Dear Jarmo
I am embarrassed to admit I seem to have a confession to make. Some time ago I heard someone fall down some stairs and went to help, he was in a bad way, mumbling is some alien language and delirious. I picked him up with his papers and bits and carried him off to hospital.
I found afterwards I still had his papers and a strange little machine with HG Wells stamped on it.. but the poor fellow had mysteriously disappeared. I read the papers but they had no name or address. They were entitled "The Complete Quantum Theory of Gravitation". I really didn't know what to do with them. If I'd known they were yours I'd have put them in a time capsule...
As it was I thought I must try to put them and the machine to good use. They both rather scared me! I was worried about causality. What I decided to do was pop forward the 300 years the machine was set to and check if all was ok and we'd managed to find the theory.
Imagine my horror when I discovered it was my fault that we hadn't, ..and that science seemed to have gone backwards in time! I didn't have a clue if you were around or where to find you. The world was strange to me but I managed to survive by popping back and making the odd bet and investment, and have had fun directing some great blockbuster films about a land I visited using your... well never mind about that. I spent a few years checking the theory and it seemed spot on so I eventually decided it best to write it up in my own way and give it to the world. - the complete atomic structure of space time, unifying SR, GR and QM.
But apparently the world doesn't understand it! As only you will I hope you'll read my essay, gently slipping in that the sub space-time medium condenses into an atomic structure to produce space-time itself. The quantum states are ions, re-polarised by black holes, and distributed as plasma in such a way that the every day notion of time and causality are recovered. Actually I think that wording is yours, I mean Sir Isaac's, not mine!
It's been a difficult time, but a massive relief to have found it's owner. I did tentatively refer to it in last years contest, and touch on it quite lightly in my current essay languishing some way below yours (2020 Vision..) But it's better covered in a number of preprints I can pass to you. Here are some recent ones; and
I hope you're able to finally confirm I'm not totally insane. The only way I've managed to hide from the men in white coats so far is to be secretly the 3rd richest man in the world.
I pass it all to you, in Isaac's name. - Do you think I should withdraw or just give you both credits and citations in the paper currently accepted for review!
With massive relief
Peter Jackson
PS. You have a well earned 10 from me. But please do reply asap.