I am a mystic, and about a week ago, I saw the Mind of God. It was an utterly incredible experience, with never-ending ramifications!
You are going to have to use your imagination to picture what I am telling you...I will try to describe it as accurately as I can...
Picture endless space, but filled with many, many clusters of gold orbs that sparkle with energy. Some are very large, some are medium-sized, and some are small. Connecting all are trillions of gossamer threads, and energy, again gold, passes between these orbs, a constant flow of energy, going out from the orbs, and going to the orbs. There is no end to this "Web" of Existence. Everywhere you look, there are clusters of orbs of gold energy, and those gossamer threads of connection.
The picture was not static. It was undulating and moving like seaweed under the ocean. I finally decided that the very large orbs had to be suns, the smaller orbs planets with billions of beings, and the yet smaller orbs perhaps stations of energy we know nothing about. People were like sparks upon the surfaces of the "planets" and they, too, glowed and grew bright and dark.
The Mind of God is a huge and endless brain, and All was connected. I saw the prayers of many going out upon the threads of connection, firing the threads with glowing energy. Dr. Michael Newton is a hypnotherapist who has regressed people to their past lives. They describe the state between life and death quite vividly. They tell of the passage between Earth and Heaven like this:"Spirits are brought in, collected, and then projected out to their proper final destinations similar to a central terminal of a metropolitan airport that has the capacity to fly people out in any direction. The most outstanding characteristic of this world is a continuous feeling of a powerful mental force directing everything in uncanny harmony. People say this is a place of pure thought." (italics mine) You can read more about this at http://www.near-death.com/newton.html
What does this mean? It means that everything, everything, everything we think and pray goes out from us and into the Mind of God as energy. I do mean everything! A chance remark, a scowl, a small token of forgiveness or mercy; it all joins the Web and goes outward. Our thoughts join the Mind of God- yet, are also part of the Mind of God, too. This is how manifesting can work! You think a thought, and immediately, it goes out at the speed of light into the Mind of God. Instantly, even from across millions of light-years, the energy responds to your thought and replies back. Enough thought and prayer, and your idea becomes more and more physical, and less and less spiritual in nature.
This also means that we are getting help from sources clear across space and time, from places we have yet to dream of. Take care what you think and pray! Our thoughts join the Web even before we can snatch them back! Ill-will and anger make the threads move slower, and glow less brightly. Good thoughts, prayers of good-will and gratitude, make the energy increase, and move the energy faster and yet faster!
I am still trying to take this vision in; I am trying to understand it all. I am hoping that you will see how important each and every one of us is and will be! You can ask anything of this Mind, and eventually, it will come to you! Just think about this, and perhaps you will see what I saw. It was incredible! I am presently starting a book about what I saw, and it will have many pictures and hopefully, will explain things better than I have here. I am grateful to God that He let me see what I saw!