• [deleted]

I thank you for your words of wisdom my brother. I am here to clarify that which is unclear,for my name stands for the candle of light. But i will use the words which inspired my heart, to express your truth.

Thank you, with much love and care.



    A sweet little result, and you titled it perfectly.

    After this contest is over and there is more time (yeah, right!) I'll try to look through your other papers, listed as references.

    Edwin Eugene Klingman

    Thanks Chris!

    Being that we are 'neighbors' in the rankings, if we pull each others bootstraps its possible that we can both rise! An experiment worth trying?

    Good luck,


    Thanks for your encouragement Edwin! Likes like me like that!

    I look forward to having a good conversation with you about the results in my papers.

    Hope you go on to win this! All I can hope for is to just be considered!



    Thanks Loubriel. Your good vibes can be felt all the way here! Hope the also carry some good numbers also!


    Thanks for your kind message on my string, where I've responded. I agree ours are highly consistent, as the number of others. Is that really a paradigm shift on the horizon?

    I think you'd also like Lucian Ionescue's, quite mathematical and technical but very good.

    I hope you scrape in!


    • [deleted]


    There has to be one property ascribed to the ether that you suggest fills space: the potential for existence...not of anything specific but for everything that can possibly exist that doesn't exist...without this property space is simply filled with a property less ether and nothing exists or will exist within it. Given this condition you have identified nothingness without the ability to evolve anything.

    Observations of Nature (avoidance of God?) should include not just identity but also an awareness of what the identified object itself can create. Imagine identifying Constantinos as a human being and ignoring what Constantinos can do.

    I agree with your sense of importance in regards to seeking physical realism as a basis for understanding our environment. I also agree that your essay is one of the front runners and deserves careful consideration.


    • [deleted]


    About your comments on my essay http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/915 I am attaching as follows part of a paper I wrote several years ago. I did several thougs about we do not need a photon in order to explain the lihgt velocity or EM waves propagation.

    Following is that paper:

    TRUE NATURE OF THE VACUUM: Let´s go to the basic. (By Dante H. Barbis)

    The need of the idea of the ether arises from the principles of classic mechanics by which we conceive that the transmission of light through space requires a medium (ether) so that it (light) can move inside it. Many years ago, trying to locate the absolute system (stationary ether), several experiments was made, such as those of Trouton-Noble and of Michelson-Morley. It was suppose that if ether exists, an observer on the earth could detect the "ether wind" whose speed would be the orbital velocity of the earth. A movement on the interference pattern should be detected with A. Michelson's optical interpherometer, in a ray of light when the instrument turns in a 90 degree angle.

    This famous optical experiment was performed, first by A. Michelson in 1881 in an effort to discover the movement of earth through space.

    The negative result was surprising and disillusioning. The experiments were repeated and a more precise effort was performed by D. C. Miller who used Michelson and Morley instrument whit larger optical trajectories but with a negative result.

    To save the idea of the existence of ether and so explain the negative result of the experiments with the optical interpherometer, other hypothesis were proposed such as that of the contraction of bodies, that of Lorentz-Fitzgerald and that of the attraction of ether. The last supposed that ether in contact with bodies with a finite mass was adhered to them and therefore this portion of fixed ether has zero velocity with regard to these bodies. Each body carried with its local ether.

    In this way the negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment was overcome. But the hypothesis of the attraction of ether was discarded when well known phenomena where taken into account such as those of the stellar aberration and Fizeau's convection coefficient.

    No objection exists up till now to the special theory of relativity of Albert Einstein, one of whose points is the constantans or invariance of the light speed. This means that the speed of light within the vacuum has the same value = c in all the inertial systems and also the proven fact that the propagation of a luminous signal is independent of its source.

    This is precisely one of my concerns: all of us accept the invariance of the light speed but nobody tries to explain why light or electromagnetic waves have precisely that speed or what physically determine it.

    Based on the principle of the invariance of the light speed, I have developed a new theory about the existence of a common environment. I have to prefer to reject the presumptions that existed on the nature of the ether, such as the ether is a system at rest or that it is formed by particles that are normally at rest (stationary ether) with a zero mass and that could eventually be attracted. Remember that the properties attributed to this ether were somewhat strange: zero density and perfect transparence.

    These ultra-tiny particles or "basic particles" that make up the ether would permit the transmission of any signal. But this means that the atomic particles that produce a disturbance, or any signal to be transmitted, must create that signal with a speed equal to c = 299,792,500 m/sec of propagation. It was never thought that this was not strictly true because an infinite amount of energy would be needed to transmit the signal towards the infinite or "invent" particles with a zero mass in charge of the signal transmitting.

    In accordance with the original conception, since ether only serves as a medium, the signal should be born or be delivered to ether with a speed such as c. Which is not always so, because we know that the atomic particles that interact amongst themselves or that change their velocity emit radiation (for example: an electron when passing from one orbit to another because a deceleration) and that these radiations propagate at light velocity even though the atomic particles that caused (the radiation) were moving at less speed that c. Another example, that can be suggested, is that the velocity of the positive and negative ions that moves in the dipoles of one antenna depends on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave to be transmitted and that velocity is always less than c; but we also know that the wave front of the generated electromagnetic wave move with a velocity = c. Therefore we can concluded that in all these cases the environment (the medium) receives a disturbance, and then, it (the medium) can propagate that disturbance at a speed = c, without taking care that the atomic particles that created this signal did so moving at speeds slower than of light velocity.

    By the way, I am not according to Max Born, who emphasized the fact that: "The elastic properties of matter were deduced better and better from the electromagnetically forces and that it would be illogical, in its turn, to attempt to explain electromagnetic phenomena in accordance with the elastic properties of some hypothetical environment".

    What occurs (this is my theory) that the environment where the matter exists, or the medium, or the ether if you wish, is plenty of "Basic Particles": could be superstrings, neutrinos, gravitrons, photons, axions, you named; but in any case the vacuum is not really vacuum because it is full of "Basic Particles".

    All the space is full of one kind of "Basic Particles" tinier than the atomic particles we know so far. These ultra tiny particles are moving (they are not at rest) and colliding into each other in a perpetual movement similar to the molecules in a gas, so this is a "vibrating environment", or a "vibrating ether" if you wish. The most important part of this theory is that those basic particles have a speed of their own that is approximately 45% higher that the light speed, and if we produce a disturbance at any place of that medium in order to make a wave and we take a given direction and measure the average speed of the front wave we created, the average speed of that wave will be = c.

    The fact that all the space, also the space inside the atoms, is filled with these basic particles and that they are moving at 1.45c speed (the vibrating environment) makes the following possible:

    a) The Basic Particles are moving in all directions at the same time: The relative speed of any body in relation of this "vibrating ether" cannot be measured because this vibrating environment is not at rest with regard (in relation of) to any other system or body of the Universe. The particles that make up the vibrating environment are moving in all directions at the same time and its average velocity is almost 45% more than c. That is why Michelson-Morley's experiment cannot determine the existence of an inertial system of reference, which is at rest or in a uniform movement in a given direction since this environment moves in all directions at the same time.

    b) This particles cannot be dragged nor can they be detected as we will see later, and

    c) Any perturbation or activation at a given point, makes that the basic particles being altered in their movements and that they convey this alteration to the neighboring basic particles and these in their turn to the ones next to them, transmitting that perturbation until the infinity and at a velocity = c .

    Thus, once this environment receives a signal (perturbation) it propagates that signal at the speed which is inherent to the environment, and in all directions, so, the propagated speed will be always c. The explanation for the invariance of the light speed is specifically based on the nature of a vibrating environment formed by mobile particles, that are moving (vibrating) and colliding into each other at a velocity greater than c.

    The basic particles have mass and their mass is invariable, even though these particles move at a higher speed that of light their mass has not grown until it becomes infinite not will be zero at rest (at the instant in which two of them collide front to front). According to my theory, the non-invariance of mass is given for all atomic particles, or molecules, or bodies that moves within the vibrating environment but not for the basic particles that make up the vibrating environment. These basic particles may continue to collide with each other for thousands of millions of years and their average velocity will continue to be the same. They do move in the absolute vacuum and there is not any kind of friction that could put a brake on their movement.

    Although there are many differences between the propagation of electromagnetic waves in this kind of environment and sound waves in a gas, there are also certain similarities, From a mechanical point of view it is important to note the perfect correlation between the average quadratic velocity of the molecules of a gas and the sound velocity propagation within the gas. If we analyze the following table we can reach certain conclusions:


    (at 20 °C of temperature)

    GAS Average Quadratic Velocity V

    (m/sec) Sound

    Velocity S

    (m/sec) Velocity

    Factor (**)


    Hydrogen 1,840.00 1,269.50 1.45

    Helium 1,308.36 902.30 1.45

    Water vapor (*) 615.38 410.00 1.50

    Nitrogen 493.72 339.30 1.46

    Air 486.00 331.45 1.47

    Oxigen 461.60 317.20 1.46

    CO2 392.28 260.00 1.50

    (*) The water vapor temperature is considered at 100 °C.

    (**) The differences in the velocity factor between one gas an another are due the fact that some molecules are mono-atomic and other polyatomic and therefore the elasticity of their impacts is different.

    The velocity factor is more than 1 because the molecules of the gas that will transmit the sound are moving in all possible directions and not precisely in the referent direction in which we wish to measure the sound speed. It is totally improbable that all the gas molecules that make up the front wave of the sound moves in a single direction in a given moment and that the collisions with the following molecules be perfectly frontal and thus successively. If this were possible, then the sound velocity in hydrogen, for example, would be 45% faster.

    What happens is that the front wave is formed at a given moment by millions of molecules that move each in a different direction and the average of the projection of all the velocity vectors at a referent direction is precisely the sound speed.

    If V is the average quadratic velocity of the molecules of a gas, the average of the projections of these velocities in a given direction (taking into consideration only those molecules on a side of the perpendicular plane to the referent direction) shall be:

    V • Cos  • EF,

    the average angle being 45° and EF being the Elasticity Factor of collision of the molecules of each gas. Therefore the sound velocity S will be:

    S = V • 0.70711 • EF

    The same thing happens with light, the basic particles that at a given moment are making up the front wave of an electromagnetic signal are moving in all directions (at velocity 1.4 c approximately) and we must project each basic particle velocity vector in a single given direction. Each particle velocity vector must be multiply by Cos . The elasticity factor could be 1.

    Lots of basic particles takes part in the formation of the electromagnetic waves, each with a given direction at a given instant. A specific particle could be precisely in a referent direction (  = 0°) at the impact instant with the following particle, but this second particle, due the direction it brought will rebound in an angle between 0° and 90° (with regard of the referent direction) provided that as product of the impact it will contribute towards the propagation of the wave, that is, it will rebound on the same side of a perpendicular plane to the direction of the wave propagation.

    Statistically, we can consider that the average of  is 45° and the factor between the basic particles average velocity V and the electromagnetic wave velocity 1/Cos 45° = 1.41. Therefore, the average quadratic velocity of the basic particles that make up the vibrating environment must be 1.41 c.

    Just imagine the energy the basic particles has, moving at v = 1.41 c. I do not care about the small mass the basic particles has, its mass could be one thousandth of the electron mass, but there are billions of billions of basic particles for each electron in the Universe. This powerfully environment probably delivered part of its energy, at the Big Bang time, in order to build the different atomic particles we know; then, after a while an equilibrium was take place in the Universe, the different atomic particles get its own energy at that time -of course, its energy could to change on depend of the energy interchange with other atomic particles. After delivery part of its energy the basic particles maintain the energy, and so the velocity they have now.


    We have already said that the basic particles that make up this new conception of "vibrating environment or vibrating ether" are of a dimension and mass that is far smaller than the smallest known atomic particles, such as in example, the electron.

    These basic particles fill all space and also the interatomic spaces. They are responsible for transmitting electromagnetic signals between the atom's nucleus and its electrons and between the electrons of an atom and those of the neighboring atoms that make up the molecules.

    The basic particles that make up this vibrating environment are the basis of the existence of gravitational and electromagnetic fields.

    Normally, the basic particles are moving around a fixed point in space. Their average journey is very short even though they do it a higher speed than that of light since they quickly find other basic particles with which they collide and change their trajectory.

    But this movement ruled by chance in the vicinity of atomic particles is greatly modified, since the basic particles are the environment which supports the electromagnetic interactions, which allow the atomic particles to remain linked within the nucleus, and the electrons to remain in their orbits. The electric fields and the magnetic fields are configurations of the basic particle's movement and directions. The intensity of these fields is in reality a greater density of the basic particles at a given point and at given moment.

    Therefore, the basic particles that make up the environment are normally around or in the vicinity of a same place in space. When a body such as the earth draws near, each of the basic particles will go through the atoms of the molecules, of the earth, varying the direction of their movement in order to make up the electromagnetic field of each atom that passes at every moment, and thus they will change their trajectory billions of billions of times but remain around the same place once the earth has passed. This environment is not dragged.

    The same thing occurs with all the basic particles of free space, in the interstellar space, they are in movement by chance that is only modified by the transmission of the light coming from the stars and for the gravitational fields coming from the stellar bodies. It is unnecessary for these basic particles to move beyond their place they are, even they has to transmit the light from one galaxy to another, they simply transmit the signal to the following basic particles and then returns to their initial position. That is how an electromagnetic or gravitational signal can displace itself towards infinity without needing a "photon with no mass" or the injection of additional energy. The signals, after a first instant, become independent of their source.

    It is also easy to imagine why no atomic particle and therefore no molecule or body can move at a higher speed than light, since the existence of these atoms and molecules is based on the vibrating environment whose constituent particles have the limiting velocity in a given direction, equal to c. But what is more important is the fact that for an electron or an atomic particle to accelerate, some electromagnetic fields must act upon it, and if the potentials of this electromagnetic field move at a maximum velocity that is equal to c, no matter what intensity the field is carrying with it, its effect on the particle would not be to push it to a greater speed than that of c. If the atoms that make a body try to move at a speed that is higher than that of light, the basic particles would not have the capacity of transmitting the internal electromagnetic fields of each atom nor the electromagnetic fields between them, at least, in the direction of the movement, therefore the distance between the atoms and the molecules would be shortened in this direction as they drew nearer the speed of light, and they would disintegrate at the moment they reach this velocity.

    The elements with which we count on in a laboratory to detect atomic particles are mainly the ionizations or traces left by these atomic particles by collisions with other particles or by their interaction with electromagnetic fields. The atomic particles have a "field of matter" that is nothing else but a specific configuration of the basic particles due the effect of the atomic particle spin, and the other known qualities of each atomic particle such as the precession, mass and electric charge. The basic particles cannot be mainly detected by their size. The instruments we have are too gross to be able to detect them. These particles do no posses and electric charge but they have mass. They are simple spheres of dense material that are not affected by any type of know field, but because the matter and velocity they has we can realize that they form the dark energy.

    Dante H. Barbis

      Thank you for your kind thoughts Irvon, regarding my essay. I too feel it deserves careful consideration. But as being "one of the front runners" ... it's really up to others to support and make it happen. Right now, the essay is ranked out of the 35 that will be "carefully considered" by the panel. But the ranking is close enough that just a few good ratings could make the difference of "being or not being" considered.

      As for the quantity 'eta'. This in my papers is left undefined. But one way of thinking about 'eta' (besides 'ether' and all the prejudice of that term) is as 'being'. Just as 'being' does not allow any further characterization, 'eta' is likewise logically 'undefinable'. However, when considering specific 'being' of something or other, then this can give 'eta' more quantitative content too. I envision this to lead to all other physics that my essay leaves out - like gravity and charge.

      That all the results in my papers mathematically derive from 'eta' means that this formulation that I present (this 'physics') can be applied in any other context where 'space' and 'time' and 'being' can be properly defined. It is truly a "theory of everything". That I should from this derive Basic Law of Physics, such as Newton's Second Law of Motion, or Planck's Law, or The Second Law of Thermodynamics, and many other results too numerous to list here, it truly amazing!

      Just a few days ago I posted an astounding result proving mathematically the proposition "If the speed of light is constant, then light is a wave".

      I am 'shouting from the rooftop', but I need people on the ground to move these results along and to the panel for review! Please help if you can!

      Best wishes,



      What a fascinating theory. Too much here to take it all in one reading. Your theory reminds me a lot of Peter Jackson's Discrete Field Model (DFM). Have you been in touch with him? Look him up and tell him that I send you his way. In the meantime, can I count on your support in getting my essay before the panel for review? There is much in it that truly needs to be carefully considered. Just as I feel yours also deserves the same consideration ;).

      best wishes,


      • [deleted]


      I agree most you wrote on your essay. I rated your essay also.

      Thanks also because the link about Peter Jackson essay.

      Best regards,



        Your support is greatly appreciated! Let's keep in touch. I think you'll find Peter's ideas very compatible to yours.

        Best wishes,


        Hi Constantinos,

        I liked your essay and I like the fact that it seems to offer a sense of mathematical simplicity. Maybe you should run it by some college physics professors and get their thoughts. Your mathematical approach suggests that "Prime Physic" is something that actually exists, I don't know if it can actually be measured. However, it makes a great placeholder while trying to understand what the laws of physics will actually allow.

        Keep up the good work. I look forward to your approach to gravity using prime physic.

          Hi Jason,

          I just posted under your forum about gravity! So I wont repeat myself here.

          About eta, however. One way of viewing this is as the time-integral of energy. One good example of this quantity eta is in fact Planck's constant! So I guess eta can be measured.

          Prof. Hayrani Oz of Ohio State University has used the time-integral of energy (what he calls enerxaction) very successfully for many years. We will be coauthoring a chapter on this in a book on Thermodynamics coming out this July. So everything that I am presenting in my essay has lots of practical as well as theoretical backing. All these results in my essay are for real. But I need to get the essay reviewed by the panel for greater acceptability. Can I count on your help and your friends help to get this essay to the 'church' on time?

          Best wishes,


          • [deleted]

          I gave you a boost yesterday, but I think you might have given me a bigger boost than I gave you. I seem to get boosts now and then and then slowly sink downwards over a number of days.

          Thanks LC


          Congratulations on getting to where your essay will be evaluated!

          There is good news on the C-field front!

          The 12 Mar 2011 issue of 'Science News' has two articles on the C-field:

          The first (p.14) states that the C-field generated by a spinning Black Hole imparts (detectable) angular momentum to light passing through the field, circularly polarizing the light. Martin Bojowald suggests upgrading most telescopes to search for more of this.

          The second article (p.20) on quantum vortices has Kerson Huang of MIT speculating that the vortices in the (C-field) 'superfluid' after the big bang may be responsible for the gaps of empty space between galaxies.

          From 'Fly-by' mysteries to spinning Black Holes to the Big Bang, the C-field is being recognized as having physical reality responsible for observable effects.

          Edwin Eugene Klingman

          • [deleted]

          Hi Constantinos,

          I've already scored your essay. I think you have a great idea. This prime physis should be sufficient to explain the properties of gravity; although it may not be so obvious how, at the moment.

          Your prime physis might be equivalent to what string theorists call, the brane.

          • [deleted]

          Dear Constantinos,

          You are the one mathematician in this contest that will ever get closest to what I am trying to convey spiritually / philosophically in Theory of everything. I wish you all the best in your pursuit to make the scientific world see what we are trying to convey. I hope that we can together make the science and spirituality converge and let the future generations enjoy the singularity of love.

          Love and Peace,
