• [deleted]

Jarmo, you mention area and distance in space. The following is essential to your discussion.

The key is to show distance in/of space that is represented by equivalent inertial and gravitational force/energy. This balances attraction and repulsion and gives us middle distance in/of space in keeping with the middle force/energy of equivalent gravity and inertia. Here we have quantum gravity and space manifesting as electromagnetic/inertial/gravitational energy.

Equivalent and balanced inertia and gravity balance attraction and repulsion in conjunction with the experience of what is the middle distance in/of space. There will never be a unified understanding of physical reality apart from this.

  • [deleted]

Dear Jarmo,

Congratulations. I would like to say this about your intelligent time travelling essay and the question you posed on what is space time composed of.

The atomic structure of space time is composed of conscience. Conscience is the underlying reality of all, including intelligence. Scientific community is calling conscience singularity in cosmology.

who am I?



Congratulations, Dr. Mäkelä:

Well-earned recognition! After reading Newton's Principia, I a) was glad I never had to face his Genius (I always imagined Newton could make you cry with his towering intellect) b) was glad I was never his enemy (he could hold a grudge for years and had the power and resolve to really ruin your day or career), and c) was glad I didn't have to admit I could only completely understand about 90% of it (see a and b).

After reading your essay & thread, I've warmed a little to Dr. Newton and see him in another historical perspective. Think I would have the courage to speak to him now, if given the chance. Again, pleasurable essay.

As I'm still working the day-job, it help s to have a list of contest winners to guide me in my readings (time certainly didnn't allow this Author to properly peruse all the essays). Next: second place essays. Can't wait and will comment on those \Authors threads in due course. Hope somebody still read s these!

P.S. The fact that fqxi chose not to select Non-Professional REcognition is encouraging (they said the winners represented the Goals of the Contest suitably). I have another take on this: there were at least ;4 or us that had a chance (to name a few G. Parry, R. Jergenson, U. Matfolk) and the Quality to get the prize. How do you choose only two, right?

That's the way it appears to me, and I can't wait for the next Contest! Thanks fqxi, for spurring my thinking into ordered and scientific research paths. It has changed my life. I approach everything with this new excellence of thought and Method. Please see my site: QuantumWidgets.com and Quantum FAcebook and Threads if you find the extra time. These were all created in the course of writing my Entry and Threads and are real-world solutions of the generalization derived in my Essay. And are a continuation of said essay in the form of Art, Philosophy, and emergent Properties... next contest: the other half of the Theory of EVerything to be equated to the first half already derived! Joy!

  • [deleted]

Does God allow we apply 'natural number' to 'electron' ?Especially , We konw that electron isn't 'Apple' or Richard Feynman's 'clicks' . as he said that all the surprising wisdom of quantum mechanics is hiding in the double slit experiment. I think maybe the field of natural number's application is restricted by nature, e.g. quantum phenomenon. If we do not reconstruct quantum phenomenon on the old picture(natural number) , that could be think as another reality?

2 years later
  • [deleted]

Good Time, Jarmo

My English is poor, so formulas only

3-dimensional front propagation 4(3+2)-dimensional gravity vulgarly called space has the following minimum dimensions.


Accordingly, the minimum time of transition of the universe from the previous one in the subsequent state is


Good Luck

a year later

I think reality how it is in itself is analog, while appearances are digital.


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