Thank's for a brilliant essay, and very important findings. I'm bound to agree as the findings verify the ontology I describe, which is fully consistent with yours (and Planck's of course). I've tracked down and derived the wider classical effects of the process emerging from kinetics (and dynamic logic) and found much other evidence.
Indeed when allowing for relative motion of the electron (as part of a moving medium/body or frame) during the non zero charging time, the classically observed effect postulated in Special Relativity emerge. In this case your mechanism, applied logically, can produce the effects that SR was formulated to explain. It is able to resolve a host of astronomical anomalies.
I hope you will read my essay, which is couched with a little theatre for readability but deadly serious none the less. But it seems few can 'think kinetically', i.e. follow the evolution of cause and effect chains with progressive motion. Current maths can't either, (as Tom has highlighted above).
Time stepping maths and quantum or dynamic logic have not yet displaced the 'points and lines' that fool us by hiding the solution. I suggest a charge time an consequential rotation of optical axis of re-emission in my last figure, but I believe this only sets an ontological framework in which your real results and precision provide all the flesh and substance.
I hope you're able to read it, and I'd be very interested in your comments.
Best wishes