Hi Manuel,

Thanks very much and I'm pleased to see you are so near the top! Well deserved too.

That's a good point you raise. The Fibonacci sequence here seems to match an empirically spatial 3-dimensional Universe. Glad you emphasised this, as it is one of many strong physical points to come out of this theory. So many can only see it from an abstract point of view, but there are indeed real and observable hints this is a way (not the only way) reality works.

Also the scheme ought to be testable via computer simulation. With very few extra pieces of data - i.e. my symmetrical symmetry breaking system.

Best wishes for the remainder of the contest - your comments are much appreciated,


Hi Antony,

Our entire communication is on my essay web page. It is not right to send you publicly speculative Koida upgrades. So, send your email.



    Hi Branko,

    No problem. antryanet@outlook.com

    Best wishes,


    Dear Anthony,

    realy nice article. I agree with you about the digital construction of the universe in "0" and "1" bit, but I see no reason why the dimensions are limited to 3 or better 4 Dimension (including time)in our universe.

    Good lick for the contest.

    Dear Kai Henkel

      Dear Kai,

      Thanks for your comments. There are many good reasons why the universe is limited to 3 spatial dimensions. I acknowledge 4 dimensional space time. This essay deals with geometry hence only the spatial nature NOT time.

      That why 4 doesn't appear spatially and hence ties in with the Fibonacci sequence!

      The entropy system on my scheme shows why there should be a limit of 3-dimensions, as mentioned in the essay.

      Also, my essay utilises the exchange of information - we don't exchange it along more than 3-dimensional geometry.

      Also there are many great reasons generally in physics why 3 spatial dimensions ought to be the limit.

      Further, our empirical evidence constantly shows us 3-dimensions of space. There is mathematical evidence why 3 spatial or 4 space time dimensions may be a limit around proofs of kissing numbers too.

      Best wishes,



      Thanks for the link. Beautiful Essay. There is much good work languishing in the lower and middle regions. He's now deservedly a bit higher.


      Hi Peter,

      It is indeed. This contest is making me dizzy. One minute I'm 9th, then 19th. I dread to think where I'll finish.

      Been a great experience reading so many excellent ideas though!

      All the best,



      A few people have mentioned that they doubt Black Hole's or singularities existence. Please see below either way:

      Indeed we can utilise the Fibonacci sequence away from a black Holes too. Further, the essay hints that singularities perhaps may be avoided and are rather a mathematical trick. However, the jury is out on this. I'd say they do exist, but my essay says information ought to bypass the singularity - so who am I to argue!

      My main theory away from the esaay revealed the Fiboancci sequence and 3-dimensional space as what we ought to observe in our universe, (with an extra dimension of time). See the section about the arrow of time and entropy.

      The main theory partly unified the four forces and resolves the three paradoxes of cosmogony, with prediction which relates the masses of the Proton, Neutron and Electron to within 99.999988% of the known values. Further, this has improved over the last few years with EVERY new data that comes from mass measurements! A modified Koide formula was used based on my symmetrical symmetry breaking geometry.

      There are other more important points in my essay than the black hole, but the mathematical concept of a singularity is used to show why this is a foundational concept in that it is tackling Quantum Gravity type theory.

      Best wishes,


        *** BLACK HOLE DEBATE - Please see comment above ***

        Some great points and discussion coming out of this contest!

        Hi Thomas,

        Thanks for your comments - there's a lot there.

        I'll reply in separate posts I think for clarity.

        Best wishes,



        I'm not saying information itself IS 3-dimensional RATHER I'm exploring how it behaves in different environments in the Universe.

        3-dimensional is with regard to how information is exchanged spatially in 4-dimensional space time.

        I don't mean a 3 dimensional of self interacting points. I don't intend to map 3 dimensions onto the 2-D event horizon either. I clearly haven't put this across clearly enough! Apologies.

        3-spatial dimension outside of a Black Hole where information can pass towards and away from a point in all pathways across all 3 dimensions.

        At the event horizon it is limited to be BOTH received and revealed across 2-dimensions, so this is another unique environment for us to consider in the behaviour of information.

        Then inside the Black Hole, we expect pathways to diverge towards 1-dimensionality. There ought to be an "altitude" where information can ONLY be released and another where information can ONLY be received.

        Then the singularity - 0 dimensionality.

        Your point about the holographic principle is mentioned also in the essay, so there is a likeness to this.




        Yes a point on the event horizon will be unique in that it is the ONLY place in the Universe where information is BOTH received and revealed 2-dimensionally.


        There is absolutely symmetry around this point! The sequence has -1, 1, 0, 1, 1 which provides this. In fact I explain symmetry between the inside and outside of the BH AND Hawking Radiation's existence as -3, 2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3.

        Indeed the arrow of time with regard to entropy comes out of this too. So yes I agree it is not one way. Again it does say this in the essay. Information ought to come out of all Black Holes, it is just it may take longer for larger Black Holes

        If anything, I think it is a strength of my essay that it seems to reproduce Hawking! And time! And entropy!



        No miracle in the skipping over 0-dimensionality I assure you. The "decay" mentioned in the essay is 0 -> -1 +1 which is highly symmetrical.

        The Fibonacci sequence has -1, 1, 0, 1, 1 so that when we "move" deeper into the Black Hole in the thought experiment, 0 becomes virtually and mathematically.

        Please note that there is No difference between 1 in the THREE places it appears in the sequence!

        This is very important! This is what I mean by skip over. The 1 becomes conserved. The -1 can make the Black Hole lose mass by Hawking Radiation and the +1 can be emitted.


        I know about CPT conservation. As clarified above, the essay does e plain Hawking radiation very well. Further it explains why smaller black holes wouldn't exist as all Hawking Radiation would escape instantly. Larger Black Holes with 2-dimensional event horizons would conserved the lower dimensional -1, 1, 0, 1, 1 part of the sequence such that these quantum fluctuations, skipping over 0 if you like, or simply 1-dimensional pathways stay predominantly inside the BH. Some do escape, but the larger the BH the slower the rate of escape.

        If you are worried about the information the seems to be trapped inside these larger BHs, don't! It wil either escape when the Universe reaches thermal equilibrium or it will trigger a new Big Bang. Similarly to what Sir Roger Penrose says.

        Finally I agree that time is a mystery. I'm not saying I've solved it, but the Black Hole I described DOES conserve time! We might have to agree to disagree here!

        I'll try to elaborate.

        Not only does my theory agree with Hawking Radiation as already mentioned, but in its own right, we can see that time is unidirectional.

        This theory shows through entropy that time is a simple plus one relationship limited to 3-dimensions spatially. Time reversal has to change sign, so please at least allow me to state that the entropy dropping by 1 as we move backwards in time is indeed symmetry?

        I think that this is a very, very strong point I make, so I'm disappointed it hasn't been fully appreciated here.

        Best wishes, again pleased to meet you, and thanks for the questions.


        Some great questions from Thomas Howard Ray when he replied on Aug. 2, 2013

        I've replied to these, as they are very important points I wanted to reinforce.

        The arrow of time, entropy and Hawking radiation all arise in my essay, in a very clear, concise and simple way.

        Also, symmetry being measured backward and forwards works precisely for the Fibonacci sequence. I'm not taking about mirroring the positive and negative parts of the sequence either side of 0, but when we descend from 3 towards -3 or go from -3 to 3 we still use the basic sum or subtraction of the previous two numbers.

        Subtraction and addition are opposites, of course.

        -3, 2, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3

        Best wishes,


        The other replies I've accidentally placed in your other comment below. Perhaps this was spooky action at a distance, a bug in the system again or just a simple mistake on my part! ;)




        Some have suggested that there ought to be prediction in my essay. Well here's some evidence of this.

        These three masses arise from my main theory:

        me = 0.510998928 MeV/c2, mp = 625.514697333333 MeV/c2, mn = 298.203666130845 MeV/c2

        When put into th Koide Formula we get 1/2 , which is predicted rather than 2/3. To 0.49999994

        Please note that these are three very different numbers, not two massive very close numbers and one tiny. Try it with the normal masses of the proton, neutron and electron!

        The above numbers are adjusted masses based on Pi and simplex geometry. They relate the Electron, Proton and Neutron masses.

        This is all from my main theory which has now shown in my essay what can happen to information when it falls into a Black Hole.

        Hello again Anthony,

        Thanks for making time to reply. I can relate your statement ...

        "3-spatial dimension outside of a Black Hole where information can pass towards and away from a point in all pathways across all 3 dimensions"

        ... to a physical definition of "time" that I proposed a few years back : "n-dimension infinitely orientable metric on random, self-avoiding walk." Since in my construction "time" is identical to "information," I think we might have the same idea of what follows from that construction for n = 4:

        You conjecture, "At the event horizon it (information) is limited to be BOTH received and revealed across 2-dimensions, so this is another unique environment for us to consider in the behaviour of information." I concur in this way:

        Because time and information are identical, time reversibility demands for the sake of conserving time, energy and information, that time, information and energy are identical -- that they are the same phenomenon -- because at this extreme of gravity, we have a perfect representation of t = 0. That is critical information, and perfectly deterministic, as with t'Hooft's application of the Schrodinger equation to all scales.

        Just one more thing -- "a point on the event horizon will be unique in that it is the ONLY place in the Universe where information is BOTH received and revealed 2-dimensionally" -- is essentially the conclusion of my last years' essay: The source of all information is a point at infinity.

        All best,
