Essay Abstract

When I was considering the question posed, my immediate thought was that of course reality is analog. There are many visible, quantifiable and provable examples of this. Among them are the examples of the first and the latest digital-to-analog (DAC) converters and their counterparts the analog-to-digital converters (ADC). Several of the companies for which I have worked produced products that processed signals. The goal in producing these devices was twofold: First, reduce or eliminate noise and; Second to digitally represent the analog signal as closely as possible. I remember the first 8-bit DACs and how proud the developers were of their achievement. I also remember 128-bit converters and how, over the years, the engineers (or more correctly the marketing departments) would brag about this continuing achievement.

Author Bio

I am a 64-year-old male who has had an abiding interest in science since he was 7 years old. I attended a military academy in high school and then attended the University of California at Riverside. I am married with one child and three step-children. I read on science extensively. Publications include Scientific American and numerous books on both the existing scientific state and on the possibilities of where we are headed. These publications range from "New Theories of Everything" by John D. Barrow to "The fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene.

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22 days later


Spot on conclusion! Without either there could be nothing.

As another non Physicist I enjoyed your wonderfully fresh direct view and essay. In particular I believe you comment; "As Alice said; "This gets curiouser and curiouser." When I delved into quantum physics more deeply, I discovered that perhaps my bias toward an analog reality was premature." sums it up in a very apt way.

This in two distinct ways; partly because Charles Dodgson to top Oxford mathematician, only assumed the name lewis Carroll and wrote that line because he was so incensed by the unrealistic maths that was taking over, imaginary numbers, quaternions etc, all still used today, which abstracted from reality and never returned!

I identify the problem in my essay. Even lines and points don't actually exist. Einstin specified x,y,z co-ordinated "attached to a rigid body" not just as the playthings of maths. We must learn to distinguish between abstraction and reality. I really do hope you like the essay as I need the community points! Do look at the string comments too. I hope you can see the dynamic relationship I explain, saying, essentially, if you're not ON the bus you're not IN the buses inertial frame, so anything you see happening on the bus can't be directly (relevantly) measured without mathematical correction or 'renormalisatioon'.

Very Best of luck, and well done.


    11 days later
    • [deleted]


    Thank you for your kind comments regarding my essay. I specifically tried to stay away from getting bogged down in the math of the issue. I agree that the current state of the math on the issue at hand is incomplete. I have even pictured "empty" space (or vacuum, if you like) as actually particles that we call Dark Matter. This would be the area in which, as you point out, energy could be stored as light shifts from red to blue and back. These dark matter particles would absorb the energy and directly correlate to the expansion of the universe. It would also explain the locality of expansion. If we assume that the entire universe has no vacuum, but is made up of the various particles, then we can fine tune our science to accommodate these data.



    • [deleted]

    Sorry, I am just figuring out how to navigate this thread.


    Thank you for your kind comments regarding my essay. I specifically tried to stay away from getting bogged down in the math of the issue. I agree that the current state of the math on the issue at hand is incomplete. I have even pictured "empty" space (or vacuum, if you like) as actually particles that we call Dark Matter. This would be the area in which, as you point out, energy could be stored as light shifts from red to blue and back. These dark matter particles would absorb the energy and directly correlate to the expansion of the universe. It would also explain the locality of expansion. If we assume that the entire universe has no vacuum, but is made up of the various particles, then we can fine tune our science to accommodate these data.



    a month later
    • [deleted]


    I enjoyed reading your essay very much in Yuba City and upon reading it a second time (which I enjoyed as well,) I realized that it seems to me that at a certain point, possibly at the cellular level and smaller, things are digital. This is evident in our bodies as the all or none firing principle, and the volley principle of hearing, and then of course, as you mentioned, with quantum entanglement (which is one of the coolest things I've ever heard of!) Yet, as we observe larger phenomena, reality appears analog only because our brains cannot perceive the discrete changes. Maybe everything is discrete, but our minds are built to fill in the gaps (or the gaps are so small when it comes down to it, that our minds cannot even detect them!) I think that if we better understood how our minds perceive reality, we'd be able to understand why some things appear digital and some analog. Anyway, I wish you luck with the judging!



    6 months later
    • [deleted]

    The Simplest, Data-Based T O E ...

    An Embarrassingly Obvious Theory Of Everything

    EOTOE, Some Implications (I)


    EOTOE is an Embarrassingly Obvious Theory Of Everything.

    In essence it states that all things in the universe, nouns and verbs objects and processes, originate and derive from the energy-mass dualism.

    Origin and essence of this derivation are expressed mathematically by

    E=Total[m(1+ D)] (D = distance travelled by mass since singularity)

    Which suggests that the universe cycles between two poles: singularity/all-mass , and maximum-expanded/nearly-all-energy.

    The "nearly" all-energy leaves behind some mass formats that begin consolidating by gravity, when it eventually overcomes expansion as the mass fueling the expansion is nearly depleted, becoming very small m multiplied by very large D = E .


    Thus the essence/definition of gravitation is:

    "Gravitation Is the propensity of energy reconversion to mass".

    Gravitation is the "monotheism" and the " genesis" of the universe. Singularity, at D = 0, is the very brief all-mass pole of the universe. The Big-Bang-inflation did not produce matter or anti-matter. It was the beginning of mass reconversion into energy, of increasing D fueled by decreasing m.

    The conjectured gravitons, smallest basic particles, most probably do exist, but must be with mass, and gravitons microclusters must "big-bang" during the on-going expansion at a resolution of their energy-mass superposition.

    This is rationally commonsensical, therefore it is scientifically probable.

    Inflation started with the whole universe m shattering into fragments that evolved into, became, the galaxy clusters. The clusters expansion is fed at a constant rate by m-fuel. Since expansion accelerates, since the clusters depart from each other at an ever increasing velocity, we learn that the rate of m-to-E reconversion in the universe is constant. The accelerated expansion derives from the ever decreasing m of each cluster.


    Thus the essence/definition of evolution, natural selection is:

    Mass formats attaining temporary augmented energy constraint in their successive generations, with energy drained from other mass formats, to temporarily postpone, survive, the reversion of their own constitutional mass to the pool of cosmic energy fueling the galactic clusters expansion.

    This explains why black holes and humans, in fact all mass formats, must feed themselves in order to survive.

    This explains that the essence of quantum mechanics of all processes is the detailed procession steps, the evolution details, between physical states ordained for natural selection.


    Thus comes to light the universe inspected progressively in greater detail.

    Science reveals the universe's nature-scope and directing drive, followed by technology studying its evolution details-aspects, followed by engineering exploitation of the attained information. This suggests the specific weight, importance, of science, technology and engineering in considering of research or enterprise plans and implementation.

    Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)


    Definitely: Dark energy and dark matter YOK! Universe's m reconverts to E at a constant rate...

    Universe accelerated expansion is per Newton's motion laws, obviously...

    Also, universe physics constants should vary, probably slightly, between galaxies clusters due to different clusters sizes...

    Also, the clusters formed by dispersion at inflation...


    The singularity constituents must have been the smallest elementary particles. They may be designated gravitons, but they MUST HAVE MASS. They were born at the energy-mass superposition resolution, together with the fragments that became galaxies clusters.

    At expansion D increases, therefore m decreases, which per Newton mandates mass and matter acceleration. This goes on, most probably, at a constant rate of mass-to-energy reconversion, at an energy-mass resolution, mandated by the equality of both sides of the top equation.. And this resolution is, for each graviton, most probably in a format of a minuscule big-bang.

    This is a lesser fantasy than the dark matter and energy fantasy. Such mass-energy gravitons may be omnipresent within each galaxies cluster, maintaining each cluster as a primordial Newtonian body and being the fuel-driver of expansion.



    EOTOE, Some Implications (II)

    This equation describes the presently expanding universe:

    E=Total[m(1 + D)] D = distance travelled by mass since singularity

    This equation describes the future contracting universe:

    E=Total[m(1 - D)] D = distance travelled by mass since end expansion


    The base units of mass - may be designated gravitons but MUST have mass - are not temporal, they never disappear.

    In the present expanding universe they are in motion as mD away from the singularity point.

    Those of them that hit a whatever mass format and move it become inert. This will go on until all or nearly all of them cease moving forward, i.e. until D ceases growing.

    When D ceases growing gravitation will overcome the inertial motion away from the singularity point and will start pulling them back towards it. It is then that -D will replace +D, to maintain the equation's equality...


    The rational commonsensical, and therefore scientifically probable, implication is that Space is imbued with these massed gravitons that are continuously left behind during Expansion... also as micro clusters sized between gravitons and neutrinos...



    EOTOE, Some Implications (III)


    Energy = dynamic quality, the capacity of acting or being active, a fundamental entity of nature that is transferred between componentsts of a system in the production of physical change within the system and usually regarded as the capacity for doing work.

    Mass = Mass is the quantity of inertia possessed by an object or the proportion between force and acceleration referred to in Newton's Second Law of Motion.

    Per EOTOE :

    E=Total[m(1 + D)] D = distance travelled by mass since singularity

    Energy is mass in motion.

    The mass of the universe is either in motion or in the form of inert massed gravitons, with which the universe is imbued.

    m of the EOTOE equation is only the energetic m, the m which is in motion.

    The inert gravitons do not play a role in the E,m,D relationship. At the (present) universe expansion phase mass reconverts to energy at a constant rate, leaving behind inert gravitons. Inert gravitons become energetically active when they are reset in motion, i.e. when acted upon by energy, such as by gravity during the universe re-contraction phase.

    Dov Henis (comments from the 22nd century)

    2 years later
    • [deleted]

    Graviton's Energy-Mass Dualism

    Gravity, The Monotheism Of The Universe

    Everything in the dictionary and in the universe - nouns and verbs objects and processes - originate and derive from the energy-mass dualism, from the ongoing constant rate conversion of mass to energy, from the ongoing resolution-release of inert gravitons, mass, leaving the clusters of the fractured seed of the universe, singularity, and becoming energy, mass in motion.

    The Graviton's energy-mass dualism derives from its gravity, self-attraction, and its compactness.

    Gravity: the propensity of the gravitons - the elementary particles of the mass of the universe - to return to their singularity state of zero motion, of compacted zero inter-particle distance.

    Compactness: the default particle's size and shape that enable zero inter-particle distance at singularity.

    This, commonsensically, is the matrix of the universe.

    Dov Henis (comments from 22nd century)

    Energy-Mass Poles Of The Universe


    Life is the obvious manifestation of energy-mass dualism. The sun's energy, i.e. fast-moving mass particles, convert into slow-moving temporary mass formats... DH

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