I added the following paragraphs to my essay:


In summary, the process of creating weight is simple: A moving Earth presses on objects that, in turn, press on Dark Matter, meeting DM's resistance. That resistant force, applying individually on objects, creates the objects' weights.

An aluminum ball, for example, with its low mass's density, allows a great number of DM's units go through its body, meeting a WEAK resistant force, say, a two-pound pushing force.

A steel ball, with its mass's higher density, has a stronger blocking power - many DM's units are being partially or totally blocked, or have to slow down while going through the ball's body - and will meet a much more forceful DM's resistance, say, a ten-pound pushing force.

The aluminum ball should weigh two pounds. The steel one's is ten.

An object's weight is exactly the resistant force that DM pushed back against it.

That's why we need an equal or greater force to lift it up."

Please review the revised version at:


4 months later


I was able to defend or add answers to my new gravitational theory on a debate against creditable astrophysicists on Cosmoquest.org in the following areas without the use of dark matter or dark energy:

- the perihelion precession disparity

- the gravitational light bending

- the galactic rotation curve using the mass distribution of the galaxy

- part of the Pioneer 10 anomaly

- the GPS time dilations cancellation altitude

- the expansion of the universe

- the black holes

- the time dilation of speeds < 40% c

- solving the mass of the visible universe based on the value of kappa

- the FEL experiment (derivation is unknown but should be easy to solve)

The code of my new simulator can be downloaded and run on your Linux (Ubuntu preferably) with:

$ svn co https://github.com/philippeb8/finite-theory

Please make sure Qt5 is installed on your system and then you can simply type:

$ cd finite-theory/trunk

$ qmake

$ make

$ ./ft

Sincerely yours,

Phil Bouchard


21 days later
a month later

God particles, without Nobel Prize. / by Socratus/


To discover so-called God - particle ( Nobel Prize in 2013)

was needed two conditions : deep vacuum and high energy.

But if the vacuum were deeper and energy were higher then

it would be possible to discover some kind of a new God - particles.

Question: what is the deepest vacuum in the Universe?

My answer:

the deepest vacuum in the Universe is the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K.

Question: what can be the highest energy?

My answer:

the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K continuum is itself some kind

of infinite energy continuum.

Using these parameters, I say that the cosmic zero vacuum T=0K

can create primary God - particles and their names are

"potential molar -masses (k) particles."



Why potential molar - masses (k) particles are primary God particles?



Heat is result of some kind of chaotic movements of particles.

In thermodynamics the heat is explained by the formula: E=kT (logW)

It means that chaotic movements of molar-mass (k) particles create heat.


In 1905 Einstein wrote "quantum of action" as: h=kb

It means that molar-mass (k) particles know some kind of another

movement which can create "quantum of action" with energy E=(kb)*f.

My conclusion.

Without heat the Universe is an Absolute Cold Kingdom.

Without "quantum of action" the Universe is dead continuum.

The molar-mass (k) particles can take part in these two phenomenons:

E=kT (logW) and E= (kb)*f. And therefore the molar-mass (k)

particles are primary elements from the First Instant (T=0K) of the

Universe's creation. Not " the famous Higgs Boson" (with the low

energy and prestige Prize) but the old and modest well-known

molar-mass k-particles are real "God particles"


k-particles have two forms of modifications: as a heat E=kT (logW)

and as an energy E=(kb)*f . The interaction between energy and heat

created everything in the Universe but . . . . but until today nobody

explained the interaction between E= (kb)*f and E=kT (logW).


Best wishes.

Israel Sadovnik Socratus.


5 months later

Please excuse my sophomoric question but I am very, very curious and passionate about the subject of .

The Framework

For a moment, let us assume that the framework of context always controls output content, i.e. function precedes form. Let us assume that it is the "Contextual Dimension of Singularity" ... that sets and controls the unfolding Precursor Principles of Superposition ... within Duality ... that in turn . . . "Manifest the Time-Space-Energy Content" of quantum wave coherence and particle quantum entanglements .

The Question

With this simplistic Meta cause-effect assumption, what might researchers discover if they were to assume that the Meta Contextual Framework of Singularity is the core essence of Consciousness ... that gives birth to the Duality of time-space-conscious-energy states of inter and intra-relationships that in turn gives rise to the Superposition Principles of both quantum wave coherence and particle quantum entanglements.

If all energy is in fact conscious - which would be mirrored by the fact that all states of consciousness are energetic- then perhaps we should now be attempting to uncover the metrics of ... the very "Synergistic Attributes" of consciousness.

I Need Help

Will someone please contact me as I am now looking for a research institution to empirically test my hypothesis "On Understanding the Ontology of the Conscious Operating System of the Universe?

    Lawrence C II,

    What do you mean with Singularity? While I don't hope for helping you, I distinguish between the not capitalized mathematical term, its unwarranted use in physics, and the even more deviating meaning in AI.


    Dear FQXi,Mr Aguirre, Mr Tegmark,Ms Merali and friends,

    I am sorry for my past paranoid comportments.I am going to delete all my bizare posts.I was too much parano and stupid simply.I am better now.Best Regards and long life to FQXi :)

    2 months later

    Time is the property of existence. Why there is something rather than nothing. We can not avoid existence of time and as a result something will always exist. As such time existed and will exist for ever. As such something will exist for ever. Dynamic universe/multiverse is evolving from state to state and this change of events or snap shots of existence is being continued in time. We should not think that any finite amount energy will end at some point due to second law of thermodynamics. The energy is a magic game of opposites creating opposite entropy and a reverse arrow of time in some pockets to balance the other pockets. Read balloon inside balloon theory attached herewith.Attachment #1: 4_New_Physics_with_Emergent_Gravity_Mechanism._1.docAttachment #2: 4_I_Think_Dr._Datta_Makes_A_Valid_Point_-_an_Astronomy_Net_Blackholes_Forum_Message22.htm

    2 months later

    That's something brand new. Past that has no beginning. Could anything have no beginning and no ending? That seems to be illogical but has a right to exist and be discussed.

    personal statement writing tips

    6 months later


    Interesting and clearly described. I like your last remarks "painting by the numbers, don't cross the lines".


    4 months later

    Darwinian Universal

    The nature of the interaction between space and matter, what causes gravitational acceleration? is a question forefront in people's minds. But also the nature of the universal orders we observe, atomic and cosmological structures being very non-random and articulated. I will speak briefly to these now, but please bear in mind that I can corner these considerations with diverse justifications, if you should seek to test?.

    In simplest terms. What is the nature of the interaction between space and matter? The one we are going to consider now is arguably the simplest conceptual possibility. That Tuv (matter) is embedded in, and in the business of "metabolizing" a field of Guv (space). Guv and Tuv share equality, so it would make sense in terms of an energy transfer and conversion flowing from space to matter. So A. where does this Guv energy potential originate from? and B. what is it converted into that explains atomic process? A. Space possesses a cosmological expansive property which takes its measure as Auv cosmological redshift, which enables us to speculate that space that is metabolized by matter is a renewable resource. B. Conventional theory does not attribute a cause for the work actions of the fundamental forces, so we speculate that the energy potential derived from Auv space is converted to the mechanical actions of Gluons and Photons, and both taking their measure as magnitudes of velocity C.


    Cosmological Auv represents the emergence rate of a universal energy field, which is then metabolized by matter on a local basis represented by the equation Guv = Tuv, enabling the atomic mechanical actions attributed to Gluons and Photons. So this is a really simple conceptualization, and an effective test would be to ask, do the following values possess equality, Auv = Guv = Tuv? Yes they do.

    Thats so far pretty brief and simple. I've put forward a hypothesis which relies on the extraordinary equality of various universal measures as evidence. But also provides an appealing chain of cause and effect that takes us beyond the notion of photons and Gluons being fundamental force. The theory of fundamental force being that of "force without a prior cause". The idea that Gluons and Photons are energy conserved systems, which somehow perform "work" functions as by-product, is aesthetically displeasing. It ascribes to theory of causeless work, and the actions of electron bonds being good example. Electron bonds manifest a property we can appreciate at the human scale of existence, evident as the glue that binds objects together. We can directly sense these bonds as we wrap our hands around objects and apply force against them, which hold resistant against our efforts. How can their persistent resistance to your forceful actions, be described in terms other than that of "work action"? We need to move past the notion of "causeless work actions".

    In addition to this, I will briefly mention a prospective explanation for atomic and cosmological structure, order, complexity, fine tuning. The code for which is written in photon and Gluon mechanics, a product of a long standing Co-evolution between two universal elements, Auv and Tuv. Auv being a regenerative elemental field of space, and the elemental aspect of Tuv being the Photons and Gluons that form the material universe.

    This hypothesis paints Auv as a regenerative field, and it can be speculated that anything that is continually regenerative, is capable of compounding changes, evolving, advancing its physical state. Tuv (matter) also demonstrates a capacity suggestive of re-generation, in the form of quark separations that generate identical copies of themselves. Not conceptually dissimilar to biological cellular divisions, which we understand leads to compounded changes we identify as Darwinian process. The standard theory of matter synthesis holds that photons created by a big bang event will spontaneously condense and precipitate to form atoms. This prescribes a whole lot of givens without adequate explanation. Atoms are wonderfully complex articulated machines, their properties evidenced by the universe they collectively build, including the form that makes you. The "given" that you must currently except for lack of an alternative explanation, is that "this can occur purely on basis of chance". However that is no longer the case as of the realizations presented here within, that allows for compounded changes to occur, leading to ever increased levels of complexity and fine tuning, an explanation for the world around us.

    This hypothesis brings to mind a scenario whereby the universe first emerges as a simplest possible configuration field quanta, and through continual regeneration compounded changes, evolved through ever shifting circumstances that eventuated as the universe we observe. A scenario like this might not easily come to mind, however I have begun to uncover a possible interpretation which can be judged for merit. And there is a persuasive case that can be made that the structure of the universe we observe around us, is evolved optimally for a purposeful interaction between space and matter, in terms of matter being spread out across space, optimized for atmospheric interaction.

    I opened this post with a question towards the nature of the interaction between space and matter. And I wouldn't really be doing the subject justice without prescribing cause, the motivation for gravitational acceleration. The main aspect of the puzzle of gravity, that holds us all spellbound. The before mentioned prescribes a scenario whereby natures forces are mediated via Photons and Gluons, which are enabled via a process of metabolism of the Auv elemental field of space. This being the case, it informs us where the motivation for universal force originates, and how it is mediated and subsequently expressed. The conventional take is that the strong nuclear force and gravity are two independent forces or phenomenon. But that ignores the rather obvious association between the two, that Gluons are the strong nuclear force from which mass is an emergent property, and it is the mass that responds to gravitational fields. So it is basic deduction that the (strong nuclear force) (Gluons) and (Mass) are all representative of one and the same property of matter. It is Gluonic Mass that both responds to gravitational fields and also possesses the capacity to mediate force, which is expressed as gravitational acceleration. In simplest terms, Gluons mediate the force that causes gravitational acceleration. If you want to qualify this possibility, then study the similarities that are known to exist between Gluons and Photons, and ask the question (if Photons can express motion, then could it be that Gluons can also express motion via the same general mechanism as Photons?

    These associations are made trivial within the wider context of the theory I refer to as Darwinian Universal, which theorizes that the differences between Photons and Gluons are mainly that of structural complexity, from which Gluons manifest the additional emergent properties of matter, being mass, nuclear and molecular bonds, heat process etc. Gluons that form matter are evolved Photons. My contest essay, which I should have titled Darwinian Universal, elaborates beyond what I have mentioned here.


    I would like to engage this subject with the FQXi community please? I propose that my essay discussion page would be the right place to hold such a discussion, so I invite you to join me there please? Nobody would stumble across it otherwise, so I'll sprinkle a couple of these invitations around the forum. Please keep in mind that I will only be notified of your reply, if you post at my essay page.

    Thank you kindly for your considerations


    Darwinian Universal

    I'm very pleased with the reviews my essay received, and for the community score that tallied. However I havent engaged with the community in discussions about it yet, either in a sense that might test it or allow me to elaborate further. I have added a post to my essay thread titled Darwinian Universal, which presents an explanation for why the concept of fundamental forces is flawed, in terms of being considered an energy conserving system which undertakes perpetual work effort. Electron bond persistency in binding matter for example. Having framed it in terms of what conventional approach is conceptually missing, I then present a solution in terms of my concept. That the question of what the nature of the interaction is that exists between space and matter that would marry quantum mechanics and general relativity, is the same question as "what is the prior cause for the fundamental forces that enables their work effort?. I propose that photon and gluon activity is the product of the interaction with space, and this is why the terms of Guv and Tuv share equality. Its an energy transfer and conversion. So matter being in the business of consuming an elemental field of space that enables photon activity, dictating the rate of causality which we interpret as time. This is how it corresponds to the theory of spacetime.

    This raises the question, if space is a resource matter is dependent on to maintain activity, then how can the resource remain persistent over time. Why is it not finite and subject to depletion? Auv cosmological emergence of space to the rescue. I cannot present the physics that would answer the how of Auv's continual emergence, but I can point to the observation and values attributed to its emergence, and the equality they share with universal values of Guv and Tuv. That their equality is highly suggestive they share a relationship that is causal. That Auv is a renewable resource which enables photon activity, and that Auv and Tuv are both elements of a universal system that allows for compounded changes and evolved purposeful structure and complexities to emerge. That all the activities on both atomic and cosmological scales, are evolved and optimized for their reason for existence, which is for efficiency of interaction between the Auv elemental field of space, and Tuv matter.

    This theory prescribes cause, purpose and meanings to aspects of the world where there has been nothing of the sort presented before. I would like the opportunity to demonstrate to people that this concept is deserving of discussion. Are you willing to join me please and help me kick it off? I will be holding the discussion on my essay page thread.


    Thank you for your consideration

    Kind regards

    Steven Andresen

      Give nature an energy potential and it will invent a Darwinian circumstance of emergence. Take early oceanic life for example, algae invented a way to exploit the suns energy in a process known as Photosynthesis, which then founded the base of a food chain that blossomed through a diversified range of organisms of increasing levels of character and complexity. Krill that eat the algae, in turn eaten by small fish, eaten by bigger fish and squid, eaten by tuna, sharks, birds, dolphins and whales.

      Auv cosmological emergence is a like circumstance of Darwinian emergence, as a result of an as yet unidentified natural energy potential. Like the algae, this Auv elemental field of space foundations the base of a system that has compounded ever higher levels of universal order and complexity, in the form of atomic and cosmological structure. This is how elaborate Gluon and photon characteristics have emerged in the universe, and the circumstance whereby their activity is enabled by a metabolism of an Auv elemental field of space.

      8 days later

      Electromagnetism is considered one of the four fundamental forces of nature.

      Another force considered as fundamental is the strong nuclear force, for which the Gluon is the mediator, which importantly is the generator of "mass", which is the property of matter which responds to gravitational fields. Or I could have said it like this "The strong nuclear force makes the "MASS" which motivates the gravitational acceleration".

      Why do people believe gravity is a forth fundamental force independent of the other three, when clearly the strong nuclear force generates the property of matter "mass" that responds to gravitational fields? Why dont they acknowledge that Gluons mediate the force that drives gravitational acceleration? Because they are not trained as detectives to follow evidentary clues.

      But your question is about connecting magnetism to gravity, and it appears I have connected Gluon activity to gravity instead. What you have to realize is that Gluons and electromagnetism (EM) are very very similar entities as one another. So to relate gravitational interaction with EM, I show you that Gluons and EM are closely related.

      How are Gluons and EM related? They are related in every way! Electromagnetism is light (photons), and a useful value we can attribute to light is its velocity C. Mass is a measure of Gluon activity, and mass is a very tidy sum multiple of the speed of light kg x C x C. Or famously E=MC2. So it can be said that Gluon activity and Photon activity are correlated via proportionate magnitude of one another. Gluons and Photons also perform very similar roles as one another, in much the same way as one another. Gluons create the bonds which hold the nucleolus together, and photons create the bonds that hold electron bonds together. The theory of charge applies to both the Gluon and the Photon in the mediation of their bond interactions. You can visualize them as operating in very much the same way as one another. I could go on all day long about the similarities between Gluons and Photons, but that should be enough to make my point of their relation.

      So anyway, the key point to take home is that Gluons operate very much the same way as light (EM) does. Light can propel itself through the voids of space, so why couldn't Gluons be responsible for a similar capability of generating motion? Gluons generate mass, and mass motivates gravitational acceleration, so this is indeed how it can be interpreted.

      Magnetism and gravity are related, because an entity which is very closely related to magnetism, that is to say "Gluons" are the driving force for gravitational acceleration. Simple! Why dont people realize this? Because they are to confused by the idea that somehow the concept of "spacetime" will inform them how, why objects are set to motion. How can time motivate motion? is a question which leads nowhere!

      I appreciate what you are saying, and judge you fairly for saying it. You have to appreciate that is only a page of explanation, and so is stated in simple terms. I can provide further justifications. But it is an interesting idea isnt it, that Gluons are much the same as light, and light has the capacity for motion. That Gluons might be the force provider that motivates gravitational accelerations?

      I could answer toward your points directly, or I could provide a more interesting explanation from which you could infer the answers you need? Which I will do, but we can always come back to individual points whenever you like.

      If you are willing, I would like to discuss the question of the origin of force? Again lets focus on Gluons and photons, which is to say, strong nuclear force and electromagnetic force, whos actions are ascribed to the theory of "Fundamental Forces". Within this context, the word fundamental might be interpreted as a theoretical "first cause". Or force with no prior cause.

      There are some basic problems with the theory of "force with no prior cause". It raises the same general criticisms we might have for the notion of perpetual energy machines. But are these same general criticisms rightly directed towards the function of atomic forces? Fundamental forces do a lot of different things, but we want to identify an action which is clearly in the business of undertaking "work action" and therefore cannot be interpreted as energy conserving. So let us focus on EM electromagnetic electron bonds which glues matter together. I select electron bonds because they manifest a property of matter which we can appreciate at the macro scale of human existence, and which we can wrap our own hands around an object, and directly sense the "work effort" these electromagnetic forces are responsible for mediating.

      The question is, how can perpetual work effort exist without prior cause? If we try to excuse this situation, as fundamental forces being energy conserved systems, then how do you extract work from such a system without affecting its internal checks and balances?

      I know it seams as though I'm leading us toward an intangible circumstance, for which the activities of matter cannot be provided a rational explanation. But I'm not. I'm leading us down a well considered path, which I hope gives reason enough to entertain the novel solution I will provide. It is a solution which prescribes a prior cause for atomic forces, while solving a number of further problems confronting scientific understanding.

      Let us consider the possibility that the following two questions have the same answer. What is the nature of the interaction between space and matter, that would marry quantum mechanics and general relativity? and what is the prior cause of atomic forces?

      Let us envision, space containing a physical element which matter is in the business of consuming, to enable matters forceful activities. Guv = Tuv is the conventional interpretation of the interaction between space and matter. If it is indeed an energy transfer and conversion to atomic force, then the equality demonstrated of each of these terms bodes well. However, a conceptual challenge to this notion, would be as follows. If space contains an elemental field that is consumed by matter, then wouldn't it be a finite resource that would eventually be depleted? And on the face of it, you might think that presents an end to this conjecture. But it doesnt.

      Space isn't only described in terms of Guv. Space also has a property which is described as cosmological expansion, and termed as Auv. For the benefit of this conjecture, I'll ask you to consider the possibility that Auv is a measurement that corresponds to a regenerative process undertaken by an elemental field inhabiting space, which continually replenishes the potential, that in turn drives atomic forces. For this hypothesis to have any prospect, there would have to be a link between the value of Auv (cosmological expansion) and Tuv (atomic forces) that demonstrate an equality. And indeed, such a measure has been known about for many years. Those interested please quiz me?

      Auv = Guv = Tuv.

      This line of conjecture provides something further. Entities which continually regenerate have the prospect of compounding changes over time and evolving. Generationally compounded change, conceivably can lead simple systems toward heightened levels of order and complexity. The character of structures that evolve in such a system, as exampled by life, can be used to infer the circumstances of their evolution, revealing motives and purpose, which in turn convey reasons and meanings. Does this conjecture lead to an interpretation of universal emergence that explains for its very particular style of order, complexity, fine tuning? It does, and I am part way through the process of uncovering an interpretation of it.

      It goes something like this. Give nature an energy potential and it will invent a circumstance of Darwinian emergence which leads to heightened levels of complexity. Whether that is Algae which evolves the ability for photosynthesis, which exploits the freely available natural energy potential of the sun, which then becomes the basis of a food chain that leads to diverse organisms of increasingly complex character. Algae eaten by krill, eaten by small fish, eaten by bigger fish and squid, eaten by tuna, sharks, dolphins and whales. Could this be how all complexities evolve in the world, including atomic and cosmological structure?

      Could Auv cosmological emergence be the result of a natural energy potential, ( as yet unidentified physical process), which has lead to a Darwinian cascade that provides circumstance, reason and purpose for the structures, complexity, fine tuning, we observe in the world around us? I am building the case so that people might be able to judge merit. Writing to you now provides me an opportunity for practice.

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      a month later

      Dear All,

      1. Nothing come from Nothing.

      2. The Universe always evolves.

      3. If we assume that the Universe has an Initial State of Affair then it violate 1. because assuming it can't come from Something before it and thus it has to come from Nothing.

      4. So the Universe at not initial state of affair, in other words has no beginning , never bagan and thus the Universe always existed.

      Since Nothing comes from Nothing, since the Universe is by definition ALL THAT EXIST then existence cannot begin from non existence and thus the Universe can't begin to exist and thus has always exist.

      a year later

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