Essay Abstract
Lack of fundamental set of assumptions in physics encourages or often compels physicists to conceive different sets of assumptions (often unrelated) for different phenomena. When taken together they often contradict each other. Because of numerous contemporary assumptions, physics is no more an exact science. This affair can be remedied only by sorting existing assumptions out and tabulating one basic set of fundamental assumptions, on which explanations to every physical phenomenon should depend. If any assumption in physics is ripe for re-thinking, I will suggest 'actions at a distance through empty space' as the first candidate. All real entities are made of matter. Existence of matter is the solitary phenomenon without prior cause. Therefore, original set of assumptions should be only with respect to matter. Further development of physics, in all spheres, should be based on these original set of assumptions. To add to or modify original assumptions, whenever certain phenomenon is not readily explainable, is incorrect practise. Multitude of assumptions, currently used in physics, may be substituted by a single and basic assumption that 'Substance is fundamental and matter alone provides substance to all physical entities'. Although conclusions may diverge from current beliefs, reasoning based on this single fundamental assumption can logically explain all physical phenomena.
Author Bio
Nainan K Varghese is a retired Electrical Engineer. Result of his independent research in fundamental questions in Physics is self-published in a book, 'Hypothesis on MATTER'. It is a revolutionary concept that logically explains all physical phenomena, based on just one type of postulated matter particles - the quanta of matter. This alternative concept explains all complex physical phenomena with simple cause and effect relationships and without actions at a distance.