The lunar influence on earth flybys fits with the problems experienced by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as they descended to the moon's surface. Were they in the grip of the lunar exotic matter? I think they were.

Neil Armstrong and the Landing of the Eagle UPDATED

[quote]Eagle had overshot the landing zone, Home Plate, by four miles. A slight navigational error and a faster than intended descent speed accounted for Eagle missing its planned touchdown site in the Sea of Tranquility.[end quote]

5 days later

Newton would have assumed that stars created non-Newtonian matter at their cores due to their spin rate and super high gravity field. Older stars would therefore have more of this extra force on the plane of rotation. This fits with the spiral galaxy rotation curves which have a central bulge of young stars and an outer disk of older stars which rotate faster than expected(!). Is the Main Seqeunce of Star Classification missing the onset of creation of non-Newtonian matter? I think it is. The evidence fits like a glove imo.

Due to the very low convection seen in our sun, it can be deduced that exotic matter comets lose their integrity when absorbed by the solar body. Mercury is also likely to have a relatively high concentration of exotic matter comets due to it's close proximity to the sun. I suspect that Mercury's anomalous precession is due to the exotic matter interaction with Venus and also Venus's exotic matter interaction with Mercury's iron core.

The existance of a dark matter *inner halo* as well as an outer halo is now predicted. The centre of our galaxy is likely the build-up of supernovae remnants of dark matter confined to a small volume relatively to the outer halo. [The []quasar[link] is a compact region in the center of a massive galaxy surrounding its central 'supermassive black hole'. Its size is 10-10,000 times the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole. The quasar is powered by an accretion disc around the black hole.]

Interestingly, the number of remnants of both should be around the same, but the geometry and configuration of the inner halo is most likely a more orderly conglomerate. If the inner halo conglomerate is comprised of a very high number of supernovae remnant dark matter then a two-sided preferential build-up would lead to the barred-spiral phenomenon.

[quote]Recent studies have confirmed the idea that bars are a sign of galaxies reaching full maturity as the "formative years" end. A team led by Kartik Sheth of the Spitzer Science Center at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena discovered that only 20 percent of the spiral galaxies in the distant past possessed bars, compared with nearly 70 percent of their modern counterparts. [end quote]

It makes sense to think of dark matter being created just before the supernovae event itself. Are there 'failed supernovae' which didn't implode but still managed to create dark matter?? These will be *very* significant in the galaxy model. Neutron stars and pulsars for example?

6 days later
4 days later

The exotic comet hypothesis fits with the Bermuda Triangle shipping data as well as the Earth-flyby data on the third quarter of the moon! A discussion with someone who finally seems to agree with me can be read here.

4 days later


For this contest, I decided to go through and comment on essays of interest and see what responses I got to my own essay. There are over 250 entries, so I narrowed down my evaluations. For only those who responded, I decided to reread and provide my evaluations before time expired, not making it a popularity contest but keeping in mind that I entered for an exchange of interesting ideas, whether I agree or not. Some concepts are superior and more persuasively supported.

I like the openness of your thinking.


    Dear Alan,

    Hello. This is group message to you and the writers of some 80 contest essays that I have already read, rated and probably commented on.

    This year I feel proud that the following old and new online friends have accepted my suggestion that they submit their ideas to this contest. Please feel free to read, comment on and rate these essays (including mine) if you have not already done so, thanks:

    Why We Still Don't Have Quantum Nucleodynamics by Norman D. Cook a summary of his Springer book on the subject.

    A Challenge to Quantized Absorption by Experiment and Theory by Eric Stanley Reiter Very important experiments based on Planck's loading theory, proving that Einstein's idea that the photon is a particle is wrong.

    An Artist's Modest Proposal by Kenneth Snelson The world-famous inventor of Tensegrity applies his ideas of structure to de Broglie's atom.

    Notes on Relativity by Edward Hoerdt Questioning how the Michelson-Morely experiment is analyzed in the context of Special Relativity

    Vladimir Tamari's essay Fix Physics! Is Physics like a badly-designed building? A humorous illustrate take. Plus: Seven foundational questions suggest a new beginning.

    Thank you and good luck.


    5 days later

    If you do not understand why your rating dropped down. As I found ratings in the contest are calculated in the next way. Suppose your rating is [math]R_1 [/math] and [math]N_1 [/math] was the quantity of people which gave you ratings. Then you have [math]S_1=R_1 N_1 [/math] of points. After it anyone give you [math]dS [/math] of points so you have [math]S_2=S_1+ dS [/math] of points and [math]N_2=N_1+1 [/math] is the common quantity of the people which gave you ratings. At the same time you will have [math]S_2=R_2 N_2 [/math] of points. From here, if you want to be R2 > R1 there must be: [math]S_2/ N_2>S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] (S_1+ dS) / (N_1+1) >S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] dS >S_1/ N_1 =R_1[/math] In other words if you want to increase rating of anyone you must give him more points [math]dS [/math] then the participant`s rating [math]R_1 [/math] was at the moment you rated him. From here it is seen that in the contest are special rules for ratings. And from here there are misunderstanding of some participants what is happened with their ratings. Moreover since community ratings are hided some participants do not sure how increase ratings of others and gives them maximum 10 points. But in the case the scale from 1 to 10 of points do not work, and some essays are overestimated and some essays are drop down. In my opinion it is a bad problem with this Contest rating process. I hope the FQXI community will change the rating process.

    Sergey Fedosin

    15 days later
    8 months later

    I've just made a discovery when using the 1,800 lunar tidal model of arctic environment of Northern Russia during the last 20,000yrs and the assumption of a millennial peak triggering H1 at 17,000 B.P. See Fig 1. of paper 'Radiocarbon Variability in the Western North Atlantic During the Last Deglaciation' (2005) by Laura F. Robinson et al. which can be matched at 10,000 B.P. with the Fig 3. in paper 'Holocene Treeline History and Climate Change Across Northern Eurasia' (2000) by Glen M. MacDonald et al. I've put the two together by expanding the tree data graph by 152% on the photocopier machine and then scanning.

    The Maximum Forest Extension is 2 cycles of 1,800 yrs, showing peaks at 4,400 and 8000 yr B.P. (uncalib) which fits with the lunar tide into the arctic basin cycle and extrapolates to the date of 17,000 yr B.P., the onset of Heinrich 1. The tree data shows dips due to the lunar tidal minimums .

    You can see the graph compilation here [url=]1,800yr Lunar Tidal Cycle Fits Glacial Data[/url]

    See also:

    [url=]Ice Age Giants: Filming animated creatures in the wild[url]

    14 days later
    14 days later

    I made some amazing discoveries whilst trying to solve the dreadful 777 SFO accident: I copied the posts over from The Atlantic Wire:

    Alan Lowey • 2 days ago

    The terrestrial Flyby Anomaly phenomena most likely interfered with the auto-throttle system imv. There's been a string of suspect airliner disasters that have begun with

    electrical faults.

    This fits with the data recorders and instructor pilot testimony as well as the unspecified "lateral deviation," at 500-200 feet.

    Alan Lowey • 16 hours ago

    I've just realized that this accident is identical to my notes from National Geographic 'Air Crash Investigation'. My piece of paper says:

    Sharm-el-sheik Jan 3rd 2004

    FlashAirlines 604 737-300

    1. instruments not working

    moonless night

    Turn over Red Sea

    Turning wrong way!

    Autopilot doesn't work

    Flight recorder

    - did head left -> nose lift decrease speed

    - then reverse [unreadable -ed]


    Fluid in inner ear!

    agree on disorientation of pilot

    @Alan Lowey • 2 days ago

    a) chances are the the pilots were not using autothottles on a visual approach, although you might be referring to the FADEC that converts information from the thrust levers to power information for the engines

    b) what does a phenomena related to spacecraft passing near earth have to do with this accident?

    Alan Lowey • 2 days ago

    a) I got the information from the CNN article 'San Francisco 777 crash probe brings questions over auto speed controls'. It sounded clear enough to me at the time, although I'm not an airline pilot. Is the article misleading in some way?

    b) There's a lot to explain here, but you sound the type of person who would be able to grasp the high brow concepts in question. Here goes..

    The CNN weather expert on microbursts insists that thunderstorm clouds are essential for this phenomena which doesn't agree with eyewitness accounts. Microburst events have occurred in PERFECT BLUE SKY WEATHER WITHOUT A CLOUD IN SIGHT. There was just such a localized case in the news that, despite a CLEAR BLUE DAY, ripped the roof off a guy's house and planted it on the roof of his pick-up truck. He didn't even see the event it was over so quickly. His terraced house neighbours were untouched. Here's another typical example: "I saw my first clear air microburst last week as I was flying back from the Apache reservation to Phoenix. We were flying in our six seat twin engine aircraft, and off to the left there was a clear air microburst. The AIR WAS ABSOLUTELY CLEAR, but at ground level there was an inverted mushroom of dust kicked up by the strong microburst. It was like a small localized dust storm was happening. We were at about 1000 feet and a mile away. We experienced significant turbulence as we flew by.

    We would not have seen the microburst if it had not occurred over a plowed dusty field which put a lot of dust up in the air."

    I analyzed the original cell phone footage of the 777 SFO approach and noticed the nose pitch-up for no apparent reason around 8secs before impact. This then fitted with the NTSB announcement of the increase in thrust 7secs before impact as evidenced by the data recorders. I theorized that the pilots correctly increased power immediately after a clear blue day microburst in order to maintain sufficient speed for a successful landing. If the event at 8secs was due to pilot input of the controls, then this would be evident from the black box data. The next bit is all speculation-sounding to the layperson.

    The absence of glidescope assistance and the new pilot on type are just compounding factors imv. Clear blue day microburst events probably happen every day around the equatorial regions of the earth. They get reported as CAT, but the effect is a 1.6g acceleration evidenced by the data recorders and the Flight Crew suffering broken ankles due to high heels etc. Other new weather phenomena are just coming into mainstream science. It's now accepted that anti-matter is created from electric thunderstorms as well as terrestrial gamma ray flashes (TGFs).

    [quote]The newer RHESSI satellite has observed TGFs with much higher energies than those recorded by BATSI. In addition, the new observations show that approximately 50 TGFs occur each day, more than previously thought but still only representing a very small fraction of the total lightning on Earth (3-4 million lightning events per day on average). However, the number may be much higher than that due to the possibility of flashes in the form of narrow beams that would be difficult to detect, or the possibility that a large number of TGFs may be generated at altitudes too low for the gamma rays to escape the atmosphere.[end quote]

    I propose that this new field of inquiry lends itself to a new type of microburst event explanation.

    There's so much we still don't know and are now just finding out about. I've spent 30 years since school trying to find a common sense solution to these kind of mysteries.

    I'm someone who's coming at this from a new-science angle initially. I get frustrated because the science community is so fixated with mathematical models that have so many gaping holes in them. I only have limited flying experience myself but do have a technical background from being a former scientific officer at Farnborough. I also get frustrated that when one investigates the many mystery plane crashes, such as the ones portrayed in the National Geographic series 'Air Crash Investigation', there is a running theme of blaming pilots despite the inconclusive series of events envisaged. Things just don't add up. Pilots don't commit suicide and mass murder because they have some financial trouble for example.

    When all these mystery accidents are looked at together, there is evidence of a new force at work which can also explain the Flyby Anomaly. I have previously submitted a well received essay to the FQXi physics competition for a left-field solution to the many problems of Milankovitch-only solar-forcing to explain the 100ky ice age cycle.

    In short, there is a clever solution which solves the Ice Age conundrum, the Flyby Anomaly, the Galaxy Rotation Curve problem and the 777 SFO mystery all in one go.

    P.S. I've come to the astounding conclusion that this force only acts on fluids, which emanates from fluid dark matter around the inner core of the Earth. During a terrestrial Flyby Anomaly Phenomena it can also act on the fluids of the human mind to create temporary confusion..

    Alan Lowey @Alan Lowey • 3 minutes ago

    The lateral deviation to the left and sudden loss of altitude suggests anti-clockwise spinning left-hand corkscrew particles. It can be further deduced that normal gravity is an even mix of these and right-hand corkscrew particles spinning clockwise.

    The number of neutrons and protons are of equal number in a stable baryonic nucleus and are therefore obvious candidates. The neutron is the obvious candidate for anti-clockwise spinning left-hand corkscrew particles due it being known that most of our currently observable universe is right-handed. The neutron-neutron bond is therefore the mirror-image of the proton-proton bond.

    It can be deduced that 'dark matter' at the center of the Earth is actually neutron rich material. I propose that the proto-earth was hit dead center by a debris fragment of a neutron star supernova and the moon created from the liquified proto-earth, leaving the neutron-rich matter within the Earth.

    22 days later

    Ice age & millennial cycle bacterial bioprecipitation due to increased ocean currents bringing nutrients to the surface. The amount of time that water vapour is in the air is reduced which gives short bursts of rainfall with overall less cloud cover and therefore more sunshine. The reason why megabeasts were able to thrive in an ice age.

    23 days later

    Jupiter's Synchrotron Emission (Video)

    10 days later

    [quote]A paper published today in the International Journal of Climatology finds the 18.6 year lunar-tide cycle influences rainfall and climate over adjacent land areas. According to the authors, in years of strong tides, tide-induced ocean mixing decreases sea surface temperatures and lowers air pressures, which in turn affects rainfall variability over the plains east of the subtropical Andes, South America. The opposite pattern is observed in years of weak tides. The paper adds to other peer-reviewed publications finding a lunar influence on ocean and atmospheric oscillations, which in turn have large scale effects upon climate. The IPCC ignores lunar, solar, and other planetary harmonics, which alone can explain climate change of the past century.[end quote]

    New paper finds lunar-tidal cycles influence climate (17 Jul 2013)