Dear M.V.,
You have written a paper containing many imaginative ideas and touching upon many different fields in physics. I especially liked how you introduced your ideas with the fable in the preamble. Certainly, the notion that "All the space there is belongs to this universe and can contain nothing else." rings true to me.
As intriguing as your ideas are, I believe physicists would want want to see your visual-conceptual model translated into a mathematical model, and some experimentally testable predictions before they would seriously consider adopting it as a worldview (for better or for worse), but I'm sure you already know this.
I did notice that your ideas have a certain picturesque quality to them, which seems quite appropriate, given the topic (although this may also be enhanced by your vivid writing style).
Let me mention that, concerning your remark about Minkowski Spacetime above, most quantum field theorists would vehemently disagree with it.
To me personally the most striking implication of Minkowski spacetime as concerns the structure of space is that evidently in a Universe without any matter at all but just radiation, there could be no Spacetime. That is because distance intervals in spacetime are proportional to the proper time of an object, and only objects with mass have a non-zero proper time. If there are no objects with non-zero proper time, there can be no frame in which there are non-zero spacetime distances(Incidentally, only some physicists agree with this conclusion. Those who do not posit that one can mathematically still describe a spacetime without matter. To me this is an instance of mistaking the map for the territory) I mentioned this because I thought you might find this digression relevant to your topic.
Good luck on the contest and all the best,