• [deleted]

Dear Geoff

"What we call empty space is in fact full of waves..."

If one want to understand nature one has to understand the fabric of space.

You have helped to get closer to understanding this mystery. Thanks.

Sincerely Karoly

  • [deleted]

Can you market this as proof potentially all religions are correct because of the fact the stories are a human construct and therefore there could be vibrational space existent formulated by the patterns of belief placed? It would be great to say physics says that, so people can act like little quaternions, and be conscious of the waves they are spreading.

I use "actually it's a physics thing, kinda" in my stories, when I explain my whole idea of waves and frequencies and patterns and paths to other people, and they then believe me. 95% more success in people accepting what I have to say, because they believe in physics. I bet you'd get a crazy large percent more people believing you, if you gave faith a nod, plus it would moot a lot of flames of hate. I'd really like physics to pump this whole idea so we could remove religion out of politics and socio-everything, and place it strictly in culture, and get along like little quaternions do, and figure stuff out like that. That, would be a real great way to solve some current global problems.

I don't know how to write that in math. I wish a physics person would do it. Nobody knows whats inside a black hole after the hole, or where the photon dissappears to? I don't know. I imagine I understand, but I may not.

  • [deleted]

I mean place, when I say quaternion. Each moment, capable of complete change in pathway, infinite. Like a potential. I see potential in this.

15 days later
  • [deleted]

Dear Geoff,

I find your essay refreshing and very interesting. I have passed it on to a retired colleague of mine, Jan Boeyens, who I'm sure will also take great delight in the fact that there are other truth seekers out there. He has written several books, too expensive to buy, but you can find them on some Russian and Chinese sites for free ( :-) I did not tell you). One you might enjoy is Chemical Cosmology. He is also just completing an invited chapter entitled Debunking the Big Bang.




    8 days later

    Thanks Demi,

    Yep, truth seekers are rare creatures!

    I look forward to reading his work on debunking the big bang. According to the wave structure of matter (WSM) space is necessarily infinite and eternal (as only one substance space exists, it cannot be bounded by or created by a second substance).

    Thanks for posting.



    2 months later
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    What kind of films?

    a month later
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    I think part of Geoffreys point is that it has been an obvious solution for some time.

    3 months later
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    bla bla can one of you brainy guys please come up with a way of extracting energy/heat from the sea,solving two problems at once please

    a month later
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    I have been looking for clues in sacred geometry and prime numbers. The series of prime numbers hints at 8 dimensions. Time is not 1/2 a dimension. 1/2 a dimension of time is what we perceive. Time is moving in a wave like pattern through the other dimensions at very specific frequencies and at various amplitudes. The frequencies change depending on the fields or energy at that location. The amplitude becomes very important in the case of a singularity at the center of a black hole. In the singularity of the big bang the amplitude for time would become infinite. There may be clues in something called cymatic cellular automata. Jim Gates has found clues that error correcting codes are written into the fabric of space/time. Symbols of power, Adinkras

      • [deleted]


      I do not own my heart

      But I have no-one to blame when it wanders

      I did not chose my name

      And I'll have nothing to claim when it's gone

      Even if the whole world flinches

      Straining to relieve the pressure

      Some approximation bares a striking resemblance to dawn

      I cannot find my way

      But I have nothing to lose at this moment

      I do not think it's strange

      That I'm not required to know or respond

      Even if the whole thing hinges

      On our vision of the future

      Most would fail to find the flaws neatly nested in the chaos beyond

      We have forgotten how light pierces the darkness and is consumed

      Nor have we considered that life is a hollow vessel, filled and then poured out again

      If gravity should win

      And everything is pulled apart as it tumbles

      All the information lost

      And nothing remains when it's done

      Even if we can't preserve life

      Or find a way to save our memories

      Some illusionary moment shared the only treasure we have won

      Perhaps at the event horizon

      Time dilated, we appear to freeze

      We're smeared upon its rippling surface

      Swirling vortex of a summer breeze

      Are we neither alive nor dead but echos from another life

      Our path enfolded so we only see

      Fields and fluctuations, vibrations, discord, harmony

      • [deleted]

      It appears that humans can perceive the future at very short intervals. This is why I am thinking that time behaves like a wave.

      2 years later

      Hi Geoffrey,

      I read your article in order to 1) compare it to the Rotating Wave (soliton) which I think is the basic form of fermion (eg electron) matter and 2) to see if I could find any enlightenment on quaternions, spin and Dirac Equation relating to the Rotating Wave.

      To me wave particle duality does not necessarily mean that there is a particle there guided by a piloting wave. "Wave particle duality" refers to particle like phenomenae exhibited by a wave packet. I agree that the basic form of matter is a localized wave. I think that is what Louis de Broglie suggested in the first place. Furthermore, I think physicists have for many years considered matter as possibly a purely localized wave function, but the math of Relativistic QM best describes what is happening between the observer and the observed.

      Your assertion that no one has understood the real "solution" for Dirac's wave equation for the past 80 years is not quite correct. From de Broglie to Dirac in the 1920's attempts were made to made to represent the waves in ordinary 3d space. The pilot wave was an alternate. Back in 1979, I had discussions with physicists and they were quite aware of the possible full wave mechanics for particles. That is when I realized that as per Dirac, the rotating wave might be the solution. Dirac put relativity into wave mechanics and got spin. Conversely if one puts classical spin into a wave function, you get relativity. I think some physicists may have even considered that relativity like QM both came from spin.

      Even Dirac knew there was something profound about the spinor matrices since they involve only constants:

      "They must therefore denote some quite new dynamical variables, which may be pictured as describing some internal motion in the electron. We shall see later that they just describe the spin of the electron." - Paul A.M. Dirac

      I think I understand your "in and out" wave action and that you emphasize "metaphysics" plus Occam's Raor requires the simplest action. When I was trying to see what kind of wave mechanics could create a localized wave that exhibits relativity, I first considered waves bouncing back and forth in a shell or waves just interfering in space. However it didn't exhibit spin, so then I realized it might be just a classically rotating wave which in accordance with electromagnetism appears to exhibit relativity and quantum (wave) mechanics. As the light wave is bent around the sun, perhaps it could also be brought into a full rotation by some kind of "binding energy" and maintained.

      I can't see how an "in and out" wave would create rotation. I can only say that chances of a straight on collison of waves would be rare and thus a rotation would somehow follow. If that is what you are suggesting, then diagrams and math would help. Definitely, rotation seems predominant in the universe from micro to macro.

      Of course one wonders what is at the base of all this aether/space stratum and what more lies underneath this stratum that we are aware of.

      I understand that you say the quaternions explain the spin in QM, but I don't see how that translates into a physical description of spin within your "in and out" wave. To me the quaternions substitutes for the vector addition. Vectorially, the Rotating Wave has vectors: Cbar = Vvbar Vrbar in special relativity. Vectors have "bar" after them. Squaring you get: C2 = Vv2 Vr2. Vrbar is the rotational vector and reflects the time cycle of the rotating wave. The fact that one can get and energy from the same vector addition by simply multiplying by mass (mC2 = mVv2 mVr2; mCbar = mVvbar mVrbar), implies that these vectors are indeed at right angles to each other and thus Vrbar is indeed about rotation.

      I think the binding energy that keeps the rotating wave in rotation is likely the source of dark energy. The rotation of one wave will affect another and hence gravity, expansion, and general slowing of time. In a free falling universally accelerating reference frame, the relativistic equation of a Rotating Wave then becomes: Cbar = Vvbar Vrbar Vtbar where Vtbar is a radial velocity (outward or inward). The light line where C is constant spirals outward (time slows down) or inward (time speeds up). At the macro level this stug of war with interacting waves generally gives up binding energy. Astrophysicists might well have considered that already.

      I gotta get and learn Latex,

      Bill Christie

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