Thanks for the extended comments. My personal bet is that there'll be a new excuse in 2013, pushing it out to 2016, but that's just cynical old me. I spent enough time working for the government to know how programs are managed. But the key fact is simply that, in my theory Higgs aren't needed and hence don't exist. You might ask yourself, if the gravito-magnetic field measured by Tajmar and independently calculated by me, based on reasonable assumptions, is actually 10**31 times stronger, while QED's vacuum energy is 10**120 weaker, could this 151 orders of magnitude shift in the basic energies of the universe have any effect? If you conclude that real change of 151 orders of magnitude in relative field strengths is unlikely to be physically meaningful, I'd kinda like to know what you base that on.
Good to hear from you. I consider the only TOE that counts to be one that explains all known particle physics, including real anomalies, and is up-to-date on cosmological discoveries. If it does this, I don't consider it 'minimal'. In fact, I believe that the simpler the theory, the better. I also believe that math and the human imagination can invent untold 'schemes', most of which can never be tested--for energy reasons if for no other--but that the 'grandeur' of these schemes is in the eye of the beholder. Until real anomalies are addressed, and real problems of QED and QCD accuracy are solved, I consider mathematical schemes that have no testable predictions or falsifiable conclusions, to be math, not physics. As I've said elsewhere, "nothin wrong with that", but I'm most interested in known physics, not imagined physics.
I suspect that the FQXi essay contest three years from now may be addressed to "Why nothing new from the LHC?". Whatever the results, there'll be enough egg on faces to go around.
You graciously asked about the 'triality' implied by the C-field. The C-field 'color triality' satisfies the original 'symmetry' problem of the wave function being symmetric under exchange of two quarks, in violation of the Pauli exclusion principle, the original reason that QCD 'color' was invented, while also explaining both asymptotic freedom and quark confinement and jets, as well as the "famous QCD factor-of-3". In addition the C-field does explain the 'generations triality' of three particle generations. This has some significance for the CKM matrix, but I don't claim to have derived CKM from the C-field. Still workin' on it.
I believe that the magnetic monopole is tied up with the 'duality' of the source free electromagnetic field. I do not believe that the analogous gravito-electro-magnetic (GEM) duality exists [this is reflected in my modifications of the GEM equations to include 'curl G =0', ie, gravity is irrotational. This has implications for gravity waves, and also, I believe, implies no analogous 'monopole'.
I'm looking forward to your essay, and glad to see you back online.
Edwin Eugene Klingman