"the value of c varies". No, The hierarchy doesn't imply that at all. The value c is identical within all inertial systems. Each IS then entirely equivalent as logic anyway demands and as Galileo, Einstein's postulates and all empirical evidence. It's the DATUM condition K that varies, becoming K', K" etc.
Look at it like this; We have a sealed laboratory on a ship. It measures the speed of a light pulse in a near-vacuum chamber to be precisely c. ALL such laboratories on all such ships will do so. Yet they may be 100 space ships going flat out on 100 different vectors. If we change observer frame to that of a background rest frame OUTSIDE the ships and look through the windows, all light pulses will APPEAR to be going at c+v or c-v.
What you need to grasp and apply to overcome the apparent paradox is that the light reaching your eye is NOT the light pulse! That light is NOT VISIBLE! The light observed is that from the SEQUENCE of stationary particles in the vacuum chamber charged in turn by the pulse. That's why we see light from collimates quasar jets at apparent speeds many tines c. There is no paradox. It is the 'carrier medium' if you like that is also moving wrt the observer.
If you'd also like the implications of the 're-emision at c' transition mechanism, here they are;
Each transition between hierarchical interim rest frames ('discrete fields' - thus DFM) is equivalent, and each MUST then be a LOCAL 'CMBR rest frame'. That is indeed Galilean relativity, but when one frame is moving at near c through it's local background the blue shift at the TZ tends to min wavelength gamma, which is 'optical breakdown mode' electron density where the Lorentz factor well models the acceleration 'drop off' near c. The difference between Galilean and special relativity is only that 'drop off' approaching c.