Dear Michael,
It seems that you are leading us along a route that led to your own development as an M theorist, recalling introductions to mathematical and physics ideas. It is a somewhat historical but also autobiographical journey.I do not know if it is a non fiction or fabrication that makes an interesting collection of ideas brought together.
As the mathematics and physics referred to is largely obscure to the uninitiated it is bewildering unknown territory. Though the first half seems to be a developmental journey, the middle and end seems to be a celebration of M theory. Including outrageous optimism about its ability.Though if it keeps governments truthful and terrorists away how can we do without it!If as you say numerical topology is the only tool we have I am definitely without a paddle.
I can not agree when you say "I am a machine and so my reality is a machine." I do not think you refer to AI, since you mention the sympathetic and parasympathetic- which is the endocrine system, through which we have emotional responses. Though that may be your personal, subjective perspective. I think something mathematical may be rubbing off. I wrote numerous when I meant to say humorous in a previous post.It also occurs to me that if you are American you may mean foreign or outsider rather than extra terrestrial.
Whatever your intention, the diagrammatic representation of information does override the linguistic decoding requirement that can be a barrier to effective communication.The visual presentation of ideas does seem to be improving and multimedia presentaion is far more common than 30 years ago.Though I do not think we should shout our existence and ignorance to extraterrestrial intelligence I do remember seeing and admiring the diagramatic representaions sent into space, as a child.
Are you there watching us drown , like untrained rats in a water filled maze? Aware that we must keep swimming until the last note on the clavichord sounds, because there is no escape without a map. A diagrammatic representation to salvation from the icy glue ball. I might learn that maze as well as any rat that has gone before but expect to be drowned before I begin. Pushed down by the crowd or carried in the wrong direction.Are you a silent watcher? or just oblivious in creative bliss? in another part of the M theoretical multiverse entirely. Like an omnipresent but inaccessible God of this own Creation. Any body there? I want to see the sketches , please...