Dear Sascha,
I have read your paper - and I am not quite sure, that Wittgenstein's core insight is described resp. interpreted correctly. Obviously Wittgenstein was touched by a deeper truth, which seemed to him unassailable and definitive. I would even say that Wittgenstein himself did not really understand the truth he had found.
Actually, his tractatus logico-philosophicus can be read as logical skeleton of the (visible resp. physical) Universe. It is not simply symbolic, it has a real physical content. To give an example: Wittgenstein considered CONTRADICTION explicitly as the limiting case of the universe. And I think, he was right.
But the key to this far-reaching insight is just that thing which made him silent and which is still not issue of systematic scientific inquiry. Platon called it the ONE. It is commonly defined as an omnipresent and invisible ground of all that exists (i.e. the visible resp. observable Universe).
This thing can indeed be investigated scientifically. Clearly not in the direct way. Something that is truly invisible, is in principle unattainable by scientific method. But if we turn around our usual perspective, this task can be done. Instead of looking at the One itself we have to look at the Universe asking ourselves: How must it look like if its most fundamental branch is really invisible?
This question is (!) accessible to scientific method - and it could indeed be answered, because the property of INVISIBILITY turned out to be a physically highly restrictive condition with respect to the visible Universe. It implied f.e. a specific set of boundary conditions. And just these boundary conditions (R = 0, R = oo) are intrinsically representing a CONTRADICTION.
There is a simple reason why the Universe is logically limited by a contradiction: By being limited in this way it can make use of all possibilities that logic allows at all. In other words: The Universe can make use of its full inner potential, because it is only limited by logic itself.
I am convinced, Wittgenstein has felt this truth - at least intuitively.
Good Luck for Your Paper, which I read with great interest.
Kind Regards