You are az comic also or what,let's be direct and frank, vanitious with nothing of new, sorry I loose my time with you, you rerpeat always the history and nothing of new, good travel for history pseudo theorist.The best in history yes.That's all.You see ,it's easy to be desagreable.
you say"Serious reader" ,yes and me I AM THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND.Don't be offensed.We just speak simply,you can make the same.
A real commedy and you are inside this comedy like habit.Learn my new equation mvV BETWEEN ALL PHYSICAL SPHEERS ? QUANTICS AND COSMOLOGICAL but I doubt you can understand this universality.You speak and that's all, skilling in history of maths and physics but you don't invent nothing of new at my knowledge.You fear even to use the name spheer, no but frankly ahahahaha let's me laugh, I just tried to show you the real road but apprently your own vanity is a problem for you.Cantor and after euclid and after gallilei no but frankly you think what with your pseudos beautiful words.You want read my poems and theaters in french or what.I will send you here one by day ok.
On that we can continue to speak about the numbers and spheers but frankly I doubt I can evolve sometimes.
PS first I respect when I am respected, ok don't forget the past of this platform.
Second my post are under review because I am frank but I am always polite,I understand FQXi thus, I have defaults indeed as all people
For Mr Bolognesi,he made the vanitious without answer, thus of course action reaction.The other under review is about the forums of classical spheres,thus of course you shall understand why I d like know more.
3 if people have seen my theory(seious people)I will be recognized simply.and you shall be invited.
The rest is vain.And I insist you must focus on the study of this evident rationality,the spheres ,quantic and cosmologicals,if not never you shall understand the real meaning of the spherization inside a closed system.