Hi James:
Thanks for your reply, comments, and questions. Below are some responses:
Your Comment 1: "This appears to me to be a mechanical perspective. Is your approach to free-will basically a theoretical physics model? I understand it to be lack of preciseness in predictability."
Cosmic Free Will is neither mechanical nor EM. It represents a self-existent degree of freedom in nature as evidenced by the self-existent and non-causative universal laws that are eternal and omnipresent. As evolving human beings we are trained to think mechanically and in cause-effect terms, hence we tend to ignore the eternal universal Free Will and our theories also miss out on this degree of freedom existent in nature. No new and additional predictability or experiments are needed to prove the non-causal and free-willed existence of the well-known universal laws such as the laws of conservation.
Hence, Cosmic Free Will is a degree of freedom in nature that must be allowed in any physical theory for it to be valid universally. This is what I have tried to show in my paper via a physical model of the free-willed or spontaneous decay into or birth of particles from a Zero-point state. This allows a natural creation or dilation of matter without an extraneous nucleo-synthesis model. The black hole singularity experienced by GR is caused by the lack of this degree of freedom. The singularity disappears when the mass is freely allowed to dilate or evaporate (Hawking Radiation) as shown in my paper -" From Absurd to Elegant Universe". No need for an assumed superluminous inflation or big bang. Similarly, the observed accelerated expansion (supernova data) is naturally predicted without any need for the paradoxical and mysterious dark energy. In fact, many of the current paradoxes (multi-verses, multi-dimensions, multi-particles/strings, and dark matter etc.) and inconsistencies are shown to be the artifacts of the missing degree of freedom in the current theories but that exists in the universe.
Your comment 2: "I cannot tell where intelligence enters into this description. I presume that your meaning of cosmic consciousness means a form of probability? Perhaps that which has occured at the beginning, which itelf is unpredictable? In other words, it is due to mechanical effects that are not yet predictable?.... Do you view human free-will as a mechanical abberation?"
There is no probability attached to the well-established and self-existent, eternal, and omnipresent laws of the universe. Does science claim that there is xx% probability that laws of conservation exist? Science itself would be impossible without the definite existence of the fundamental universal laws. Can we imagine a gravitational law wherein it is uncertain whether the apple would either fall or rise from a tree? What is the probability that an apple would fall under gravity? Again, science would be impossible without the certain laws of conservation, so on. The Heisenberg's uncertainty, which is the foundation of QM, is only an artifact of the measurement error due to the incapability of the measuring devices. This uncertainty is not in nature but in the measuring method. Cosmic consciousness, as evidenced by the proven deterministic universal laws, is not a probability. Any apparent probability is only an artifact of the deficient human interpretations based on deficient and uncertain measurement method and measuring devices. As shown in my paper, the unpredictability also arises from the deficient theories missing the self-existence degree of freedom in the universe. Hence, probability, uncertainty, and unpredictability are in the deficient human scientific measurements and incomplete theories; they are not in the nature or universe.
The so-called human free-will or biological consciousness and intelligence of the brain is formed and constrained by the biological evolution. It represents a bounded or imprisoned version of the truly free, eternal, non-causative, and omnipresent Cosmic Consciousness or Free Will represented by the self-existent universal laws that are basic foundations of science. Sadly though, science has taken the laws representing the cosmic free will for granted and so far ignored them as a universal reality that must be included in its theories to resolve their current paradoxes.
It goes without saying that so long as science keeps ignoring this fundamental reality, it cannot achieve a universal TOE as evidenced by the fact that the current widely accepted theories (GR and QM) fail to predict 96% (dark energy and dark matter) of the observed universe in spite of their flamboyant worldly successes. The prevalent ignorance of the universal degree of freedom not only brings discredit to science but also purposelessness and meaninglessness to the universe and life in it.
This is my first-time participation in this forum, which I am really enjoying. I am trying my best to raise awareness of the scientific community to the crucial missing physics rather than focusing on isolated wrong assumptions, which appears to be the main theme of many of the forum papers. We must cure the root cause of the truly FUNDAMENTAL disease (missing physics) rather than focusing on the artifact symptoms if a sustained and meaningful progress in science is to be achieved.
Avtar Singh