Thank you very much Peter,
( I am showing your words with - - - =snp)
You took lot of time and wrote a beautiful comment. Started with - - - Excellent essay, pertinent well argued and quantified, - - - Thank you once again.
You are not only a thinker very much knowledgeable something like Encyclopaedia Britannica. You have excellent knowledge in many fields, which is humanly impossible.
- - - Up north' in England there a common saying; -You don't get owt for nowt.- meaning you can't get anything from nothing. There also another one which seems to apply well to many mainstream theorists; "there's nowt so queer as folk". Which I think needs no translation. What are they thinking? It's like some mass hysteria of phase locked group reliance on numbers and beliefs rather than mental powers.
You cut through that very well, also addressing it in their terms, numerically. I also agree, as you may see from my last two essays, that I agree totally with your statement- - -
Thank you once again for such a comment
You are very appropriate to say- - - - - - radiation at first gets partially scattered and partially gets absorbed, later the remaining part only passes through. All these are non-linear processes, and are very difficult to approximate. Incidental energy is always higher, and only a portion of it gets pass through - - - The same thing I also did.
- - - What I'm glad of is that you didn't rely too much on your full 'Dynamic Universe Model' as I believe you may be -throwing out the baby with the bathwater-. (another northern expression). To believe that matter is the only form of energy is wrong and may be a failure of the imagination, indeed against the owt from nowt principle, so what is termed dark energy should not be dismissed as mainstream dismisses things. - - -
- - - Dark enrgy , dark matter are calculation mistakes.
Please see, and discuss on any point, you feel not satisfied. . . .
Fundamental questions addressed by Dynamic Universe Model
This Model is new Cosmological model fundamentally and mathematically different from Bigbang, Steady state model etc. I am giving below its Foundational points, Present Day unsolved problems, which can't be solved by other prominent models, New Satellite Mass reduction technology and publications (Four Books published).
Main foundational points of Dynamic Universe Model:
-No Isotropy
-No Homogeneity
-No Space-time continuum
-Non-uniform density of matter, universe is lumpy
-No singularities
-No collisions between bodies
-No blackholes
-No warm holes
-No Bigbang
-No repulsion between distant Galaxies
-Non-empty Universe
-No imaginary or negative time axis
-No imaginary X, Y, Z axes
-No differential and Integral Equations mathematically
-No General Relativity and Model does not reduce to GR on any condition
-No Creation of matter like Bigbang or steady-state models
-No many mini Bigbangs
-No Missing Mass / Dark matter
-No Dark energy
-No Bigbang generated CMB detected
-No Multi-verses
- - - It is also perhaps arrogant to assume we can detect all matter. We cannot of course directly detect plasma or condensed fermion pairs, so that may rightly be called 'dark' matter- - -
You are correct, we are not in the centre of universe. We can not see all matter. What ever our telescopes see is the matter that we can see.
- - - Lastly. I have falsified Cartesian co-ordinates as inadequate for describing the temporal evolution (dynamics) of real non-zero bodies. In fact that is where mainstream science leaves the rails. Points and lines are not real and thus cannot move. I think you'd find your otherwise soundly based model far more powerful if examining and shedding those assumptions- - -
Cartesian co-ordinates did not give any problem. I used them upto 10^55 meters, Two three times larger than our visible universe. I can not recollect the numbers exactly. We can discuss the problems you faced. No problem.
- - - But you did not go into or rely on those so I can't downgrade your essay or it's value. Now if only you could write it in fully "mainstream language" with fewer obvious departures it may then also be taken seriously by those who don't already agree with it!- - - I fight with mainstream philosophy, in many points. You remove NO from the above list of 20 points it will become mainstream, its speculations and imaginations.
Thank you once again and best wishes to you. . .