Dear Ben,
I apologize for not yet having read your essay. Thank you very much for already responding to mine.
1. Let me give a primitive example first. Imagine a cube with sides of length a. Volume V grows with a^3. Surface S grows with a^2: S/V=a^2/3.
Many decades ago, in order to easily investigate the eddy currents within a small metallic disc rotating through a magnetic field of a power meter, an enlarged analog model was build. Each dimension was enlarged by the same factor. The results were horribly wrong.
2. Yes. An similar example is to be seen in the ripples shown in my Fig.1. Notice: Those who were only familiar with the traditional FT-based spectrogram could not believe that this obviously causal and also with respect to other features more realistic figure was correct because it seemingly violated the uncertainty relation, which is to be seen valid just for discrete lines on the ridges of the continuous ripples.
3. With "completely digital structure" I meant quantization also of space and time. Because this is hard to imagine, I asked Lawrence Crowell for his fractal picture, and he showed it. Not just for Charles S. Peirce but also for Schroedinger, space and time were continua. Hopefully you got aware that and why I consider not just point charges, line currents, singularities and the like very useful but strictly speaking unrealistic ideals, but I consider continuous functions like sin(omega t), when thought to extend from minus infinity to plus infinity, also just unrealistic fictions.
4. I referred to what Minkowski himself wrote. By the time I will carefully read what you have to say concerning Lorentz tranformation.
5. My emphasis was on "only on condition", meaning in principle perhaps not. Acoustical cavities and coaxial electric cables admit longitudinal waves with very low frequency, too.
Best regards,