• [deleted]

Hi Eric,

I am going to write down my conception of what a photon is and what a particle is and perhaps show how they can fit with your experimental results. I hope others will join me in making theories to fit your data. This is not to denigrate Loading Theory, it may be The Theory, but when you have a very large pool of bright people, the bell curve can work its magic in finding other unexpected solutions.

This is not to take away from your essay or your work, I believe your place in history is certain and that you have broken a logjam that has been blocking physics.

I call my pet theory "Digital Wave Theory" (www.digitalwavetheory.com). If you visit my web site see the section "The Mechanics of Digital Waves".

Photons are discontinuous appearances of something that lasts for a Planck length and has a value of h (Planck's constant). This something is separated form the next something by a wavelength. A little thought will show that this string of somethings is a representation of the equation E=hf. I call the "somethings" Planck instances. A solitary Planck instant is undetectable but its reappearance after a wavelength has energy E = hf = hc/wavelenght.

A particle is similar to a photon but now the Planck instance is replaced by a Compton instance. A Compton instance is a photon that resonates at a wavelength that is the Compton wavelength for that particle. So, a particle looks like resonant high frequency light trapped in moving low frequency light.

Both Photons and Particles make their appearances according to Feynman's sum over histories technique, and can fit in with his diagrams. When light or particles are directed to a beamsplitter or a diffraction grating or to dual slits they technically do not enter the device but appear across it. An electron when it encounters a dual slit does not go thru it but hops across it. Technically an electron never goes thru even a single slit, because it does not move in a continuous fashion.

This is probably a good place to stop, with the comment that I believe this conception of a photon can fit in with your experimental results because with this concept it is very unlikely that your gamma ray source is producing what you conceive of as single quanta. If you are interested in how these weird ideas came about, you can find them on my website :)

Again thanks for your contribution.

Don L.

  • [deleted]

Dear Eric Reiter,

Constantinos Ragazas pointed me to your essay. I guess that your view is also not very different from those by Zeh and by Kadin who does perhaps not trust in someone who is forced to publish in arXiv backwards. So far I am supporting Kadin's main argument: Photons are no particles.

I admit having no proficiency in this subject. Nonetheless I do not exclude that my overly critical approach to very foundational questions could be of interest or even helpful to you.

Most of my readers will not even immediately understand how relevant in particular my Fig. 5 might be. It intends to qualitatively and quantitatively explain how a quite understandable mistake led to Lorentzian and Einsteinian speculations.



    13 days later

    Dear Eric,

    Your essay is very informative and fundamental. I agree with in many points. In the Theory of Infinite Nesting of Matter (my essay about it) there is not the case that for example all protons have exactly the same mass. Every particle has its own mass which may be differ from the middle value. The same is for electrons and photons and so on. May be you look at the model of electron and explanation of its spin and some calculation of passing energy from electron to photon.

    Sergey Fedosin

    Hello Eric

    This is group message to you and the writers of some 80 contest essays that I have already read, rated and probably commented on.

    This year I feel proud that the following old and new online friends have accepted my suggestion that they submit their ideas to this contest. Please feel free to read, comment on and rate these essays (including mine) if you have not already done so, thanks:

    Why We Still Don't Have Quantum Nucleodynamics by Norman D. Cook a summary of his Springer book on the subject.

    A Challenge to Quantized Absorption by Experiment and Theory by Eric Stanley Reiter Very important experiments based on Planck's loading theory, proving that Einstein's idea that the photon is a particle is wrong.

    An Artist's Modest Proposal by Kenneth Snelson The world-famous inventor of Tensegrity applies his ideas of structure to de Broglie's atom.

    Notes on Relativity by Edward Hoerdt Questioning how the Michelson-Morely experiment is analyzed in the context of Special Relativity

    Vladimir Tamari's essay Fix Physics! Is Physics like a badly-designed building? A humorous illustrate take. Plus: Seven foundational questions suggest a new beginning.

    Thank you and good luck.


    Dear Joy,

    I think that you would like my recent work Positive Definite Phase Space Quantum Mechanics, which provides a confirmation of the Einstein ensemble interpretation of quantum mechanics. My work confirms that the wavefunction associated to the Schrödinger equation represents an ensemble instead of a single system and gives the explicit representation of the ensemble in a phase formulation (beyond the Winger & Moyal formulation of QM).


    Dear Eric,

    Your essay consists of an interesting combination of experimental data, historical remarks, theoretical analysis, and epistemological considerations.

    I found interesting your quantity Q. In my work Positive Definite Phase Space Quantum Mechanics, I obtain a similar quantity proportional to (h^2/m) that measures the deviation from Newtonian behaviour.

    I completely agree with you that "attempts to explain wave properties of particles have serious flaws". I have devoted part of my essay to criticize some incorrect assumption taken in quantum mechanics.


      Mr Eric,

      Congratulations on An excellent essay with original thinking & interpretation of experimental results.

      This is definitely a thought process that challenges the contemporary thinking on finality of views on nature as defined by contemporary physics. The topic challenging 'Quantized Absorption' based on experimental observation of energy variation due to preceding interaction can be considered to be a result of;

      1. As per interpretation of author Eric S. Reiter, the exception to Quantized Absorption.

      2. It can also be interpreted as challenge to conservation of energy itself.

      Mr Eric S Reiter has chosen to minimize the challenge to energy conservation, these observations present, I believe it will be as big a challenge as we faced when we hypothesized potential energy (gravitation) as a form of energy to apply law on conservation (of matter) to energy.

      As PicoPhysicist, I have commented on the essay by Norman D. Cook, where in I have stated that in interaction between particles with energy exchange does not necessary means exchange of photon in PicoPhysics.

      This is so, since in PicoPhysics; energy of an identity (identified with space containing Knergy) is the measure of its deviation from dark energy per unit Knergy. The unit Knergy being the universal constant related to plank's constant. This is also a measure of disturbance it causes to uniformity of space.

      A unit of Knergy undergoes continuous transformation representing change in its energy. While unit Knergy is indivisible due to Konservation, all interactions that are accompanied (or result of) by exchange particles, shall conform to Quantum mechanics. However Schrodinger's equation is mother law of quantum mechanics. The wave-function is analogous in nature. It represents a hypothecation of interaction between Knergy and space transforming natural quantum behaviour into continuous cause effect logic. So while interpreting quantum mechanics, if we are considerate about these facts;

      1. Energy is not Konserved but conserved

      2. Continuous nature of mathematical representation

      PicoPhysicist find himself in peace with quantum mechanics in spite of the observations analysed by Eric S. Reiter. Conservation of energy is due to 'an interaction is governed by relaxation time of Space and Knergy in participating identities'.

      Thanks & best Regards

      Vijay Gupta

      After studying about 250 essays in this contest, I realize now, how can I assess the level of each submitted work. Accordingly, I rated some essays, including yours.

      Cood luck.

      Sergey Fedosin

      Deae Eric,

      I would like to read about Planck's loading theory. Do you know of any document on internet accessible to general public that can give an idea about the same? I tried to google, but was unable to get any idea about the same.

      I will appreciate if you provide a URL in reply to this message.

      Vijay Gupta

      Proponent Unary Law - Space Contains Knergy

        Vijay; Thanks for your interest in the loading theory. I did much search for other works on the subject. All history I know of is referenced in my essay. Other than my work, see T. Kuhn where he discusses Planck's Second Theory, Millikan's book, and Compton and Allison's book, in my references. Other than Ragazas' work and his essay here, It seems we are the only ones currently working on the loading theory. Please see my paper linked from my references: An Understanding of the Particle-Like Property of Light and Charge, and also please visit my website unquantum.net. The loading theory was unfairly taught to fail in nearly all our physics textbooks, which is why no one uses it.

        Thank you, ER

        It is an amazing thing that so many physicists try to make wave action happen with particles. Extended fuzzy particles, or wave fronts on particles or other dimensions, or other universes, or whatever else they do seem like acts of desperation to me. Particles do not cancel out. It requires giving up the particle. But we see particle effects. That is why the ratio trick I developed is such a natural solution. Planck's constant, e, and m are maximums. It is a sophisticated concept that many will ignore. In many experiments the constants are at their threshold and we do not need to model the constants as maximums that track each other in e/m etc ratios. But there are still particle structures, from lots of evidence. The solution is that there must be two states of matter: (1) a contained wave state which is a particle, and (2) a true spreading matter-wave state. At least that is how I interpret our experimental evidence, mine and from others. I will study and rate your paper and please rate mine nicely. Thank you very much, ER

        If you do not understand why your rating dropped down. As I found ratings in the contest are calculated in the next way. Suppose your rating is [math]R_1 [/math] and [math]N_1 [/math] was the quantity of people which gave you ratings. Then you have [math]S_1=R_1 N_1 [/math] of points. After it anyone give you [math]dS [/math] of points so you have [math]S_2=S_1+ dS [/math] of points and [math]N_2=N_1+1 [/math] is the common quantity of the people which gave you ratings. At the same time you will have [math]S_2=R_2 N_2 [/math] of points. From here, if you want to be R2 > R1 there must be: [math]S_2/ N_2>S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] (S_1+ dS) / (N_1+1) >S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] dS >S_1/ N_1 =R_1[/math] In other words if you want to increase rating of anyone you must give him more points [math]dS [/math] then the participant`s rating [math]R_1 [/math] was at the moment you rated him. From here it is seen that in the contest are special rules for ratings. And from here there are misunderstanding of some participants what is happened with their ratings. Moreover since community ratings are hided some participants do not sure how increase ratings of others and gives them maximum 10 points. But in the case the scale from 1 to 10 of points do not work, and some essays are overestimated and some essays are drop down. In my opinion it is a bad problem with this Contest rating process. I hope the FQXI community will change the rating process.

        Sergey Fedosin

        Hello Eric,

        It appears that the community has given you a good ranking after all, and I hope that the judges will treat your work kindly. I get the impression that you are committed to your research program, and given the results to date - this is understandable.

        Try to give others plenty of slack, to interpret your results in their own way - while pointing out to all who ask that loading theory explains your results handily, as you have done - and you will avoid challenging others' pet beliefs.

        Keep going with your research, my friend, and you will make us all proud to have affirmed your work - by placing you among those still in the game. I hope to see you in the winners' circle.

        All the Best,


        Hello again,

        I mean no disrespect with the above comment, as I know that you have been thoughtful in all of your answers to questions and comments. I just think that you are sitting on something so important, that you should not feel like you have to work so hard to prove it, but rather can let the evidence speak for itself.

        All the Best,


        4 days later


        I agree with Jonathen's wise words. Appearing 'prickly' and closed minded can only drain support. Congrats for getting in. I agree you well deserve to be. I still hope you can make a greater effort to receive and follow the logic of my own essay, supporting and relying on loading theory, but also offering more.

        I'm also interested in your views and predictions of the work of the new Nobel Laureates wrt loading theory.

        Best of luck


        • [deleted]

        Dear Eric,

        I am sorry that I have only just got to your essay. It seems to be one of very few essays in the competition discussing new experimental work. You have explained it very clearly and it is interesting to me. When I watched the videos of Richard Feynman's Auckland lectures I was stuck by how adamant he was about the particle nature of light, despite so much uncertainty surrounding the reason "why" for quantum statistical behaviour. That view was based upon the then available experimental evidence.

        I have been happy to sit on the fence having no way of verifying what is there for myself while regarding a photon as the smallest detectable amount of energy (change). That view is shown to be incorrect if you have demonstrated smaller detections are possible. Do you have any thoughts about the practical implications/ usefulness of this research, such as for technology?

          Please. You misunderstood my theory.

          E=hf is still the smallest detectable energy for light, but I use hf in a model that differs from the photon model. The photon model, its definition, is phenomenological but not spatially understandable. Simply put, a photon will go one way or another at a beam splitter, but after the beam splitter the beams can be reconverged to read over time an interference pattern. Here is what I did: from a source that emits one hf at a time, by reading two detections in coincidence at rates exceeding chance, I show that the emitted hf bursts of light do NOT need to always go one way or another at a beam spltter. So there are no photons. Here is how I explain it: E=hf is still correct for an energy of emission, but thereafter the energy spreads classically. The response at absorption (detection) must include the option of continuous absorption whereby energy is pre-loaded ahead of time. At absorption, light energy must have the option of loading-up to a threshold level; then it makes a quantized emission of charge or light for us to detect. Continuous-absorption/quantized-emission is Planck's Second Theory of 1911. Otherwise I would not read coincidence rates exceeding chance. Others have seen only chance in this type of beam-split coincidence experiment using visible light, but they were reading noise and were not able to see through the illusion explained by the loading theory. Gamma rays let us see through the illusion. Waves diffract, and thresholds explain the particle-like properties. Electrons and other matter-waves diffract, so they must similarly work with a loading theory. I showed my unquantum effect for both matter and light.

          Feynman and others had plenty of evidence available against the particle nature of light. The greatest mistake is that they did not understand that the response time in the photoelectric effect does have a loading time, and they confused minimum response time with maximum response time. This loading time was in the data of Lawrence and Beams 1928, but was misinterpreted by almost everyone. Also, Feynman in QED said a PMT will give pulse-heights proportional to electromagnetic frequency. This is true only for the average pulse height, and there is a wide distribution. Gamma-rays do not have that problem and this is part of how using gamma-rays can see through the QM particle/probability illusion. I elaborate on many similar points on my website: Exposure of Physics Misconceptions. My experiments could have been done in the 1950's, but by then our textbook and journal editors we were convinced in duality (the particle/probability model of QM). There were unforgivable biases propagated. I documented much historical analysis to justify this conclusion. Many others have opposed QM, but a transcendence requires, in addition to theory and historical analysis, experiments that directly contradict QM.

          For practical and research applications, I expect the unquantum effect to be very useful in semiconductor research. I was able to read orientation effects in silicon and germanium. The gamma-split effect is able to read electron structure not seen otherwise; see my link to "Photon Violation Spectroscopy." Similarly for the alpha-ray, see "Particle Violation Spectroscopy," I was able to read slight variations in alloys. I have a few other practical applications, but they are potentially inventions that I want to test before blabbering them. We can expect many inventions; have at it. I expect variations in the matter-wave unquantum effect to be sensitive to neutrino flux and be a better neutrino detector. To ask for practical applications is like asking early investigators of electricity, "what can we do with it?" We can expect thousands of future practical applications, but here are a few ideas: The pre-loaded state may explain dark matter. Also, a diffused pre-loaded state may be the identity of the ether and gravity, a diffuse psi-wave field. The envelope of psi is the identity of mass, so we do not need a Higgs particle for that. But these are only good guesses. In biology, we can expect to better understand resonances in macromolecules and know how to influence how they find each other; I have an experiment constructed, but not perfected, to test that.

          If someone has a way to describe my unquantum experiments, and all past experiments, without the loading theory, please let me know. Otherwise I explain everything with the loading theory. My seemingly important improvement to the loading theory was to realize that constants like h, e, & m are maximums and that their ratios are conserved. This lets matter spread like a wave and retain its complexity so that details of the wave can encode its identity (type of "particle")for subsequent loading-up to a particle-like event at thresholds h, e, & m. To fully understand my message, one needs to read my more detailed works, especially "An Understanding of the Particle-LIKE Property of Light and Charge." There, I analyze many past experiments with the loading theory and show flaws in interpretation of past experiments. Please use the links from my essay for my latest editing.

          Let me add an important point that I should have stressed more in my essay. The most important fundamental physical assumption that is wrong is that our experiments have been interpreted in a way that has accepted wave-particle duality. We thought duality was a way of nature. Duality models were only "heuristic," as expressed in the title of Einstein's photoelectric paper of 1905. We should have realized that duality is only a temporary way of seeing things. Closeness to truth is found by devising an interpretation of all our experiments without wave-particle duality.

          Thank you, Eric Reiter, October 14, 2012.

            • [deleted]

            Thank you very much for your explanation. I now understand what you mean by pre-loading, I was thinking you had somehow primed the receptor so it could give a reading with less than a photon of energy input. Which was not what you were saying. (Good, I won't have to change the definition of a photon on my word list after all.) I remember this kind of building up of energy prior to detection idea from Constantinos Ragazas' essay from last year, and discussion of it.

            Really interesting to hear that you already have new applications for the unquantum effect and lots of possibilities for the future.Fascinating and surprising reply to that question. Good luck. Regards Georgina

            • [deleted]


            I saw you mention not finding many others coming to the same view and thought you would find this interview with Carver Mead to be of interest.

              Eric, Georgina, John

              I enjoyed Eric's explanation in answer to Georgina's comment.

              John I started reading through the Carver Mead link you provided with great interest. And then it hit me that the page was on Caroline Thompson's website .

              Please allow me a few personal words about her - we corresponded in the early 2000's by the then rather novel (for me) medium of email. She was a computer scientist associated with a Welsh university and had taken a keen interest in physics. Like many of us she could not accept the weirdness of Quantum physics, particularly the idea of entanglement without local causality in Bell's Theorem. When I read her claims about Einstein not being original or even wrong, I was aghast, but through corresponding with her - mainly about our common belief that there were "only waves" in nature, I came to realize that Einstein was indeed not sacrosanct . By the time I had published my Beautiful Universe theory in 2005 in which I presented a picture of energy transport that precludes a point photon, and explained probability as diffraction in a universal ether, Caroline was very sick but did not mention it to me - she passed away in 2006. She disagreed with my model, but we continued a friendly correspondence till the end.

              We can all learn from her courageous example to seek out and engage whoever she can get to listen to her views in the physics establishment and not get discouraged. Eric, have a look what she says under the link "Suggestions for Experiments": " 'Photons' [her quotes] get split at beamsplitters" . Her explanation of why they do differs from our shared views (because it is a wave), but nevertheless she had the right instincts to question what was deemed beyond question. RIP Caroline Thompson.
