Dear Declan Andrew Traill,
I think what you have done is beautiful, and I hope it is true. I am a little confused by the step where you set phi-zero = c^2 to obtain equation (12) and QED. I realize that you then describe the value of c^2 as the field contribution from the whole universe, but I understand the value of phi-zero to represent the intensity of the field at the detector location. I'm so used to seeing c^2 as the constant speed of light, I first thought, oh!, he is using it as variable. But then you set it to GM/R which would seem to be constant. So I'm uncertain as to whether c^2 is assumed constant or variable, and whether it depends on the location of the detector (and the intensity of the field at this location.) Care to elaborate? That's one thing these comment threads are intended for.
Thanks for a fascinating essay and for any further explanation you care to provide.
Edwin Eugene Klingman