Statement 2:
"I think it is clear that space and time will be the first casualties of this revolution. They will become emergent properties of a deeper reality. That is the easier part but with them, locality and causality must also fail......... So let me state my thesis. I don't think that science needs temporal causality at the most fundamental level. The universe does not need a cause at the beginning of time."
Yes, indeed. Time, space, locality, and causality are shown to completely dissolve or dilate at relativistic speeds (V~C) and remain limited to only the non-relativistic Newtonian frame of reference (Velocities much smaller than speed of light C). My paper - " From Absurd to Elegant Universe" shows that the observations of the universe and galactic expansion can be predicted without an absolute cosmic time and without any past, present, or future evolution of the universe. The fundamental assumption of an absolute Cosmic Time or clock (and hence, past, present, and future) is shown to be WRONG since it does not support the universe and galactic observations and leads to unexplainable paradoxes and inconsistencies. The current operational (Newtonian) definition of an absolute time and space is only good enough for the worldly and solar system related physical phenomena and not valid at the universe scale. The paper also demonstrates that the operational worldly definition of time can reveal only 4% (material-only) reality and unable to explain the majority 96% (dark energy and dark matter) of the universal reality. The classical time is the time that is experienced in the Newtonian frame (V much smaller than C) and no-time or fully dilated time is observed in the relativistic frame of a light photon (V=C). In between these two states, there are infinite number of intermediate clocks and times (V between 0 and C). Moreover there is no synchronicity among these clocks, hence any moment (past, present, or future) of time in one clock does not have any correlation or relevance to a moment in any other clock or frame of reference.
In summary, past, present, and future moments (even though experienced as a stubborn reality in the classical world), and hence "Causality", have no meaning at all from a universal point of view. Causality seems to represent a limited concept that is shown to be valid only in Newtonian or classical frame of reference. Numerous successes of the widely accepted theories - quantum mechanics and general relativity, against experiments limited to the worldly and solar system have blinded us to misapply or impose an absolute operational time and causality on all observations causing the current paradoxes of physics and leading to an absurd universe.
Statement 3:
"Even in theories of cosmology, models that preserve causality are now becoming prevalent. Eternal inflation, cosmic evolution, baby universes, colliding brane-worlds, a quantum fluctuation from nothing, Cycles of time. All these fanciful sounding ideas are constructed to avoid the initial event at the big bang where otherwise time seems to start from nothing. Cosmologists don't want to accept a universe that begins with no cause."
Yes, indeed. In my paper, the fanciful ideas - Big Bang, Eternal inflation, cosmic evolution, baby universes, colliding brane-worlds, a quantum fluctuation from nothing, Cycles of time etc. are shown to be mere artifacts of the missing deterministic physics (GNM) of the spontaneous decay of particles. The universe observations can be predicted on the basis of a NON-CAUSAL free-willed or spontaneous decay of a particle.
Statement 3:
"Causality gives way to consistency.
If causality is not the basic principle of science then what is? The answer has to be purely consistency"
Yes, indeed. The new physics of spontaneous decay provides CONSISTENCY of applying the universal laws of conservation of mass, energy, momentum, space, and time to reveal a consistent set of all relativistic states of reality in the universe without the need for many fancy, incredible, and unverifiable concepts mentioned above as well as many others such as - multiple universes, multiple dimensions, anthropic principle, unknown and unproven particles/strings/anti-matter etc.
In summary, the framework of a universal theory proposed in your paper is strongly vindicated via a real comprehensive theoretical model - GNMUE described in my paper.
I would greatly appreciate your review and welcome any comments on my paper -" From Absurd to Elegant Universe".
Best Regards
Avtar Singh