Dear Eckard,
Well indeed it's necessary and you make a very good Occam Razzor if I can say,it's sad that people doesn't take these rationalities with more pragmatism,
I beleive you focus a little too much on history of sciences.And you lack a little of universality thus a little of generality.
But you are skilling and rational, it's interesting,rare and important.
In fact you must think by yourself about numbers and sometimes you mix the ideas of others for a description of some words as here the infinity.But be sure I like read your posts.A very skilling scientist.And in the same time we learn this history of physics.
Well the most important is to uinderstand the finite physicality, and the infinity due to our young age at the universal scale.
It's totally different.
With your little f(x)=......there you make the same than the people with their decoherences.......
we can calculate our finite systems....we can appraoch them......we can add or multiplicate......but the finite system rests as they are.The infinity appears only in our multiplications of these finite systems.....RELEVANT VERY RELEVANT AS HABIT YOUR ESSAY.
Best Regards and wishes