If the self did not represent, form, and experience a comprehensive approximation of experience in general, we would be incapable of growth and of becoming other than we are.

3) The ability of thought to describe or reconfigure sensory experience is ultimately dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience.

I could say much more.

Thank you for your kind consideration.


Dear Doug Huffman,

Presently, scientists hold that the universe/world consists of distinctly different objects of diverse characteristic properties and then describe actions on them and interactions between them. Multiplicity of objects/particles enables possible falsification of any concept or theory. This property seems to be accepted as an essential prerequisite of all scientific theories. Nevertheless, note that this prerequisite is required only for those concepts/theories, which envisage more than one type of fundamental particles/entities.

Therefore, if there is only one type of real fundamental particles/entities in nature, there is very little chance to falsify and relatively easier to verify a concept, based on them. This fact alone should not be a reason to make a concept, non-scientific.

At the same time, if this concept (based on only one type of real matter particles) can logically explain all physical phenomena, it will be good physics.

Regrettably, real matter particles, envisaged in my concept, are not physically observable by our present standards. This is not due to any of their deficiency, but because our three-dimensional-world-standards do not always suite them. They build entire universe as a single structure (no empty space) that provides for the existence and apparent interactions between bodies of diverse characteristic properties, noticed in nature.

With regards,


Dear Frank,

Thanks for the comments.

I reflect only on the physical aspect of existence of matter in universe. A matter body is considered in existence even if it is beyond the observational capabilities of rational beings (like; a book kept in locked cupboard, beyond sensory perception of an observer). Understanding such presence by a rational being is its mental activity. Combining these two may be difficult, as you suggested.

1). I would consider electromagnetic or any other natural force as different manifestation of gravitation. They subscribe towards existence and apparent interactions between various bodies in nature. Experience and thoughts, leading to integrated extensiveness of being and self, commence with perception of above events by rational beings. They should be considered distinctly, as one is the cause and the other is effect.

2). I think the points you raised in section (2) belong to metaphysics rather than physics. Dreams are extensions of sensory perceptions as a result of mental activities. They could be interpreted only by rational beings, who perceived them. Dreams do not physically exist. Whereas, entities (providing sensory perceptions), do exist in nature as real bodies of substance. Self and consciousness are the basis of metaphysics but physics will exist even without them. Lack observers will not be a reason to dismiss matter or physics.

3). Physical presence of matter is the reason for 'sensory experience' and 'ability of thought'. Hence, matter and physics can be considered separately from them. This is what I am trying to do in my concept. After all, the essay is about the ultimate possibility in 'Physics'.

With regards,


11 days later
  • [deleted]

Dear Nainan K. Varghese,

You wrote "action at a distance through empty space' - has no mechanism of action". By the way, you can see an example of such mechanism of "action at a distance» in my essay

The mechanism of action at a distance appears naturally, if the space-time has quantum structure (if space consists of space cells dV). Then matter interacts with space cells, therefore appear a hole radiation - gravitation.

Dear Leshan,

I beg to differ with you on this point.

Imagination takes place in our minds. Other than in psychological terms, there is no reality associated with it. Virtual particles or imaginary properties of an entity do not represent reality. Only the substance can provide reality to an entity. In nature, matter alone provides substance. Hence, only those bodies, which are made up of matter are real entities. Universe and everything else in it are made up of real entities, which contain matter.

Matter bodies can interact only when they are in direct contact. This fact compelled us to search for some kind of entity to facilitate direct contact between two matter bodies at a distance between them. So far, no such real entities are accepted. Since, no intermediate (real) agency, to bridge the gap between two matter bodies, is envisaged in present theories; all interactions between matter bodies are 'actions at a distance through empty space'.

Imagination of any kind will not alter this fact. Imaginary entities (without substance) like; virtual particles, various types of fields, space-time, etc., have no real existence in nature. They may do well in our imagination and in mathematical theories. They cannot substitute for real entities or bridge the gap between real (matter) bodies to facilitate interaction between them. Hence, I believe that only an intermediate agency, made up of real matter, can overcome this difficulty of illogical 'action at a distance'.

22 days later
  • [deleted]


Dreams add to the integrated extensiveness of being, experience, and thought.

In fact, dreams involve a fundametal integration and spreading of being and experience at the mid-range of feeling between thought and sense. It is not only in dream that the vision of everyone is different. Reality pertains to/involves (in varying degrees, of course) what must be understood as the integrated extensiveness of being and experience (including thought). Dreams make thought more like sensory experience in general (including gravity and electromagnetism). The ability of thought to describe or reconfigure sense is ultimately dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience.

The known union of gravity and electromagnetism/light -- in the fourth dimension of space that unites Einsten's theory of gravity with Maxwell's theory of light/electromagnetism -- must be understood as balancing scale by making gravity both repulsive and attractive as electromagnetic energy/light.

Einstein's theory is already balanced, extended, and properly completed/verified by said union.

This union of gravity and electromagnetism is already mathematically proven/demonstrated by the addition of the fourth spatial dimension; and, this must be plainly and significantly obvious in our experience; and, it is -- in the experience of dreaming.

Frank Martin DiMeglio

  • [deleted]

Dear readers,

I do not see the critique of essay. It is not a forum for cosmetics and women, it is a forum for physics! If you rate an essay, it means that you read and understand the essay. Therefore, please publish your opinion and critique of the essay. We do not write holy papers, all essays have errors.

Why all physicists are afraid of criticism? I'm sure it is the main cause of the crisis in science. Every year a lot of papers are published but a little critique appears only.

Dear Frank,

Thank you very much.

You are right, when considering perception of reality by rational beings in the realm of psychology. However, reality in nature will exist in its pure form even if rational beings are absent. It is this level of reality, which I intended to cover in the article. It is just the pure physical aspect of matter and its interactions outside the metaphysical level.

All present theories, including those mentioned by you, do use some or other types of media (various fields, different types of aethers, materialistic space, different types of gasses, etc) between matter bodies to enable them to interact. This helps to overcome the illogical assumption of 'action at a distance through empty space'. Nevertheless, none of these media has specific form or definite structure. They are not even real entities. [Since matter alone can provide substance, in order to be real they have to be made of matter]. They are too vague and have no mechanism to affect interactions, attributed to them. All too often, it is told and understood that these entities interact, but their actions or structures are never elaborated. Unifications, verifications and proofs of these theories depend on the vagueness of these media, which does not hinder mathematical treatments.

It is in this light, I propose a different type of universal medium, made up of real matter. It has definite structure and inherent properties, derived form its constituents. Strictly adhering to cause and effect relationships, this medium logically explains all physical phenomena in nature (from creation of 3D matter to fundamental particles to structure of steady state universe, from gravity to unity of natural forces, from light to radiation, from origin to unification of natural forces, from subatomic interactions to cosmological events, etc.) with simple mechanical actions within itself, all within our 3D space system. In this concept, only one type of basic matter particles is postulated. No other virtual/imaginary particles or assumed properties are used.

Many consider such a proposal a fanciful dream. However, one cannot be sure of its logic unless its details are considered. Since, certainty of a much sought-after (logical and omnipotent) universal medium is bound to solve all inconsistencies in science and provide logical explanation to all mysterious phenomena, it will be the ultimate possibility in physics (not meta physics).

I believe treatise on life, extensiveness of being, experience and thought, working of mind and rationality, etc. being superior to treaties on physical aspects, they should be approached with a clear and correct understanding of pure physical aspects of nature.


  • [deleted]

Hi! Nainan,

Since the proposed universal medium is made of matter and it fills the entire space, it appears to be pretty solid. How can any body move through this solid medium at all?

Dear Sir,

Thanks for the comment.

Physical states have relevance only to macro bodies.

You are right. 3D matter particles/bodies cannot move through universal medium. Matter is inert. All actions, currently attributed to matter bodies are carried out by the 'proposed' universal medium.

By its innate property (inherited from its constituents), the universal medium tends to transmit structural distortions in it, in linear direction at constant speed. It is the distortions that are transferred from one locality to another - not parts of the universal medium. A 3D matter particle/body within the region of these distortions is carried along with the moving distortions. This is the mechanism of motion of 3D matter particles/bodies. Matter particles/bodies do not move through the universal medium but they are moved by the universal medium from one region in it to another. A macro body's motion is the result of collective movements of all its constituent 3D matter particles.

Distortions in the universal medium about a 3D matter particle/body are the work invested about the 3D matter particle/body. It takes certain time for work (distortions) to be invested/modified and stabilized about a 3D matter particle/body, which is revealed as the 3D matter particle's/body's linear motion at constant velocity. This property of delay produces the phenomenon of inertia. Inertia is a property of the universal medium rather than that of matter.

Corpuscles of light, being 3D matter particles, are moved by the universal medium at constant linear speed, which is the highest possible speed of transfer of distortions in it. Magnitude of critical constant speed of light depends only on the nature of the universal medium in a region. If the nature of the universal medium differs at different regions of space, magnitude of speed of light also will differ.

You may read brief description of 'proposed' universal medium at or full description from the book 'Hypothesis on MATTER'.



2 years later
  • [deleted]

The state of existence of the physical universe is discussed in the published article 'Foundation of Theory of Everything: Non-living & Living Things' wherein the concept, nature & structure of aether is introduced. Readers may go through the article on, World Science Database, General Science Journal.

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