Well, I kept at it and improved the paper immensely. It was re-submitted late today but on time for the deadline. I don't know yet it its form is fully acceptable, but, the conference representative seemed appreciative of having received it. I was assigned to make a remote presentation at 9:30 AM Eastern time. Unfortunately, I will be in a small village on the ocean in Oregon. It will be 6:30 AM for me. There is no cell phone service, but, there is wi-fi. I think I will set myself up outside on the beach with the ocean behind me. There are huge picturesque rock formations out in the water. I will have to find out first how far the wi-fi reaches from the old cabin that I will be staying in. It is almost on the beach itself. I think it sounds like it could be a fun experience.
I did a remote presentation last year and could see myself as I did it. I come across looking even older than I am; and, with my mannerisms, I appear to be something of a character. A lot of smiling and head moving. Also, I learned that my progressive lenses cause me to raise my head up to see the computer screen. So, a camera located on the computer picks me up with my nose and chin sticking somewhat upward. It added to the character look. It was humorous to see myself doing the presentation. There was nothing I could do but just go along with it and keep smiling. :)