Dear Sridattadev,
By now, you do know that you are on to something...
Your inner peace is a transparent element of your focus in a world of chatter and distractions that you keep within context, and understanding. You should write a book, to solidify the paradox's you have come to realize, as the core of what we are.
I am impressed, with your dissertation on my "Motion is Mass" draft. I usually do not sense being trumped, but you know the subject matter as and better than I. I find traditional knowledge, lacking in so much, when it involves infinities, which seems obvious to me. But you have taken it a step further, by mathematical formula's, and a consciousness which, understands what I am speaking about. Few ever do...
Keep working on your path... So much is left to the unknowns, and the potentials science can bring to us, will change the world for the better. It will unify us from our disparate forms, and communication will become the key to our better understandings of each other.
I have a BLOG www.otterthink.wordpress.com with some essays, you may find of interest. Prehaps, "Everything is Nothing and Nothing is Everything", or "It Only Takes One Thing", will be of interest.
With Love and Peace my friend,