Hello Tom,

Thanks for the reply. I'll take a look at your essay from last year. Good that we've found a bit of common ground too.

It's even more encouraging that we draw similar conclusions from different approaches.

Best wishes,


I still am having trouble fully understanding your analysis of what happens beyond the event horizon, however, I would like to reiterate that I find your essay and your ideas to be very original and that I pretty much like anything that has to do with the Fibonacci sequence--your essay included.

- Kyle Miller

    Hello again Kyle,

    If you imagine converging pathways, then we can see they tend towards spaghettification. They hence tend towards 1-dimensionality. The sequence it seems confirms this, as you rightly suggest that we can't check. Also it then seems to confirm Hawking radiation, and the entropy analysis suggests an arrow of time!

    Thanks for the kind words too.

    Best wishes,


    Hi Antony,

    Seemingly, it is interesting. However, I hope that you will construct theories of black hole and Hawking radiation from the Fibonacci-number based algebra. Is it possible?

    Best wishes,


      Hi Yutaka,

      Most definitely! Algebra forms a large part of the main theory which resulted in this essay. My unification uses matrices to describe electromagnetism. Nice to see you climb the rankings!

      Best wishes,


      Hi Antony from Margriet O'Regan

      I use 'triangulations' in a very different way - see my reply to your & Stephen's 'thread' !! in my essay slot.

      A distinction I didn't make clear enough in my essay is as follows :-

      My own investigations have led me to conclude that 'information' is NOT digits - no kind nor amount of them (including any that can be extracted from quantum phenomena!), nor how algorithmically-well they may be massaged & shunted through any device that uses them.

      Unequivocally they - digits - make for wonderful COUNTING & CALCULATING assistants, witness our own now many & various, most excellent, counting, calculating devices BUT according to my investigations real thinking is an entirely different phenomenon from mere counting, calculating & computing.

      For which phenomenon - real thinking - real information is required.

      My own investigations led me to discover what I have come to believe real information is & as it so transpires it turns out to be an especially innocuous - not to omit almost entirely overlooked & massively understudied - phenomenon, none other than the sum total of geometrical objects otherwise quite really & quite properly present here in our universe. Not digits.

      One grade (the secondary one) of geometrical-cum-informational objects lavishly present here in our cosmos, is comprised of all the countless trillions & trillions of left-over bump-marks still remaining on all previously impacted solid objects here in our universe - that is to say, all of the left-over dents, scratches, scars, vibrations & residues (just the shapes of residues - not their content!) (really) existing here in the universe.

      Examples of some real geometrical objects of this secondary class in their native state are all of the craters on the Moon. Note that these craters are - in & of themselves - just shapes - just geometrical objects. And the reason they are, also one & at the same time, informational objects too, can be seen by the fact that each 'tells a story' - each advertises (literally) some items of information on its back - each relates a tale of not only what created it but when, where & how fast & from what angle the impacting object descended onto the Moon's surface. Again, each literally carries some information on its back.

      (Note : Not a digit in sight !!)

      How we actually think - rather than just count, calculate & compute - with these strictly non-digital entities, specifically these geometrical-cum-informational objects, in precisely the way we do, please see my essay.

      I did not make the distinction between computing with digits & real thinking with real information, sufficiently strongly in my essay.

      This contest is such a wonderful 'sharing' - Wow - & open to amateurs like myself - Wow. How great is that !!! Thank you Foundational Questions Institute !!! What a great pleasure it has been to participate. What a joy to read, share & discuss with other entrants !!!

      Margriet O'Regan

      Hi Antony,

      I found yours to be an interesting essay about numbers, their relationships and properties. You suggest a connection between Fibonacci sequence seed values and Wheeler's 0 and 1; you discuss Fibonacci numbers found in nature (in the structure of plants and bees) suggesting that these numbers and their relationships are a type of information known to nature at some level; and you suggest that Fibonacci numbers are a type of numeric information that relates to the properties of black holes and the reasons for a spatially 3 dimensional universe.

      You may recall that in my essay I developed a bit of a case that numbers are things that really exist; they are what I would call hidden information category self-relationships (not that anybody has commented on this assertion either positively or negatively). So I'm interested in asking other people about numbers: I wonder how you see the nature of numbers including Fibonacci numbers i.e. in what sense do you think they exist in relation to physical reality? (I hasten to add that this is not a quiz question that will be marked!!)

      I am giving you a good rating. Best of luck in the contest,


        Dear Margriet,

        I agree the contest is fantastic for sharing ideas! I like your explanation. It fits with my essay in that the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence represent geometry, in this case the simplexes, being the simplest form of the n-dimensionality.

        Best wishes,


        Hi Lorraine,

        Thanks very much for your kind comments and rating. I'm also relieved that I won't be marked on the answer to your question as I don't think my nerves can take another contest ;o)

        I think you are dead right that hidden information exists. I explain spooky action at a distance as hidden fixed constants, a play against hidden variables.

        My geometries explain the cosine non-linear relation between entangled particles in spin Alice/Bob type experiments exactly!

        As mentioned to Margriet - I think at least in the case of Fibonacci numbers, that they represent real geometry in the form of simplexes.

        From this I get symmetry breaking from complete nothingness, that also conserves the nothingness. In short it solves Baryon Asymmetry.

        I think this should apply to all numbers and that they apply to dimensionality and simplexes are the most fundamental geometry in n-dimensions.

        Great question!

        Best wishes for the contest!


        Dear All,

        I'd just like to thank you for reading and commenting on my essay! I find it an honour that you have considered my reasoning. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading ALL the other essays!

        Best wishes to you all for you future's.


        I'd just like to sum up my essay with one of my favourite comments above:

        "A thought-provoking take on the subject and an intriguing exploration of Pythagorean link between numbers and nature. In an accessible manner which can be convincing and comprehensible even to a layperson, the author successfully presents in few logical steps an attempt to combine the Fibonacci sequence with the questions of reality and its underpinning - information. What seems to be especially appealing is the intellectual effort to prove the possibility of deriving functions inherent to the fabric of realty from binary choices. In this concise essay the author skillfully manages to interweave the great questions of modern-day science such as the theory that information is fundamental to the physics of the universe, Hawking Radiation, entropy and quantum fluctuations. Fine base for further research that might possibly turn out to be an important jigsaw puzzle piece in tackling the problems of fundamental parameters, black hole information paradox and holographic principle".

          Dear Antony,

          I have now finished reviewing all 180 essays for the contest and appreciate your contribution to this competition.

          I have been thoroughly impressed at the breadth, depth and quality of the ideas represented in this contest. In true academic spirit, if you have not yet reviewed my essay, I invite you to do so and leave your comments.

          You can find the latest version of my essay here:


          (sorry if the fqxi web site splits this url up, I haven't figured out a way to not make it do that).

          May the best essays win!

          Kind regards,

          Paul Borrill

          paul at borrill dot com

          Dear Paul,

          There is a link page http://fqxi.org/popups/forum/links.

          I've read and commented on yours and the other 180. 182 in total. I can't believe there were so many great essays!

          Really enjoyed it.

          Best wishes,


          Dear Antony,

          Sorry about my Thumper's dad's response to your essay. In some respects I did like it; but when it comes to black holes I've got so many personal issues that I just couldn't see how to respond without feeling like I was on a psychiatrist's couch. With that said, if you are interested to hear all I have to say on the matter, please feel free to email me at the address on my essay.

          All the best,


            Dear Daryl,

            No problem. I had to Google that term, but i can't find a Thumper's Dad response ;)

            I will email you at some point soon, as I'd like to hear different points of view on this. It doesn't just have to apply to Black Holes though!

            Best wishes,


            Hi Antony,

            Congratulations for doing so well in the contest!

            Thanks for replying to me about numbers. Are you saying that numbers derive from or even ARE geometry, which in turn comes out of nothing because of symmetry? Does this mean that you have a platonic view?



            Right, obviously that was way too cryptic. Why the heck would you have Bambi on the brain at a time like this.

            Thumper: He's kinda wobbly, isn't he?

            Thumper's mom: Thumper, what did your father tell you this morning...?

            Anyway, I meant to say that it's not even like I couldn't say something nice, but whenever I sat down to say something I inevitably ended up going on to say something like "but I find the whole black hole concept so utterly inconsistent..." and launching into something that I just don't think would have been appropriate to get into here.

            With that said, my opinion is obviously very unpopular, and will have no bearing on the judging of your essay in the final round. I wish you the best of luck. And please do keep in touch.

            All the best, Daryl

            Many thanks Jonathan and congratulations to you too!

            Best of luck to you too in the finals! I'm really looking forward to the judges questions!

            Kind regards,
