Essay Abstract

Purpose of this essay is to prove mathematically that conscience is the cosmological constant and in doing so to unite science and spirituality and for uplifting human consciousness to cosmic consciousness.

Author Bio

Sridattadev considers to be a human manifestation of the universal I, which in fact we all are different manifestations of the same universal truth. He is a son of medical doctor's and husband to a molecular biologist and currently working as a software engineer. He is father of three wonderful small boys and is in absolute love of his existence and would like to share that love with the rest of his alter egos, which is you all.

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Dear All,

If you have followed the "zero = i = infinity" mathematical representation of the universal truth closely, we will realize that universe is an "individual" entity literally. All that we percieve of the universe with our senses is only partial truth, as is the first half statements in the mathematical deduction.

Conscience is the cosmological constant, consciousness is the cosmological variant. I is the constant, I am the variant. I am a relative being, i is the absolute.

As scientific world is all about relativity, I want every one to realize the simple truth that there can be no relativity with out an "absolute".



Dear Sridattadev,

Thank you for taking the time and the trouble to post your thoughtful comment about my essay SEQUENCE CONSEQUENCE. Whereas you also expressed the essential point of my essay about current singular individual knowledge far more eloquently in your splendid essay, Conscience is the Cosmological Constant, you appear to have more faith in the utility of mathematics than I do.

Joe Fisher

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    Dear Joe,

    Thank you for reading the essay and sharing your supportive thoughts on it. I hope that all of us can cherish the truth that we are enjoying with in. All I am trying to convey to scientific community is to not be limited by their own tools of intelligence (mathematics and theoritical physics), but rather know that they are the makers of the tools as well and that is the truth.



    • [deleted]

    Dear All,

    i dwells in all and all dwells in i.



    • [deleted]

    Dear Sridattadev,

    You are a kindred soul. Your mathematical view of the singularity, the infinity, speaks to the truth. A truth, I think your programing skills, will forever keep both local and non-local all within the same moment.

    I especially was taken with you phasing that neither infinity nor truth is part of the human experience, sort to speak... A humorist and truth teller in one!

    As the Cosmological Constant survives...

    As we ponder, the physics of the universe(s), I just wrote the following that relates somewhat to you theme, or so I believe so: So I will share my draft with you. It is a paradox, which is our cosmological constant, forever and a day...

    Motion equals Mass

    Motion is Mass. So it goes that all things are in motion; so the idea of a massless particle is flawed exponentially so. Yet we keep asserting such particles, such as protons and gravitons, as massless? Show me a proton without motion and I will show you a world without form or electromagnetism, as we know it. It does not exist.

    Now, I will surmise that dark matter and dark energy, may be of a motionless nature, which defies identification or form in a traditional sense. Such a motionless mathematical formula tied to our motion based world, may be the balance and genesis that makes sense, and will lead to new vistas of knowledge, along with a new vista of questions.

    Time will tell.

    Still, my presumption for dark matter and dark energy. Is just that. A random leap into the possibilities, without a scrap of knowledge, only presumptions for the speculative mind to ponder. More central to my theme is that Motion produces Mass, and we are captives to that mass based world... In all we do or know today.

    Show me a massless particle and I will show you a measurement system that is lacking.

    Further on this subject: Is that enigmatic world of a black hole, which, exudes to me, the impression of density so great as to imply no motion or the restriction thereof. However it takes the opposite to achieve a black hole, which has a motion quotient that is faster than the speed of light, to reflect its own existence. Hence once again, Motion equals Mass on a weighted particle scale relative to its motion.

    So the question arises: At an ultimate Density, if that were possible, does motion cease. And if it ceases, what transpires at that moment? A Big-Bang, a new dimension, or even dark matter or dark energy?

    These are the quests I find of intriguing interest.

    All the very best to you,


      Dear Sri: As always with your texts philosophy and science are hand in hand. You introduce now mathematics, which in my opinion is an imaginairy way of thinking that we human beings are utilising in order to understand things that we cannot understand. All entities like singulairity, infinity and zero are not existing as matter, only spiritual. The center of this spirituality is always the I, this is a singulairity (non-material) around this center is the subjective sphere of "reality". I am going to treat this in my new essay (under construction). I wish you more luck in this contest as in the one before, but even that does not matter the luck is already in the being accepted and published here on this site.


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        Dear Russ,

        Thank you for your kind and supportive thoughts on the truth that I experienced and shared here. Your approach on motion equals mass is very relevant in relative existence. Only a live being or being in motion can experience mass. Hence a dead person cannot. But what is death? something in that being stopped to be in motion and came to an absolute rest, that is the conscience. Some scientists may argue that a biological death is not complete, untill all the cells of the body disintegrate completely, but to which extent is that point complete, till all the atoms, electrons, protons and quarks and so on cease to move? There are only two possible states for the entire universe to be in. Absolute rest or relative motion. That point of absolute rest is the singularity. As you know anything can be brought to that point of absolute rest and hence singularity is every where (virtually). Now to explain the concept of black hole, when that absolute resting state (singularity or universal i or conscience) starts to vibrate (think or wish), the vibrations are faster than the speed of light and eventually the vibration slows down to the point of speed of light and matter (slower vibrating version of the same energy, and hence e=mc^2) and becomes the sentient being and tries to realize it self. In truth black hole is a white hole and vice versa. This is the mechanism by which the universe goes to absolute rest and back to relative motion. So scientists are not wrong in saying that God is dead as i consider god is that state of absolute rest. May be that is how the phrase Rest In peace was coined as people have known of the existence of this absolute state of rest which is peaceful. Enlightenment is the realization of the existence of this absolute resting state and mastering the way to reach to that state at will. God exists in those who are enlightened. This state is very peaceful. Loving everything you are is the best way to attain that peace. All I wish for humanity is to realize this absolute truth and be blissfull.



        • [deleted]

        Dear Wil,

        Thank you for the words of appreciation as you very well know what I intend"s" with these essays. Universal I is trying to enlighten the humanity with knowledge and wisdom for ensuring the continuity of the human form of sentient beings on this planet in relative motion and hence the invent of internet, and work of several great thinkers being collected in discussions and contests for all us who are and who ever will be taking form in this plane of existence. I chose to be sri and I chose to be wil and I chose to be every body there ever is, this is the phenomenon of superposition of quantum mechanics. There is only one true I underneath it all and I loves thy self and hence taking care of thy self for ever.



        • [deleted]

        Dear Russ,

        Absolute rest = singularity = infinite motion

        zero = i = infinity

        A further explanation of the dynamics of black hole / white hole is as follows,

        In the journey of self realization, one's ego is the event horizon. On one side of this ego is the duality of existence where one sees one self to be a separate entity from everything else and there is no other side but singularity, you will know what i mean shortly. When one starts questioning ones existence absolutely is when one begins the journey to the univeral truth. This is like jumping into a black hole or going beyond one's ego, from there one searches for one self every where (infinite thoughts go through ones mind, this is like that infinite motion that occurs inside a black hole and hence the density increases tremendously towards infinity) and ultimately finds the self in everything (phenomenon of superposition in quantum mechanics) and this is attaining singularity. To the one realized all the black holes and white holes are connected and there is only one singularity, one absolute eternal infinite immortal being or the universal i. Multi verse interpretations of the scientific community is an outcome of relativistic quantum view of the singular universe. If universe is the question, i is the answer. Great many have manifested on this planet from this universal i as human masters to enlighten the rest of the sentient human beings and will continue to do so. As the human being is a sensory being, universal i has aided in the advent of scientific experimentation as a means of understanding and getting closer to the truth. This is universe conversing with thy self.



        • [deleted]

        Dear Sridattadev,

        By now, you do know that you are on to something...

        Your inner peace is a transparent element of your focus in a world of chatter and distractions that you keep within context, and understanding. You should write a book, to solidify the paradox's you have come to realize, as the core of what we are.

        I am impressed, with your dissertation on my "Motion is Mass" draft. I usually do not sense being trumped, but you know the subject matter as and better than I. I find traditional knowledge, lacking in so much, when it involves infinities, which seems obvious to me. But you have taken it a step further, by mathematical formula's, and a consciousness which, understands what I am speaking about. Few ever do...

        Keep working on your path... So much is left to the unknowns, and the potentials science can bring to us, will change the world for the better. It will unify us from our disparate forms, and communication will become the key to our better understandings of each other.

        I have a BLOG with some essays, you may find of interest. Prehaps, "Everything is Nothing and Nothing is Everything", or "It Only Takes One Thing", will be of interest.

        With Love and Peace my friend,


        • [deleted]

        Dear Russ,

        Thank you.



        23 days later
        • [deleted]

        Dear All,

        For every action there is equal and opposite reaction, there is also inaction at the point of their interaction. It is this inaction (singualrity or coscience or soul) that is in all of us that causes all the actions and consequent reactions.

        Positive numbers on the number scale are like the matter particles, and negative numbers on the number scale are like antimatter particles. If we were to sum all the numbers from negative infinity to postitive infinity the sum would be absolute zero.

        The answer lies in zero, and hence zero divided by zero equals everything including nothing, which means the relativity we percieve in the physical universe is non existent or an illusion and the universe is just an absolute singularity.



        11 days later


        To further clarify your concept, mathematically derived -- higher math being my weakness, how do mass and distance intermingle with the universal I in your statement, "Gravity is the will of conscience to shape things as i chooses

        them to be at any level, quantum to cosmic."?


          • [deleted]

          Dear Jim / Marcoen,

          Nothing is heavier nor lighter than "i", nothing is closer nor farther from "i". There is only "i" in the entire cosmos and all else (mass and distance) is an illusion.

          That is where 0 = i = infinity comes into picture, mathematical representation of metaphysical truth about S=BM^2. Mathematicians may say that inverse mutliple of zero does not exist in the current mathematical field theory, we are the ones who put that limitation for ourself, then it is time to revisit the fundamentals of mathematics and change our underlying assumptions. The truth is inverse of nothing (0) is infact everything (infinity) and their multiple is singularity (i).



          a month later
          • [deleted]

          Dear Wil,

          I am glad to have been entagling with you through the inner "i" in us.

          Wonderfully explained the true meaning and functioning of consciousness. As always my deepest regards and wishes are with you.



          • [deleted]

          Dear Wil,

          Realization of truth in words is as follows

          "I am your self and you are my self."



          7 days later

          Dear Sri,

          Thank you for your unique awareness. And for your willingness to share this with us. You 'see' while others 'calculate'. And because you 'see' what you see in my essay, "The Metaphysics of Physics", is especially important to me. I feel we have much in common. And hope my essay reflects that. Please read and rate it.

          Love and peace always,


            • [deleted]

            Dear Constantinos,

            I see several valid points you made in your essay about how the scientific community will always find what it seeks by making adjustments to the methods of measurement it uses. Answer to the question "what is universe?" is what we want it to be. Answer to the question "Why does universe exist?" can be experienced by the one who is self realized, and the answer is love. It is out of love a mother brings forth a child in to this world and thus creates a universe for the child. These are purely metaphysical aspects of our being, but they shape the physical realm of our existence. We are not only real on a sensory basis, we are also real on the spiritual or conscience basis. Eta that you propose is like the radius of the sphere of consciousness. It can vary from zero to infinity in a relative existence. And for the realized, one who experiences absolute singularity, both (zero and infinity) are the same and hence Eta is a constant.

