Dear Ian,
No I am not affended. You are as nice a person as I have met here. It just that the question had to do with discovering when math no longer is representing reality. I have studied and used theoretical physics. I am not a physicist, but I think there is something important to be pointed out about what physics theory really represents. The difficulty to overcome is that most theory is believed to be reality. I was suggesting that none of theory represents reality. When I mentioned that the definition of mass could be chosen differently, I think it should be clear that the original choice made was a guess. No one could possibly know that mass deserves to be an indefinable property. When I mention that we learn everything via photons and that their information is limited to observing patterns in changes of velocity, I don't think that that is a theoretical statement. Photons begin with changes of velocity and end by causing changes of velocity. We can theorize about what photons hold or contain that allows them to cause changes of velocity; but, we cannot know that. It is theoretical.
My point from beginning to end is difficult to make clear against the common belief in theory. This is my point: The best 'theory' is the one that removes all theory. Theory helps us to keep our thoughts straight, but it does the opposite in terms of learning about reality. I do not mean that it is not useful. I only mean that it is invented as a means to proceed with analyzing physics knowledge without needing to understand the nature of cause. We do not know what cause is. Everything that is attributed as being a cause is invented. This practice of theorizing may be useful, but in terms of understanding the nature of the universe, it is misleading and at times misguided. If we wish to allow math to truly serve us in learning about the nature of the universe, then we must let it take its own course and not steer it this way and that way by interjecting theoretical ideas.
The difficulty with suggesting this kind of approach is that theory clearly stands in the way. It is believed to be true. How can one say that everything could be changed when it is believed that everything is known to be true? Anyway I work for the change. That is why I work alone. That is why I put my work on the Internet. There is no other way to let it out. There are no other books or sources to point to. I am not insisting that others should quickly recognize that I am correct. I may not be correct. However, I think it should be possible to challenge theory without having some theory put forward as evidence of the correctness of other theory. I think that theory can never prove theory. The mathematics will work out properly, but the mathematics has long since become the tool of the theorist and the servant of theory.