Most excellent essay, clear, to the point, relevant and right 'on the nail'. And thank you most kindly for the credit at the bottom.
Your building analogy is brilliant, and as an Architect I'm humbled. Bucky would have been proud of you. In fact it's equivalent to but better than my ugly 'painted scenery' screening us from the truth, which is removed piece by piece to reveal the beautiful simplicity of reality.
I've been working on a replacement ontological construction, or at least the structural framework. I know you have some brilliant insights so perhaps we could work together to replace that dilapidated mess with one that works on all levels. The most elegant structure I have so far is an em toroid extended by motion in time into a multiple helix, but tapered, so a causal multiple spiral. Can your atomic mechanism keep the grid in place?
I do hope you'll like mine. I've now identified a mechanism of my own to implement Minkowski's conception with more certainly as suggested by Heisenberg, as you point out, with diffraction. I think we should find they fit nicely.
Well done, and best of luck.