Challenging a well established paradigm, one of the sacred ones, even with direct evidence that the paradigm is wrong is a tough go. Your viXra article title isn't even controversial, "An Understanding of the Particle-like Property of Light and Charge". I note you published the paper on your website in 2001, and recently on viXra. Did you attempt to get sponsorship so you could post it on arXiv? I suspect it would not have stayed on arXiv unless you had a number of highly ranked sponsor-supporters.
The photon and the "vacuum of space" are two common terms that writers fail to properly define, they make the assumption that we know what they are thinking. I recently encountered the term "virtual photon", a one-legged version of the traditional two-legged photon.
The fourth paragraph, page 3, of your "Experiment Reveals an Understandable World" article has a mild criticism of establishment science. I stated in my essay article, "Additionally, over time, with improved communications, the scientific community has tended to become more monolithic in defending particular assumptions. This has made it more difficult for those that challenge an established assumption to get articles published in traditional scientific journals."
My essay, topic 1294, challenges a well established assumption with a mathematical proof of concept. Even the title of the paper referenced in my essay hasn't received any attention from the scientific authority, "A methodology to define physical constants using mathematical constants". I identified the geometric-mathematical concept in 2001. I managed to get it published, with the controversial title, in IEEE Potentials in 2011, because I emphasized my EE background as the reason for recognizing the concept in the first place. It was rejected earlier by another IEEE publication, and there had been rejections from other scientific journals earlier.