hello Mr.Dribus,
I d like learn more about this K theory, it seems very relevant considering the geometrical conjecture.
The entropical arrow of times and its causality is proportional at all 3D scales in its pure fractalization.
In all case the maxwell's equations are important considering the heat and thermodynamics.if we consioder a pure cooling, it becomes relevant considering the two main gauges in 3D and its walls separating this infinite light and its universal sphetre in evolution spherization.The internal Energy U is relavant woth the enthalpy with the finite groups. H=U+PV.tHE SUBSTITUTIONS CONSIDERING THEI UNIVETRSAL NUMBER becomes very relevant. The Helmholtz function F=U-TS and the gibbs function G=H-TS. We can insert the finite groups and my equations. The volumes of the entanglement and its number are essential. It is relevant considering the maximum volume of the universal sphere and so the correlated rotating spheres inside this physicality. The quantization of mass so permits to see better. The rotations around the universal central sphere also is relevant.Like is relevant thje volume of this central BH.The measurables quantities are seen with determinsim and rationalism and the unknown can be seen when the finite groups are inserted. See that this quantum number is the same at the cosmological scale that for the quantum uniqueness. So the universal sphere does not turn so it is the maximum mass at the present.
On the other side, the quantum spheres them turn very quickly. It is relevant to see these correlations.The entropy principle is so spiritual in fact. The aim is to fractalize correctly the steps of disponible energies.See that the rotations and the volumes are very relevant. My equation mcosV=constant with this finite number, is relevant because this constant is for all physical spheres in 3D , so the quantum spheres, the cosmological spheres and the universal sphere and its central sphere !There is an interesting link when I extrapolate the maximum volume in 250 billions of years considering my calmculations.At this momment a contraction is correlated , so the volume decreases. But in logic the central sphere, it increases in density and volume logically speaking.So it is a kind of oscillation like a oscilaltion of heart. So the volumes are very complex in fact at all 3D scales.
The differentials appear with a real universality when the roups are finite at all 3D scales. The Universal sphere and its cosmological spheres is like a foto of our quantum uniqueness.
ps Good Physicists Have Studied Under Very Fine Teachers.
ps 2 The entropy is maximum in all, paradoxal but so evident.The steps are fascinating before this planck scale !
ps3 eureka :)