Dear Karoly,
Thank you for your comments. Indeed it is important that we are able to identify which 'constants' are actually constant and which can change in order to construct our model of the Universe properly.
Dear Karoly,
Thank you for your comments. Indeed it is important that we are able to identify which 'constants' are actually constant and which can change in order to construct our model of the Universe properly.
Dear Karoly,
I'm glad to hear that. It sounds like my attempt to bring clarity to a difficult subject is successful (so say a number of posts here). I just need some good Community ratings of my Essay to get my work into the final so that it will actually be looked at by the judges! Maybe you can help?
Thanks for the comment,
First thing I would say is to point out that the weight of an object on Earth or the Moon is different, yes, but the object's Mass is the essentially the same. The weight is the force imparted on the Mass by the Gravitational field.
As for the Higgs Boson etc: I think the current Standard model is overly concerned about particles, and should be focused more on waves, which are more fundamental (particles are made from waves), and on finding the common features that unify everything into a small set of common principles (as I have done in my Essay). The Higgs field sounds reasonable, and is a very similar concept to an Ether. I think it even has the same units (J/Kg) as the field I talk about in my paper. As for the Higgs Boson - I am not yet convinced that there is an actual particle of this sort, and even less convinced that it can be the cause of every other particle having mass.
From my calculations, the mass of any particle is simply the sum of the energies of the waves that comprise it. This really works! Even Relativistic Mass increase is explained this way (see my Essay). The field in which the particle exists determines (in part) the energies of the waves, and so the field filling space (be it the Higgs Field or the Ether) plays an important part is attributing the mass to objects, but why does it require a particle to do so? A field works much better & is easier to understand.
Declan Traill
P.S If you support my work, I need some good Community ratings for my Essay (using Author's code) to give me a chance of being considered in the Finals of this contest. So please give me a good rating & point me to your work so that I can return the favour.
Dear Declan,
If you look at two opposite standing waves in a moving body then after calculation of the form of the composite wave you find de Broglie wavelength too, if the energy of the waves is equal to the rest energy of the body. It was shown for example in the book: Fizika i filosofiia podobiia ot preonov do metagalaktik. Perm, 1999, 544 pages. ISBN 5-8131-0012-1.
Dear Sergey,
Indeed! I am well aware of that. Members of the WSM newsgroup (myself included) attribute that piece of information to Milo Wolff's work on Electron structure, dating back to ~1983 I think.
The body of evidence that supports model of particles as standing waves and my Classical explanation for Relativity is large, and getting larger - I would say overwhelming in the match it makes with the real world.
Dear Declan Traill
I looked but did not see my "code author", or maybe I do not know how to find it, or it may be due I am "rookie" should not be granted code.I very willing to donate "10" for you, please guide me how to find it.
Hurry up.
Well if you are an author of an essay in the contest then you should have received an author's code, which will allow you to vote in the Community rating. Otherwise you can vote in the Public rating by just entering your email address when giving my essay a rating. Giving a rating is easy, just click on the link at the top of the page...
After studying about 250 essays in this contest, I realize now, how can I assess the level of each submitted work. Accordingly, I rated some essays, including yours.
Cood luck.
Thankyou Sergey...
A very concise well written essay Declan - congratulations. It does seem that there is growing awareness that matter is made of waves, and that these waves propagate through space / aether (an absolute reference frame).
You have shown how this foundation deduces relativity correctly without the strangeness - and this is very important for the sensible evolution of human knowledge.
A few thoughts (from a philosopher!);
i) You talk about matter waves and light waves as if they are different things. I think you will find that light waves are really just patterns of hills and hollows on the surface of the plane waves that form matter (I will discuss this at our WSM group and try show a diagram some time soon.)
ii) You have time dilation, yet if what exists is waves in space, then time must be due to this wave motion, thus time dilation must really be caused by a change in wave velocity. I am curious, if you keep time constant (same as keeping frequency constant), and just have the wave velocity and wavelength changing do you get the correct results?
iii) I agree that gravity must be due to a slowing of wave velocity in higher energy density space, thus the curvature of light past the sun is really a classical diffraction (what Einstein called the curvature of the 4D space-time continuum).
iv) Do you have thoughts on charge? My view is that this is also caused by variable wave velocity, where higher wave amplitude waves have higher velocity.
Good luck with the contest.
Two clarifications.
i) By constant frequency I am referring to the frequency of the plane waves / matter waves, where for any change in wave velocity there is a corresponding change in wavelength so frequency (time) remains constant. This seems necessary to explain how the phase of matter and antimatter (opposite phase spherical standing waves) is locked across the universe.
The frequency of light changes as this is the frequency of the repeating pattern of hills and hollows on the surface of these plane waves (see point ii below)
ii) The cause of light, of these hills and hollows on the surface of the plane waves, is due to this variable velocity of light with wave amplitude (charge). e.g. For an electron its plane waves are in phase with other electrons, and thus when these plane waves flow through other electron's spherical standing waves they have a higher wave amplitude and thus velocity and this advances the wave front a little, causing an advanced 'hill' on the surface of the plane wave. Thus if these other electrons are bound in atoms and have a repeating wave pattern then this pattern is imparted on the surface of the plane waves, this being the frequency of light.
I know, a picture is worth a thousand words - perhaps others can help animate this!!
Your "Doppler-shift equation for normal waves (6)" and "Doppler-shift equation for light (7)" coincide if v, the recession speed of the source, is low enough (the relativistic corrections in (7) are negligible). Also, for low v, equation (6), f'=f(c/(c+v)), can be replaced by:
f' = f(1 - v/c) = (c - v)/L
where L is the wavelength. Clearly, as the light source starts moving away from the observer with speed v, the speed of light relative to the observer shifts from c to c'=c-v.
I think you have unnecessarily complicated the issue but still you get maximum rating from me for being on the right track:
"The belief that must be suspended is that "Light always travels at constant speed"."
Pentcho Valev
If you do not understand why your rating dropped down. As I found ratings in the contest are calculated in the next way. Suppose your rating is [math]R_1 [/math] and [math]N_1 [/math] was the quantity of people which gave you ratings. Then you have [math]S_1=R_1 N_1 [/math] of points. After it anyone give you [math]dS [/math] of points so you have [math]S_2=S_1+ dS [/math] of points and [math]N_2=N_1+1 [/math] is the common quantity of the people which gave you ratings. At the same time you will have [math]S_2=R_2 N_2 [/math] of points. From here, if you want to be R2 > R1 there must be: [math]S_2/ N_2>S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] (S_1+ dS) / (N_1+1) >S_1/ N_1 [/math] or [math] dS >S_1/ N_1 =R_1[/math] In other words if you want to increase rating of anyone you must give him more points [math]dS [/math] then the participant`s rating [math]R_1 [/math] was at the moment you rated him. From here it is seen that in the contest are special rules for ratings. And from here there are misunderstanding of some participants what is happened with their ratings. Moreover since community ratings are hided some participants do not sure how increase ratings of others and gives them maximum 10 points. But in the case the scale from 1 to 10 of points do not work, and some essays are overestimated and some essays are drop down. In my opinion it is a bad problem with this Contest rating process. I hope the FQXI community will change the rating process.
Sorry, it is refraction (not diffraction, above) that causes light to curve past the sun. (I hate stupid mistakes!)
Dear Decan Traill:
You wrote: "It is interesting that two different situations, very high speed, and strong gravitational fields, yield the same effect of time dilation. In both situations, time "slows down" for the objects concerned. Given the same fundamental change to the physics of an object, what if the same underlying principle were causing the effect in both cases?"
Your line of questioning whether slowing down of processes when a particle is in fast motion, or when a particle is in a gravitational field occurs under the same principle is quite correct. But is your solution correct?
I have shown in my essay: http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1549 that when particle energy Mc2 combines with energy of motion pc (as per energy-momentum equation which has been verified by millions of experiments), both these quantities lose fractions of themselves. I have demonstrated this very accurately for the case of the delay in the decay time of a muon and slow down of a GPS atomic clock in orbit (due to motion).
You will find how the explanation of, how the clock rate increases when the GPS clock moves to a higher altitude (opposite of slow down in a stronger gravitational field) in the following website: http://www.gsjournal.net/old/physics/viraj5.pdf under the caption of "Algorithm of Gravitation" and the following section.
So you may ask me "what is the principle involved".
Take the case of generation of an electron and a positron by disintegration of a photon. The sum of the energy of the two parts is greater than the whole (photon). This means that for separation (fission) of a quantity of energy into two or more parts, it requires to draw energy from the field. So this energy drawn from the field is what negates the cohesion (attraction) of the two parts. For the opposite process of fusion of two quantities of energy into a single system, both quantities of energy must lose a fraction of each.
The motion of a particle occurs by the energy of motion pc, exciting the energy of the particle Mc2. This can happen only by these two quantities of energy cohering together and forming a system. They cohere by losing fractions of themselves by the factor (1 - 1/gamma). So particle energy that remains is Mc2/gamma. The clock slow down is exactly proportional to 1/gamma. (Here the coherence occurs by sharing each others' energy to overcome the deficiency created by their mutual loss). The whole process is explained in the second part - "Geometrodynamcis of Energy" of my essay. http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1549
Gravitation is attraction; which is a form of coheshion (you may call it "coheshion at a distance"). Two bodies of masses M and m at a distance r, have already lost fractions of energy as determined by their gravitational potentials. This deficiency of energy causes each body to share the energy of the other to overcome the deficiency. In free-falling of a body this urge to share energy prompts the body to move closer, and by this it loses more energy and makes the urge (attraction) even stronger and so it goes on. As the body loses more and more of its internal energy, it has less and less energy left for internal processes, so the internal clock slows down.
So you would see it is by the same principle of coherence of two quantities of energy by losing a fraction each, that underlies clock slow down in motion of a body, and that when in a stronger gravitational field.
Your may also refer to the attachment: "Relativistic Phenomena Explained by Spinoza's, Leiniz and Newton's Principles" attached.
Best regards,
Sergey G Fedosin is bombing entrants' boards with the same "why your rating has dropped" message. They are all dated Oct. 4... same message.
WTH? I've seen one fine essay drop 89 (eighty-nine) positions, in "Community Rating" in the past 24 hours, and "Sergey's note" came BEFORE it plummeted. Hmm.
The vote/scaling of this contest is quite nebulous.
"Hackers Rule!", I suppose!
Well??? What else is one to think? The General Public is... Watching...
[NOTE: I inadvertently placed my assessment of your essay under your comment on my essay, so I suspect you have not even seen this yet (and I apologize in advance if you've already seen this and just did not choose to comment). Please also pardon the genuinely spontaneous "argh"s, as I actually quite impressed your essay. Finally, I inserted a rather long justification for how "primary causal frame SR" models can exactly the same results as traditional fully symmetric SR model. My reason to bother was that your model appears to fall into that category; I suspect you are using the term "classical" to mean much the same thing.]
Argh! Dang it! I was all ready to dismiss your 2012 essay out-of-hand as "obviously and immediately geometrically self-contradictory"... and then realized you've created a genuinely clever and self-consistent world with this idea, even if I'm still not convinced of it being the same world we live in.
If I'm reading your idea rightly, what you have created is a rigid, isotropic 3D universe in which gravity becomes something very much like optical density in a gigantic cube of optical glass. In fact, for photons I'm not seeing much difference at all between the variable-index glass cube model and your model. Light would curve near a star because the optical density of the glass would increase near the star, and so forth for all other gravity fields. That's about as close of a match between a model and what is being modeled that you can get.
But your truly innovative addition to such model is the idea that since matter has a quantum wave length, it is also subject to the same velocity and wavelength shifts in higher-optical-density space as are photons. Photon wavelengths shorten as the photons slow in denser glass, and similarly, so do your mass waves. But mass and total energy depends on these wavelengths, so you are using these changes to implement relativistic masses.
Once again, that sounds like it should be an immediate contradiction with the extremely well-proven results of SR... except that it is not. You have to compare any two frames relative to each other, not to your "primary" frame of the giant optical glass cube, and that should still give you self-consistent and SR-consistent results.
To make matters worse, even though you have clearly designated one inertial frame as being in some way "special", that does not necessarily and absolutely mean that your model necessarily contradicts the enormous body of experimental observations that on the exact equivalence of physics across all inertial frames.
Alas, the problem is not that simple, since it is most definitely possible to create asymmetric frame models that fully preserve SR. You just have to take more of a computer modeling perspective to understand how it works.
I think I've already noted elsewhere in these 2017 postings that from a computer modeling perspective it's not even all that difficult to create a model in which one inertial frame becomes the "primary" or "physical" inertial frame in which all causality is determined. All other inertial frames then become virtual frames that move within that primary frame. Causality self-consistency is maintained within such virtual frames via asymmetric early ("it already happened") and late ("the event has not yet occurred") binding of causality along their axes of motion relative to the primary frame. Speed of light constraints prevent anyone within such a frame from being aware of any causal asymmetry, since by the time the outcomes of both early (past) and late (future) binding events reach them, both are guaranteed to have occurred by information of the events reach the observer.
Incidentally, one of the most delightful implications of asymmetric causality binding in virtual frames is the answer it produces for the ancient question of whether out futures are predetermined or "free will". The exceedingly unexpected answer is both, depending on what direction you are facing! For us, if one plausibly assumes that the CMB frame is the primary frame, the axis of predestination versus free will is determined by whether the philosopher is facing toward or away from a particular star in the constellation Pisces, though I don't recall off hand which is which. Direction-dependent philosophy for one of the most profound questions of the universe, I love it!
Even better is the fact that no one in any of the frames, primary or virtual, can tell by any known test that can do whether they are or are not in the primary frame. Special relativity thus is beautifully maintained, yet at the same time having a single physical frame hugely simplifies causality self-consistency.
Bottom line: I can't even fault your idea for its use of what is clearly just such a singular frame, because I know that having such a singular frame can very beautifully support every detail of SR. Ouch!
So, ARGH! Your 2012 model is a lot harder to disprove than I was expecting... and please recall the goal in science is always to destroy your own models to prove that they really, truly can pass muster.
Well. Wow. I can't rate your 2012 contest model, which I think makes me happy because it would take me a lot of closer examination of your model to comment on it and feel confident. You have a lot of equations and equation specificity there.
But it's late so I'm calling this a wrap. I won't forget your model. And the key defense you might want to keep in mind, since I'm sure your earlier attempt got tossed out for violating SR, is simply this: Having a primary frame in a physics model is not a sufficient reason to dismiss it because there exist single-frame models can be made fully consistent with all known results of special relativity. Given that such models are possible, any attempt to eliminate a model solely on that criterion is a bogus dismissal. You have to find a true contradiction with SR, one that flatly contradicts known results, rather than just offending people philosophically for making SR more like a computer model and less like an absolutely pristine mathematical symmetry. It's not the beauty of the symmetry that counts in the end, it's whether your model matches with and perfectly predicts observed reality, that is, whether it is Kolmogorov in nature (see my essay again).
Thank you for helping me tear my hair out in frustration!... :)
(Actually, seriously: Good work! But still... argh!)
Ah... really? The FQXi software let me follow the old reference link you sent me, and without any warning allowed me add a comment for an essay that is SIX YEARS OLD??
Sorry about that, Declan, if you ever even see this! At least the comments above really are for this essay, but I should have kept them under my 2016 blog. I was trying to, um, "fix" what I thought was an omission from a day or so ago.