Part 2

Dear David,

Thank you once again for the time you spent on my work for preparing your elaborate quarry.

''''''In your first paragraph you state the creation ex nihilo to be a stock item in cosmology. However, no present physical theory about the Big Bang every ventures into more than speculation (e.g., collisions between branes) about the instance of the Big Bang itself, but only refers to the time as close to immediately after it as one can extrapolate to.''''''

Creation ex nihilo is not a stock item , It is an incompleteness of the Bigbang theory. Bigbang keeps many questions open.

''''''You spend the bulk of the essay developing your "Vakradiation" theory, and giving instances how the uniformity of the CMB fits into it, using data from galaxy and interstellar dust observations.''''''

Yes , Scientists won Noble prizes by allowing the starlight into the electronic window of sensors of WMAP and COBE satellites and claiming it as Bigbang generated CMBR. The whole world was confused on this issue.

''''''To be able to further defend your theory, you would also have to account for the new data (2013) from the Planck satellite which show a region which does not fit into this uniformity (but of course only confirmed when the full data set will be available in 2014).''''''

Thank you once again, I think I will workout it with your collaboration. Previously I explained the WMAP dark spots.

'''''''In any case, such a defense in the style which you are presenting it might belong in a professional journal, but one of the stipulations of this contest was that it should be easily readable by a person outside of the field. The middle part of your essay does not fit this criterion, in my opinion. ''''''''

I am not from a proper English speaking country. My English is not very good. I am being a poor man, I cant afford some professional editing services...

I hope I will ask your help and I hope that you will be able to devote some time for EDITING my paper next time.

I hope that will be ok for you...



Part 3 ( Final)

Dear David,

''''In your essay you mention the Dynamic Universe Model as an aside; in your replies to posts you frequently refer back to this theory'''''

This essay is not related to Dynamic Universe model. It is independently derived from fundamentals. This essay is totally independent of the dynamic universe model theory. When someone questions I go into that theory.... Did you find any relation between these two?

'''''I noted in your references that you refer to your own articles on this theory. May I assume that this is the same theory which is outlined by the article, which predates your works, to be found at

U.pdf ?'''''

No No No, that link is some new theory. Mine is Dynamic Universe Model, which is an singularity free N-body problem solution.

'''''As you say, this theory has a lot of potential. However, it concentrates primarily on trying to reformulate general relativity (if I am reading it correctly).'''''

Yes, Cosmology, Solar system dynamics, VLBI explanations, many other problems, (you may also give some new problems) etc...

''''' Wheeler's assertion was a bold one because of the difficulties presented by quantum phenomena and theory, not because of general relativity. Hence I am not sure that the Dynamic Universe Model is entirely relevant to this debate.'''''

Here I am discussing about CMB, if somebody asks about Dynamic Universe Model, I will have to reply. I think 'Wheeler's assertion' is not the only thing in this contest. There are a wide verity of papers.

'''''In any case your essay has prompted some lively discussion, which is good. Good luck in your further research.'''''

Thank you once again, You can ask me your questions even after this FQXi contest is over no problem. I will answer them.

OK, let me clarify it a bit more. ;-)

As you know, when one interacts with one of the entangled particles one is *instantaneously*--and hence not via "it", which cannot propagate with the speed higher than c--interacting with the the others.

Again, I take it to be a form of interaction actualized by some kind of informational means, which I see as a disproof of your claim that "it" cannot be modified by "bit".

Hi, Satyavarapu

Thank you for explaining how you are using the terms "It" and "Bit". The confusion occurs because the topic is based on Wheeler's article, where the sense in which he is using the terms is explained; since the topic was based on that article, it was assumed that these meanings would be preserved.

No, I do not mean to bring any divinity into the discussion. Rather, there are different senses as to how matter is created by information. The sense in which you are basing your idea is the classic idea of the conservation of mass-energy; this I do not deny (beyond the limits imposed by the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, of course). To use philosophical terms, this is the classical Philosophical Materialism view, which is the view taken in classical physics. However, there is also the view of the Philosophical Idealists, such as Berkeley, Hume, etc., not to mention many philosophies closer to your own soil, from Hinduism, Buddhism, etc. Although quantum physics has not pushed the viewpoint of physicists quite that far (despite popular misconceptions), quantum phenomena have required physicists to re-evaluate the strict Materialism of classical physics.

Secondly, however, the idea of information being necessary for physical reality is different to the idea that information creates matter. The geometry of space-time, for example, can be seen as information, and mass can be seen as part of reality. One does not speak of one creating the other, but rather that they are the same thing. Although Information and Reality may not be the same things, nonetheless their interdependence does not necessarily imply creation. After all, just as we say that mass-energy is neither created nor destroyed, so too we say that information is neither created nor destroyed.

End of reply to Part 1.

You write that the Big Bang Theory leaves questions unanswered. Yes, of course. This is just part of the ongoing search known as physics.

The full data from the Planck spacecraft will be easy to find when it comes out in 2014.

My point about the style of the essay had nothing to do with your English, which is fine. Rather, your essay contains so much data and equations in the text that would belong either to the technical appendix mentioned in the conditions for the essay (see the FQXi page about the contest) or in a technical journal. The texts of the essays in this contest are supposed to be for an educated lay person.

End of reply to Part 2

Thank you for explaining to me that your "Dynamic Universe Model" is different to the usage of the term predating your publications. Since you state that this is only a side issue in your essay, I will not go into details of your theory here.

Best, David

Dear Satyavarapu,

To be honest, I had some problems to understand your proposed concept Vakradiation. And your paper looks more like a technical note than an essay for the broad audience, may be you should rewrite it with graphs, so that the understanding of the reader may improve. On the other hand, as a non-expert in cosmology, I cannot judge its deep interest.

Best regards,


    Dear Michel,

    Thank you for asking,

    I define this word "VAKRADIATION" as radiation received per unit area from a distant source in space per unit time over all frequencies.

    This term is something similar to heat flux or thermal flux. These are common terms used in measurement of solar radiation. If I use these terms directly, people will take that as 'Solar Radiation' only, they will not take them as TOTAL STAR or GALAXY RADIATION in all Frequencies.

    I am defining this new term because, the terms "thermal flux" or "heat flux", are commonly used in conjunction with solar heat that is received per unit area per second on earth. This defines a similar unit for Star and Galaxy radiation at earth.


    Thank you very much for your comments "And your paper looks more like a technical note than an essay for the broad audience,". I will do that. I will prepare it in such a way that a Discovery channel viewer can understand. I will publish in some common forum, I will send a copy to you also.

    I hope it is not condition for FQXi essay, in that case they would have written that there should not be any equations in the essay.

    But I request you to please let me know all your problems and I will explain...



    Dear Michal,

    Thank you once again for the questions you asked me on my essay. If you visit the FQXi page ,( at the beginning of the page)



    The goals of the Foundational Questions Institute's Essay Contest (the "Contest") are to:

    ^ Encourage and support rigorous, innovative, and influential thinking about foundational questions in physics and cosmology;


    They used a word 'innovative', that may mean they want more fundamental thinking and may not be a report on current research prepared for discovery channel viewers...



    Dear Dr. Gupta,

    I believe it has been convincingly established in cosmology that the perfect blackbody thermal spectrum of the CMB cannot be produced by thermalization of starlight. For a convincing discussion you may want to see the review article by Peebles et al. in Nature 352, 769 (1991).

    Also, I think you intend to conclude `bit from it', not the other way round, judging from your arguments and from what you discuss.

    With best regards,


      • [deleted]

      Resp Prof Tejinder singh sab,

      1. Thank you very much for such nice fundamental questions you asked, which nobody doubted here. I will be very glad to answer. Thank you for your rating to my essay, which came down to 3.6.

      I am just a common man, nobody will bother for a man working against Mainstream and I am not a PhD. Being a prof in such institute researching in fundamentals like FQXi, You are confused by question of a common man.

      So you know the background of my paper and I will ask you few direct and straight questions. . .

      a. How much starlight is allowed in EACH measurement of Background Microwave Radiation as measured by WMAP or COBE satellites?

      b. What are the measures they have taken to compensate or for subtraction of starlight from that point measurement?

      c. Once they have measured only starlight concluded it is perfect Blackbody radiation why it was announced other way round. ( Here your question becomes redundant)

      2. I mean to say, whatever the manner one describes the material or matter with words, mental thoughts, using information technology or computers, his descriptions will not produce matar bits or atoms. This explanation can give information describing the material bits only and nothing more.

      Here I used words - -IT- - for: - -Information technology- - and - -Bit- - for : --a piece of material or a bit of material- - . . . .

      Hope this will answer query sir,



      Resp Prof Tejinder singh sab,

      1. Thank you very much for such nice fundamental questions you asked, which nobody doubted here. I will be very glad to answer. Thank you for your rating to my essay, which came down to 3.6.

      I am just a common man, nobody will bother for a man working against Mainstream and I am not a PhD. Being a prof in such institute researching in fundamentals like FQXi, You are confused by question of a common man.

      So you know the background of my paper and I will ask you few direct and straight questions. . .

      a. How much starlight is allowed in EACH measurement of Background Microwave Radiation as measured by WMAP or COBE satellites?

      b. What are the measures they have taken to compensate or for subtraction of starlight from that point measurement?

      c. Once they have measured only starlight concluded it is perfect Blackbody radiation why it was announced other way round. ( Here your question becomes redundant)

      2. I mean to say, whatever the manner one describes the material or matter with words, mental thoughts, using information technology or computers, his descriptions will not produce matar bits or atoms. This explanation can give information describing the material bits only and nothing more.

      Here I used words - -IT- - for: - -Information technology- - and - -Bit- - for : --a piece of material or a bit of material- - . . . .

      Hope this will answer query sir,



      Dear Goldfarb,

      Thank you for the explanation. And in your words ''''Again, I take it to be a form of interaction actualized by some kind of informational means, which I see as a disproof of your claim that "it" cannot be modified by "bit". ''''

      You are referring to my IT ( Information technology) or your It ( A piece of matter) I was confused...



      Dear Gupta Sir,

      Greetings. I humbly request that we not discuss ratings. I am afraid you are assuming that I have already rated your essay, and furthermore, that I brought down its rating, or that I intend to rate it at all.

      I am a theorist, not an experimentalist, and I do not have the expertise to comment on data analysis or technical instrumental details of CMB experiments. However, so many different CMB experiments starting 1965, including ground based and balloon borne experiments, and satellites, all say that the CMB spectrum is black body. It would be surprising if they were to be all wrong and yet agree with each other. Perhaps you may like to consult experts at IUCAA, Pune on this subject.

      All that I was saying in my previous post was that calculations show that it is not possible to thermalize starlight, and make a perfect blackbody spectrum, given the properties of the inter-stellar medium.

      Regarding your points a. b. c. above it is definitely true that galactic foreground is subtracted before arriving at the CMB spectrum. Moreover, it is significant that the galaxy is a disk - so that most points where CMB is measured are not affected by the starlight. For instance, you may like to see the papers

      If these works are already known to you then I apologize.

      With kind regards,


      Resp Prof Tejinder Sir,

      Don't worry about ratings sir. I am more interested in technical / logical / scientific discussions, Nothing more in this life.

      I can discuss with any one no problem.

      I know all these works, No problem.

      These were discussed extensively in the following discussion threads in BAUT forum during 2007-8

      I am requesting you to please have a look ....

      For COBE and FIRAS design features...

      CMB in our Dynamic Universe...

      These are mainly technical discussions.

      Any of your questions are welcome...

      Best Regards


      Dear Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta,

      I've read your essay, not without difficulties, because I'm a theoretician, dealing more with quantum theory than astrophysical measurements :-)

      Nevertheless, I can see from the essay and the discussion above that you seem to be allergic to any "imaginary" concepts, including imaginary numbers, which are nothing more than a convenient way to denote 90 deg rotations ( i^2 = -1 means simply that two consecutive counterclockwise 90 deg. rotations are equivalent to one 180 deg. conterclockwise rotation).

      Going back to our "It from Bit" discussion, it does not mean, at least in my opinion, a creation of matter from mental experiments. It is rather about the influence that _getting_information_ (i.e. a measurement) may have on the state of an "element of reality", including it's emergence, as it is observed in various experiments involving quantum entanglement.

      You wrote:" ... we study the relation between Information and reality about CMB in this paper." A question arises, what information about reality is _encoded_in_ CMB, or it is rather the information encoded in our _models_of reality ?

      Another thing, which is problematic for me, is the use of Boltzmann-Stefan law in combination with "radiation in all frequencies" in your discussion. Isn't it prone to the "ultraviolet catastrophe" problem ?

      One more thing, there is a mention about your Dynamic Universe Model, based on flat Cartesian coordinates in 3D space and (global?) linear time. I'm afraid that such a model is rather problematic in view of the _observed_ properties of electromagnetic radiation.

      Best Regards,


        Dear Joachim,

        Thank you very much for your interest in my essay and for your time spent on this essay. These are good questions. I will be putting '''''' before your words. Next will be my answers.

        '''''I've read your essay, not without difficulties, because I'm a theoretician, dealing more with quantum theory than astrophysical measurements :-)'''''''

        Thank you once again for your efforts, any general scientific back ground should be sufficient, i feel. You have more than any such backgrounds. . . !

        ''''''''Nevertheless, I can see from the essay and the discussion above that you seem to be allergic to any "imaginary" concepts, including imaginary numbers, which are nothing more than a convenient way to denote 90 deg rotations ( i^2 = -1 means simply that two consecutive counterclockwise 90 deg. rotations are equivalent to one 180 deg. conterclockwise rotation). '''''''

        I know all those concepts. But they are not real numbers. I mean to say one should use only real numbers in their equations to get real results. real results can be used in Engineering. ( You may say 'one may get imaginary numbers as answers , which depends on their equations.)

        But in Dynamic Universe Model's case in these equations we get real results with input of real values, which can be compared with real measurements. That's what I am telling here. For eg., Time axis is itself not real, and a perpendicular axis to this is what?

        ''''''Going back to our "It from Bit" discussion, it does not mean, at least in my opinion, a creation of matter from mental experiments. It is rather about the influence that _getting_information_ (i.e. a measurement) may have on the state of an "element of reality", including it's emergence, as it is observed in various experiments involving quantum entanglement. '''''''

        This I have already mentioned in my essay. But I am asking this question 'creation of matter from mental experiments', forming basis my discussion.

        ''''''You wrote:" .... we study the relation between Information and reality about CMB in this paper." A question arises, what information about reality is _encoded_in_ CMB, or it is rather the information encoded in our _models_of reality ? '''''''

        The present day Physics says there is some information encoded at the time of Bigbang about the formation of Galaxies. The mainstream claim that that this information is the starting point of formation of the Galaxies. But the actual measure star and Galaxy light of that part of sky in Microwave ranges will give the same information.

        ''''''' Another thing, which is problematic for me, is the use of Boltzmann-Stefan law in combination with "radiation in all frequencies" in your discussion. Isn't it prone to the "ultraviolet catastrophe" problem ? '''''''

        Thank you for nice question once again. See Wikipedia,

        In 1900 Max Planck empirically obtained an expression for black-body radiation expressed in terms of wavelength in Planck's law. The Planck law does not suffer from an ultraviolet catastrophe, and agrees well with the experimental data, but its full significance (which ultimately led to quantum theory) was only appreciated several years later. Since, then in the limit of very high temperatures or long wavelengths, the term in the exponential becomes small. . . .

        Hence I feel for our ranges, there will not be any error!

        '''''''One more thing, there is a mention about your Dynamic Universe Model, based on flat Cartesian coordinates in 3D space and (global?) linear time. I'm afraid that such a model is rather problematic in view of the _observed_ properties of electromagnetic radiation. '''''''

        We can discuss any of the observed problems, no problem....



        Dear Satyavarapu Naga Parameswara Gupta,

        I read your essay. To be honest a lot of things I do not agree, but not right.

        I see that we do not have the same idea about what may be the information. For me, and I hope for a lot of other information that is all that exists, all that is reality, everything is an object or phenomenon.

        And I would like to have your opinion and so to get a better view.

        best regards

          Dear SNP Gupta,

          The theme up on which your essay is based is having deep rooted meaning and you have aptly said that it is 'IT from Bit'. I am in complete agreement with you when you say that CMB radiation is fully misinterpreted in confirming the 'big-bang' hypothesis. You have also given good reasons for that and this also follows from the large scale 'isotropy' of the universe according to general relativity. Misinterpreting scientific data from satellites has plagued the current trend in science and regarding this your essay is an eye opener.

          I also like you to go through my essay and post your comments.

          Best regards and good luck in the essay contest.


            Dear Gupta,

            A nice essay full of experimental data. However, the resemblance to the theme of this contest seems to me rather obscure.

            Let me simplify the whole thing with the following simple experiment (Did I misunderstood something?):

            Let us have a box full of water. Each set of molecules within it has its own temperature according to its molecules' kinetic energy. Hence, they emit the appropriate radiation. If we set a Vakradiation detector somewhere in this box - obviously - we will detect the VAKR... radiation that appears to be uniform and emitted from any set of molecules we like. However, the cause of molecules' kinetic energy is not explained in any way by these observations.

            This is the meaning (among many others) of Big Bang (BB) theories that it tries to explain "background" energy by saying that it came from a "superhot" singularity. Nobody seriously supports the idea that CMB came straight from BB but it came to us (no mater how) as a consequence of the BB. The observed fluctuations of CMB are caused by certain stars' or galaxies' procedures but the overall CMB - by any evidence - was caused by BB.

            During last contest I posed a major worry about our conception beyond our galaxy.

            "... Milky way (our galaxy) is even more interesting as its Schwarzschild radius is approx. 3*10^25 m (mass = 2*10^42 kg) while its radius is about 5*10^20 m. ..."

            I would like your opinion on this as it is substantially related to your essay.

            Best wishes

            Dear amazigh mabrouk hannou,

            Thank you for reading my essay and starting a nice discussion.

            You said - - - - - I see that we do not have the same idea about what may be the information. For me, and I hope for a lot of other information that is all that exists, all that is reality, everything is an object or phenomenon.- - - - -

            In my opinion, we have physical 5 senses and a sixth sense called mind. We form pictures of all the real things around us in our mind from these senses. Mind interprets these real things around us for forming these pictures. All these information will be lost when we die.

            We invented the communication to transfer these pictures to fellow humans.

            This communication uses information which is nothing but description of our mental picture.

            But you say information is real, how it is real?

            Is there any other information other than what I said?

            Please reply in this thread so that I will get a communication from FQXi, and I can reply you, , , ,




            Dear Sreenath,

            Thank you for your very nice comments on my essay. I have gone through your nice essay also, and conceptually your is similar to mine. I am giving account of both below. Your concluding words

            - - - - Although Information & Reality (Bit & It) have physical origin, without mind they are in themselves empty and blind. Bit comes from It, but mind can know of It only through Bit- - - -

            That is very nice, and in my opinion, we have physical 5 senses and a sixth sense called mind. We form pictures of all the real things around us in our mind from these senses. Mind interprets these real things around us for forming these pictures. All these information will be lost when we die.

            We invented the communication to transfer these pictures to fellow humans.

            This communication uses information which is nothing but description of our mental picture.

            - - - -

            Your comments - - - - The theme up on which your essay is based is having deep rooted meaning and you have aptly said that it is 'IT from Bit' - - - -

            Here I mean to say, whatever the manner one describes the material or matter with words, mental thoughts, using information technology or computers, his descriptions will not produce matar bits or atoms. This explanation can give information describing the material bits only and nothing more.

            Here I used words - -IT- - for: - -Information technology- - and - -Bit- - for : --a piece of material or a bit of material- -

            Please reply in my thread so that I will get a communication from FQXi, and I can reply you. .

