Dear Constantinos,
So far I didn't get aware of many essays with important implications. I have to carefully read your essay as to possibly find something influential in excess of your last essay.
While my Figs. 1, 2, 3, and 4 are merely improved illustrations of ideas I already uttered in earlier essays, my Fig. 5 is new and hopefully the key to the insight that, beginning with Lorentz, a lot of modern physics has been unjustified speculation.
Alan Kadin does of course still adhere to what turned out wrong if my Fig. 5 is correct. Nonetheless my gut feeling lets me support his opinion concerning waves and particles, and he uttered what I also am guessing concerning Hilbert space, cf. the essay by Swingle. You were a mathematician. Can you share our objections to Hilbert space?
You caused me to read and comment on the essay by Eric Reiter. I hope he will reply after reading the essays of Alan and me.