Part 2
Dear David,
Thank you once again for the time you spent on my work for preparing your elaborate quarry.
''''''In your first paragraph you state the creation ex nihilo to be a stock item in cosmology. However, no present physical theory about the Big Bang every ventures into more than speculation (e.g., collisions between branes) about the instance of the Big Bang itself, but only refers to the time as close to immediately after it as one can extrapolate to.''''''
Creation ex nihilo is not a stock item , It is an incompleteness of the Bigbang theory. Bigbang keeps many questions open.
''''''You spend the bulk of the essay developing your "Vakradiation" theory, and giving instances how the uniformity of the CMB fits into it, using data from galaxy and interstellar dust observations.''''''
Yes , Scientists won Noble prizes by allowing the starlight into the electronic window of sensors of WMAP and COBE satellites and claiming it as Bigbang generated CMBR. The whole world was confused on this issue.
''''''To be able to further defend your theory, you would also have to account for the new data (2013) from the Planck satellite which show a region which does not fit into this uniformity (but of course only confirmed when the full data set will be available in 2014).''''''
Thank you once again, I think I will workout it with your collaboration. Previously I explained the WMAP dark spots.
'''''''In any case, such a defense in the style which you are presenting it might belong in a professional journal, but one of the stipulations of this contest was that it should be easily readable by a person outside of the field. The middle part of your essay does not fit this criterion, in my opinion. ''''''''
I am not from a proper English speaking country. My English is not very good. I am being a poor man, I cant afford some professional editing services...
I hope I will ask your help and I hope that you will be able to devote some time for EDITING my paper next time.
I hope that will be ok for you...