Dear Eckard,
I posted the following in George Ellis' thread but it has disappeared. (Just now reposted anyway). I am copying it to you now.
Dear George,
I shall clear the theoretical side first, and address the personal allegations/misunderstandings later.
George wrote: "The Lorentz transformation equation ..... is verified every day by the operation of electric motors and generators, ....... I show how the standard relations between electric and magnetic field due to relative motion follow from the standard Lorentz transformation laws, and specifically the equation [x' = gamma(x -ut)]".
Eckard wrote: 'Being an old EE, I cannot confirm that the Lorentz transformation "is verified every day by the operation of electric motors and generators. ... This relation is tested millions of times every day by the way standard electrical equipment operates."
It is no surprise that among those who question the strict validity of SRT, a very high number of them are EE's. This is because, SRT theorists, dogmatically and zealously, for propaganda and pedagogic reasons tend to cross the line of SRT's area of applicability (v tending to c), and try to generalize it to claim that it applies for all conditions as regards "standard electrical equipment" etc. And by such exaggerated claims these theorists only discredit and bring disrepute to SRT. We must remember, the theory has been named "Special Relativity" because it HOLDS STRICTLY TRUE ONLY for the condition v tending to c. And for this reason in French it is called the "Restricted theory of Relativity", i.e. the theory is of restricted validity to the condition v tending to c.
a) In all experiments conducted on earth on fast moving particles, beginning with Kaufman's experiments from which Lorentz elicited the empirical equation by iteration of data, the term u in the equation is earth's orbital velocity. So I would have been surprised if this term did not appear in electric motors as well under analogous conditions.
There is no dispute about George's statement if it is referring to a term involving earth's motion being involved in electric motors and generators. However, "involvement" does not mean it manifests clearly under all conditions. It will manifest clearly in strict conformity to the equation only in case of high electron velocities (theoretically). As the electron velocity drops progressively, the results will conform less and less to the equation. Even at moderate velocities, there will be a 'fuzzy term' involving u, if very accurate observations are made, but it will not strictly confirm the equation. At very low speeds at which ordinary electric motors run, this term will be almost imperceptible. This is what Eckard is confirming by his experience as an EE.
Here is why.
(Please open the attachment to refer to the diagram).
I have already discussed the physics of LT in my previous post. Now let us look at it from a logical view point.
If the LT equation holds strictly for the condition v/c tending to 1, then the equation that will hold for all velocities is
x' = (v/c)(c -u)t.gamma.
= gamma.vt - gamma.(ut.v/c)
If we take the term gamma.(ut.v/c) = ut sin(theta) (see the diagram attached). When v/c tends to 1, this term looms large approximates to ut. And it forms the area of applicability of SRT.
Where v/c tends to zero the term vanishes, then x' = gamma vt. This is the area of applicability of Newtonian mechanics. For all experiments conducted on earth gamma = 1.000000005. However in Newtonian measurements an accuracy of the order of 10-8 is not realized. Therefore, by rule of thumb, in practice the equation for displacement of x = vt has been accepted.
(See Attachment)
There is a vast area in between the two areas of applicability, where mixed results will be obtained.
By recognizing the equation x' = v/c(x -ut).gamma, it breaks down the areas of applicability and automatically unifies Newtonian mechanics and SRT.Attachment #1: 2_LT_in_electric_phenomena.doc