Let us assume, in accordance with the classical ether theory, that:

Assumption 1. The speed of light, as measured by the observer, is independent of the speed of the light source.

Assumption 2. The speed of light, as measured by the observer, varies with the speed of the observer.

The null result of the Michelson-Morley is incompatible with the combination of the two assumptions so we have to change them. The simplest change that restores the compatibility with the null result is as follows:

Assumption 1 is replaced by Assumption 1': The speed of light, as measured by the observer, varies the speed of the light source.


Relativity and Its Roots, Banesh Hoffmann: "Moreover, if light consists of particles, as Einstein had suggested in his paper submitted just thirteen weeks before this one, the second principle seems absurd: A stone thrown from a speeding train can do far more damage than one thrown from a train at rest; the speed of the particle is not independent of the motion of the object emitting it. And if we take light to consist of particles and assume that these particles obey Newton's laws, they will conform to Newtonian relativity and thus automatically account for the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment without recourse to contracting lengths, local time, or Lorentz transformations. Yet, as we have seen, Einstein resisted the temptation to account for the null result in terms of particles of light and simple, familiar Newtonian ideas, and introduced as his second postulate something that was more or less obvious when thought of in terms of waves in an ether."

Pentcho Valev pvalev@yahoo.com

Yes, thank you, George. Ratings are a part of a contest, but I'm mostly interested in the feedback to my ideas. For example, I would like to know how sound is my idea that a 4D configuration corresponds to the lowest energy state for a dynamic, vibrating structure that defines space. That is the crucial part of my essay. Intuitively I feel that this is right. I looked for a suitable theorem to this effect, but was short on time.

What do you think?

  • [deleted]

but i have my own view

see my essay http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/1413#addPost

Pentcho, if you read my essay, I do not support the the classical ether theory. IMHO that was a wrong model, based on wrong assumptions. Why bring it back in?

Your abstract states, "A hypothesis is advanced according to which any shift in frequency implies shift in the speed of light." IMHO, frequency being inversely proportional to wavelength, implies --to me at least-- the shift in wavelength. Which was confirmed by the observation.

Your solution, i.e. that "The speed of light, as measured by the observer, varies the speed of the light source" contradicts my view, on which I cannot compromise, and that is: the speed of light is the property of space. As such, it is a constant.

What do you think about the reality of a 4th spatial dimension?

Ms. Vasilyeva, you wrote: "Your solution, i.e. that "The speed of light, as measured by the observer, varies the speed of the light source" contradicts my view, on which I cannot compromise, and that is: the speed of light is the property of space. As such, it is a constant."

Is the speed of light "the property of space" in the same way in which the speed of sound is the property of air? If yes, the speed of light, as measured by the observer, varies with the speed of the observer, and your community rating may plummet.

Best regards, Pentcho

    LOL let it plummet. Hey, Giordano Bruno went to the stake for his convictions. What's rating in an essay contest for a newbie? I want to hear the feedback to my ideas. Do you have any?

    To answer your question of my innermost believes, yes, the speed of light is the property of space in the same way as the speed of sound is the property of air. The speed of waves is always the property of the medium in which they propagate and is dictated by the medium.

    What you don't seem to understand is that the observer of the speed of sound in the air is on the same footing as the air, while the observer of the speed of light IS NOT ON THE SAME FOOTING AS LIGHT.

    I understand where you confusion lies. Many lay people share it. Physics is partially to blame for it, when it declared space empty and substituted the paradox of space with the wave-particle duality (just the topic of my essay, by the way). Ever since, many lay people (and even some physicists) put particles of light (which are just convenient abstractions of momentum of light waves in space) on par with material objects, of which a grandfather clock is the all time favorite, lol.

    But I am certain that if you give this just a bit of thought --I highly recommend reading my essay!-- you can overcome these difficulties. I found that just adding 1 spatial dimension, the 4th, suddenly explains all paradoxes, starting with the central paradox of science, which is the paradox of space. Once you solve it, everything just falls into its right place, confusion vanishes and life becomes worth living again :)

    Is the formula v'=v+v0 given by Sidney Redner correct? For sound waves? For light waves?


    Professor Sidney Redner: "We will focus on sound waves in describing the Doppler effect, but it works for other waves too. (...) Let's say you, the observer, now move toward the source with velocity vO. You encounter more waves per unit time than you did before. Relative to you, the waves travel at a higher speed: v'=v+vO."

    Pentcho Valev

    Pentcho, you do not understand the difference between space and things in space. I am afraid I have exhausted my resources trying to help you and have nothing else to add.

    • [deleted]

    Hi M.V. Your essay was a fun read, and I think the picture you have of how things work is better than many. I agree that forces and particles should both be described in terms of spacetime geometry (topological solitons of some type), and also that large extra dimensions may be involved. I think you would enjoy reading about the bouncing droplet system -- it is a lot like your flatland. If you have no journal access send me an email, otherwise some references are given in my essay.


      • [deleted]

      Hi M. V. V.,

      You wrote "fear of resurrecting old ether theories". Why fear? Is your suggestion a new ether theory? Was Einstein correct when he resurrected the ether in 1920 except for admitting it as preferred system of reference? I

      n the discussion you repeatedly used "lol". I doubt that this is a persuading style. Don't some arguments e.g. by Pentcho Valev and Frank Makinson rather deserve a factual reply?

      You called space a paradox. Galileo's pupil Torricelli and Guericke demonstrated that a spatio vacuo (without air) actually exists. Two kinds of experiments by the latter led to the industrial revolution and the study of electricity. Guericke tried to understand forces between distant bodies. I see justified curiosity but no paradox in this case.

      Cantor's transfinite cardinalities and Einstein's special theory of relativity (SR) led into many paradoxes even if their supporter tend to deny them and your ideas are nonetheless based on SR if spacetime is based on SR.

      Einstein in 1905 tacitly referred to Lorentz. Lorentz adopted Potier's correction to Michelson's first experiment.

      Meanwhile, some experts questioned that the null-result of MMX disproves the existence of an absolute space alias ether alias preferred frame of reference. I quoted some of them in my essay. My own humble contribution is my Fig. 5. Feel challenged to either provide a different explanation or resurrect absolute space.

      Using the expression "in time" you seem to fatalistically believe that there are future worldlines in reality.

      At least I appreciate that you understand light propagating within the medium space.


        Hi Eckard,

        Thank you for your comments on my essay.

        No, my model is not an ether theory. I offer a geometrical model of space in 4D at low, everyday energies, where matter and space are separate (they may be one and the same at very high energies, a point I omitted in my essay). The setup is in line with ADD model, the reference to which is listed.

        No, IMHO, "ether" cannot be used "as preferred system of reference". This is because space is a dynamic, fluid structure, and as such is not suitable for this purpose, just as captains cannot use the real ocean as a frame of reference for navigation and must rely on stars (and now, GPS).

        Neither do I find paradoxical that space (spatio vacuo) actually exists. The paradox is that the spatio vacuo contains the same field that makes matter impenetrable to other matter. And yet we move through it with ease.

        I am glad that we are in agreement that waves require a medium. Funny times we live in. 100 years ago this was still a given and people were only starting to scratch their heads, lol, trying to understand the abstractions of Einstein's theory. Today, such an obvious notion puts many in a state of stupor and all they can reply is "but there is no ether". As if there is no other ways of modeling space.

        Again, thank you for your comments and your feedback. I very much appreciate it!

        Thank you Andrew for your feedback on my essay. I looked up bouncing droplets last night and saw some videos a while ago. This is indeed fascinating. To me it illustrates the fractal nature of reality, where the same principles operate at various scales. I am not sure how to send you an email. Mine is vasilyeva_mv@yahoo.com Yes, I'd love to read more about the bouncing droplet systems.

        Dear Gurcharn,

        thank you for your comments on my essay.

        I looked up your abstract and see that you advocate for a the absolute reference frame. I also see that you write in your thread that you "cannot accept 4D spacetime model of GR as a physical entity that can be curved or deformed... In my opinion it is absolutely essential to distinguish between the mathematical notion of coordinate space and the physical space."

        While I agree that it is essential to distinguish between the mathematical notion of coordinate space and the physical space, I believe that 4D spacetime of GR worked out so well, because it closely models the underlying 4D geometry of space. And I presume you have already seen my take on the absolute reference frame in the post above.

        Regarding your comments about the community ratings, as a complete newbie here and a bit of an aspie, I do not navigate well the seas of social interactions. I found Pentcho's hints and even threats of downvoting above funny. Even funnier is the public voting campaign organized by George Rajna. His supporters are instructed to upvote his essay (over 80 ratings already!) while simultaneously voting 1 to all others, thus most now have 4-6 with only 2-3 votes. 10+1/2=6 that's how it works out. The whole thing reminds more of a game of Survivor on TV. No, it's actually worse. You people made a farce of this contest.

        I do not care that much about the votes. I want feedback. Do you know enough topology to comment on my idea that a dynamic vibrating structure that defines space finds its lowest energy state in a 4D configuration? Do you know a theorem that I could use in support of this idea?

        • [deleted]

        Ms. Vasilyeva,

        I appreciate Eckard responding about ether, he explains it better than I can. I read an article some time ago where a person stated that the arguments used for the need of a Higgs boson, and its related field, were essentially the same arguments used for the need of "aether".

        Your last comment contained: "I offer a geometrical model of space in 4D at low, everyday energies, where matter and space are separate (they may be one and the same at very high energies, a point I omitted in my essay)." Topic 1539 contains the term "energeum", and the essay develop the characteristics of this "stuff" to fill up the quantum vacuum.

        I find it inconceivable that contemporary physicists never bother to explain why space, essentially a vacuum, has permittivity and permeability, measurable characteristics. I am beginning to think that it is deliberately ignored. I don't believe the scientific community realizes that EM waves cannot propagate without the presence of a medium that posseses permittivity and permeability, which could be described as a "neutral field" that permeates all space and matter.

        And, Einstein, Minkowski and all the other scientists of that era were totally ignorant that electromagnetic (EM) waves, over a wide spectrum, were pervasive in space. These "ancient scientists" were aware that light reached the earth from distance stars, and it was an EM phenomenon, but they were totally unaware that other EM spectrum was reaching earth. This was not "discovered" until the 1930s, by a couple of what were called "radio engineers" at that time. Georgina Parry, topic 1316, used the term "incomplete information" as a polite term for "ignorance".

        There is a very simple explanation how EM fields can accomplish what is called gravity, but Einstein acolytes will not even consider anything that doesn't fit General Relativity, even if it is simple.

        • [deleted]

        Thank you M. V. V. for responding. Being ignorant of the ADD model, I read: "Results from the Large Hadron Collider do not appear to support the model."

        Perez argues for reloading the preferred system of reference. I just doubt that this is possible when he maintains Einstein's SR. Admittedly, I only found out that the primary reason for Einstein to fabricate SR was based on the most likely wrong assumption that the MMX will yield a non-null result; see my Fig. 5.

        Can any electromagnetic wave propagate in a Faraday's cage? I am an EE; I say no. Is your space something with a frequency-dependent transfer function?

        While I agree on the assumption that there is perhaps something (call it absolute space or ether or preferred background) that em waves refer to like the sea that carries a ship, I would not infer that it "makes matter impenetrable to other matter. And yet we move through it with ease."



        • [deleted]

        Dear M.V. Vasilyeva,

        It is my essay:




          Dear Marek, you seem to be unaware of Lorentz transformation that also explained the null result of Michelson-Morley experiment. It is great that you came up with a similar idea on your own.



          Hi guys

          Just to make a correction. Dear Eckard you mentioned: Perez argues for reloading the preferred system of reference. I just doubt that this is possible when he maintains Einstein's SR. Certainly, this is paradoxical. I argue in favor of the PSR and therefore against SR since this theory does not accept PSRs. To me aether, space, quantum vacuum and zero-point field are synonymous. I assume it to be a massive fluid and thus the medium for EM waves. From the assumption that space is a fluid it has been shown that Lorentz symmetry is emergent. Therefore there is no contradiction between the PSR and Lorentz symmetry. This is a theory different from SR.



          Eckard Blumschein,

          Regarding the quote from wiki on ADD, it refers to limits on the minimum black hole mass, the whole question of which is in dispute (see http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0702142).

          Regarding your denial that there is a paradox of space, you must be unaware that you contradict yourself:

          1. you admit that there is medium for the EM radiation

          2. as an EE, you are well aware of the transverse nature of waves and of their speed.

          3. (2) implies that the medium is a solid whose rigidity surpasses the strongest known materials.

          The paradox is in this rigidity in face of the apparent emptiness. Your ether model does not fit the data, because ether cannot support transverse waves.

          I explain the paradox in 4D, with EM radiation living in the 3-brane and matter being confined to it in the 4th dimension.


          I got lots of work now and will not be able to continue our discussion. Take care.

          Dear Vasilyeva

          I really enjoyed reading your inspiring essay. I agree with most of your essay and I would like to make some comments and state some doubts.

          First you argue that you are not in support of the old aether notion and you also argue that it was wrong. I wonder why you think, it was wrong. Could you make some comments.

          You state an old paradox with the question: how can space be both empty and solid? I think you are aware that this paradox is only valid considering that space is some sort of fluid. Today physics does not assume space as such and therefore there is no paradox for contemporary physics. As I can see your program attempts to revive the problem and by reviving the problem you are trying to solve the present ones. In my essay I try to do the same by reviving the notion of aether and the notion of the preferred system of reference, I think you will be very much interested in reading it. I will be glad if you could leave me some comments. My question in this respect is: don't you think that by reviving the old problem you are also contradicting current views, in particular, the general and the special relativity?

          Something that was not clear for me is whether you think that the universe was created in the Big Bang (BB) or not. As I read, at a given point of your essay you argued that at the moment of the BB the universe had n-dimensions and after some time the universe (by unknown reasons) was left with only four. My question is: do you accept the idea that the universe had a BB, i.e., that the universe had a beginning? If so, What reasons can you provide to explain the lost of dimensions?

          According to your comments it seems to me that you are confusing the type of dimensions, because you argue that the 3D universe can be seen as a shell of the 4D and then you call it a membrane or for short brane in the sense of modern theories, such as string theory. I think you are mixing the concepts because you are talking about physical dimensions and not geometrical dimensions. You are supporting the view that the 3D space we experience everyday is some sort of solid embedded in another physical space of 4D, likewise as a sheet of metal could be embedded in a solid sphere. When one talks about branes, membranes or dimensions in the sense of relativity those dimensions are not physical dimensions but geometrical dimensions whose dimensions are devoid of substance. In a certain sense, the geometrical dimensions are an abstraction of the solid ones but they are not the same. In the late 1910s and beginning of the 1920s Kaluza and Klein worked out a geometrical 4+1 D model of the universe but their predictions were irreconcilable with experience. From the 1930s to 1970s physicists worked in geometrical spaces with 5+1 and 6+1 dimensions but the results were not satisfactory either, this is why these attempts are not widely known. The most famous and successful of these multidimensional theories is string theory that requires 10+1 dimensions to be mathematically consistent (to a certain extent) but these are all geometrical theories, which are different to your proposal with solid dimensions. So I would suggest not to mix conceptions.

          As far as I can see you have completely digested the idea of the world in 4D and so you speak quite naturally about them. I agree with your view and the consequences derived from this idea, in particular to quantum mechanics. I clearly understand this.

          You also argue that the red shift can be caused by the lost of energy of light due to the viscosity of space, I agree. And if this is true one arrives at the conclusion that there is no expansion. But at the same time you support geometrical spaces in the sense of general relativity which explain the redshift as geometrical expansion, which seems clearly paradoxical. This paragraph has some relation with the question I raised in the third paragraph above.

          Congratulations for your work and I wish you good luck in the contest

          Best regards
