Dear Sabine
Thanks for your reply. I am afraid however that I might not have made my point 100%
clear, as I do not think that these points were really covered in the previous discussions.
The issue is what is the meaning (or to be more precise the operational significance ) of a varying value of $h$?
Say we chose to base our units of time and energy one some particular aspects of atomic physics. In that case, were $h$ to change form one space-time point to another the meaning of our units would change from one space-time point to another.
Say we define a the ``second" as the N times the oscillation period connected with a certain atomic transition. Then it is clear that
if $h$ ware to change from one space-time point to another point that particular atomic transition would be modified and the meaning of what we call one ``second" would be modified as well.
Consider a simpler situation where we limit ourselves to space and time.
(Example 1) Say, again, that we define the units of time and of length in terms of the wavelength and frequency of a certain photon
( say the photon emitted in the 2P-1S transition of hydrogen as seen in the rest frame of said atom). What would be the meaning of saying the speed of light changes from space point to another?. If we measure such speed using that particular photon, it seems that, by definition, the seeped measured in those units can not change.
Another example of the difficulties I see is the following:
( Example 2) Consider a proposal where we say that the until of length changes with length. Imagine we say that a meter is only a meter for the first 150 meters but is only half a meter after that. Well one can make that meaningful by saying: Take a collection of sticks placed at the origin, and make sure each one of the sticks when placed there coincides with the unit meter we take from that place in France. Then in measuring a distance to the origin, the first 150 sticks would count as one meter, and every stick after that would count as 1/2 meter.
To make the proposal feel defined, one would have to indicate the point playing the role of the origin from where one starts counting. O.k.
but at what point is the proposal a meta definition and at what point would one be saying something about the nature of the world?
These are issues that seems inescapable when contemplating such proposals. In particular the notion of variation of $h$ with energy seems delicate in the manner similar to that of Example 2.
Therefore my point is that a proposal such as yours would need to be made much more precise in order to make it clearly meaningful.
I am not saying it is impossible, but that taking care of issues like those is, in my view, essential.
Best regards Daniel