Hi J.C. N Smith,
thank you very much indeed for reading my essay and posting such a very enthusiastic review. Really glad you liked it.
Re.nested not a continuum. You will have noticed from the essay that the explanatory framework presents a different way of thinking about reality. Not just a continuum as is the space-time continuum but the output reality, the data in the environment and the source of the data. When talking about the quaternion representation in this essay I was only talking of mathematically representing the way data travels through the environment. A small aspect of the entirety of reality considered. It's a different way of thinking about Einstein's light cone idea. That's what Roger Penrose demonstrates in his lecture that I cited.
I can imagine a short pulse of light emitted from a source. A photon cascade spreads out spherically from the light source. As an analogy I can imagine a domino cascade, which is easier to visualise. In the space-time continuum model there would be all of the dominoes standing -and- all of the dominoes felled -and- every other intermediate stage, all in existence within the continuum. However in this explanatory framework each patten of felled and unfelled is temporary. So to consider the whole sequence of patterns historical iterations have to be combined. For data spreading out spherically, from a source in all directions, ie the progression of the photon cascade, that would be nested iterations- rather like a Russian doll. Not all simultaneously existing in space and therefore not simultaneously detectable by observers at spatial positions of the different spherical surfaces or "shells".