Dear Arjen,

thanks for your most valuable comment. The idea of the stochastic least action principle is to eliminate the need for an action principle coupled with an additional principle for quantum mechanics. As this theory is equivalent to quantum mechanics in its current setup I am not sure if it gives any new direct testable predictions (other than the ones in quantum mechanics). I don't think I have lost any quantum effects when S_i is finite. The Wick rotation on the quantum wave function creates an ensemble of actions. The other way around is that the stochastic least action principle on regular mechanics creates a fundamental uncertainty in the action of a system. Only upon observation the action revealed, before that it is fundamentally hidden. So in an interference situation (eg double slit experiment) the stochastic least action principle merely states that the particle has a weighted probability of travelling all paths (actions) through this slit. Under Wick rotation this is equivalent to Feynmann's approach to quantum mechanics and should thus have the same dynamics.

The expected action from the stochastic least action principle is indeed sort of an entropy with a different unit.

Perhaps the truly interesting stuff happens if one investigates the stochastic differential equation approach. That is an open problem as of now.

I hope I have given you some adequate information.

Feel free to post anything on your blog/twitter!

Best Wishes


  • [deleted]

Dear Joakim ,

I inform me a little about this gravitomagnetism ,it's interesting,the similarities with Maxwell and GEM equations seem relavant if the synchronization is made with fundamentals and the correct number .All is there the correct number and its serie of course .

You give some ideas for my activation concept thus acceleration towards a stable rotations of quantum spheres .This Dark matter is relevant about the evolution and the contraction of our Universe and the polarisations .I must link the orbitals rot ,the spin rot ,the acceleration ,the waves and the mass of course .

The differences at the Planck Scale between the gravity and the electro magnetism are very relevant too .There The ideas of Mr Baten can be correlated too .The mobility and the rotations thus is specific .

The ratio of Mr Klingman in his essay between interactions is relevant too for a real taxonomy and a real topology .

Best Regards


7 days later
  • [deleted]

Steve and Joakim,

We handle the analytic continuation of a Euclidean path integral* to recover a probability amplitude from a partition function in order to treat the twin-slit experiment in an arXiv paper. Thanks, Joakim, for pointing out the Lisi paper, it was just what we needed to get from the graphical formalism to the quantum and classical in our program!


*That is, Wick rotated. Joakim, you call this Minkowski, but Zee calls it Euclidean. I'm using Zee's nomenclature here and in the arXiv paper.

  • [deleted]

Dear Mr Mark Stuckey,

Nice to know you .

My point of vue is this one .

Here with the contest ,I see many systems extrapolated with Lie Algebras and complexs ,octonions ,quaternions etc etc ...all that is imaginary ,it doesn't exist HIGGS ,extradimensions ,multiverses ,hidden variables.....

These extrapolations are too simple and too complex with its derivations .The symmetry is false

Why beause each sphere is specific thus the symmetry is specific .

If a balance isn't made ,it's impossible .

Only 3D and a constant of evolution where the mass becomes .

A physical model is different than a mathematical model .Only the physicality is important ,the maths are a tool .A very good tool but without a balance between imaginaries and reals ,it's impossible ...these extrapolations are falses .

A real theory evoves and completes the fundamentals ,our laws .The constants ,the coherences .....

I am very surprised that the sciences community don't focus more on fundamentals .A real work continues and evolves .

In conclusion ,an axiomatisation ,a physical formalization takes all its sense when the balance is made .Without that it's a lost of time .

It doesn't exist higgs ,extradimensions ,strings ,multiverses,hidden variables,bizares our system is simple ....the rotating spheres .the number is specific .all must be classed with pragmatism ,a real topology exists ,not these imaginaries .

Best Regards


  • [deleted]

Hello all ,

sorry to derivate dear Joakim David Munkhammar on your blog,

I just finish .

The origin of mass is simple ,complex and simple .

Complex in its combinations.

Simple in its system .

The rotating spheres imply all ,and imply the mass too .We needs a physicality ,and this physicality must be correlated with our constants and fundamenatls laws ,

the quantum mechanics ,our perceptive system and our cosmological dimension are under the same laws ,with variables of thermodynamics and evolution .

Best Regards


Dear Mark,

glad to have been helpful. I wish you good luck in your pursuit of a better foundation for QFT.



I make no sense what so ever out of your posts. I don't think physics is composed of only "rotating spheres" and if it was it would be explained by equations. Thus write it in equational form and from there we could debate it. By the way, since you asked for it, all information that one could possibly want about gravitomagnetism is located on the wiki site (or in links from there, in particular Mashhoon's papers).


  • [deleted]

Joakim ,

I invite you to see the whole in all centers of interest,you shall see spheres everywhere .Al equations must be adapted ,if not it's a lost of time .

Thanks for the link ,interesting the gravitomagnetism .



  • [deleted]

Dear Joakim ,

It's nice your kind of thoughts.

I d like add something .

When you develop an equation ,I invite you to insert fundamenatsl correlated with our physicality .If not your equations are falses like imaginaries .

You know the thermodynamics PV =n RT ...More the mass ,mc²....G mm'/r²..or F=ma ...and many others with a good referential with good limits all serie you must insert fundamentals and rationals .

Even when you calculate dear Joakim ,with Fourier ,euler ,pythagore,ostrogradski,dirac,and many others all depends of your referential .There thus it exists two kinds of maths ,falses or trues ,physically speaking .

The velocity of rotating spheres est proportional with the mass ,m v simply with a complexity in the details of synchronization .

Now I shut up and I calculate the rotating spheres hihihi



3 years later

Nice quote from Einstein. May be you are interested in having a look at 5-dimensional universe, an essay at

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Vijay Gupta

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Vijay Gupta

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