I have read the PPP carefully and think it is a little bit funny; I explain.
The goal is to describe QM without time and the measurement problem. What means the description of reality without phenomena.
Reality without phenomena is "the unknown universe" of the absolute time and absolute space of Isaac Newton. And that in contrast of the commen time and commen space: the "empiric world" of Albert Einstein. Whithout phenomena no curved spacetime.
A universe without phenomena consist of flat fields. So everywhere, there is een flat scarlar field and there is a flat vector field and they don't interchange: the abstract world of the MUH (mathematical universe hypothesis). Theoretical physicist manage applied mathematics to describe the relations between the phenomena, so the team have to make up there mind. Will they remain theoretical physicist or will they become philosophers/mathematicians?
Suppose they make the right decision...
They will soon realize that science = phenomena. Even ontology is for the most part a description of the relations between - classification of - phenomena. Despite this they have to describe static space (flat fields) and have to orientate themselves in this ERH (external reality hypothesis).
Suppose the group succeed. They describe the elements of the set (space), recognize the topological attribute, discover the mechanism that take charge of the separation of one field (the infinity set) into a vectorfield and a scarlar field, realize themselves that the universe is "analog" but interchanges "digital" and... (we are now near page 12 of the PPP) they want to keep on with fulfilling the dreams of a "lousy" physicist: stumbling within common space and common time. That's funny.