Dear Dr. Planat,
Your highly technical treatise was most absorbing, though in many parts I had difficulty following it. I will therefore state my comments along the broadest lines.
My view is that even if the emergence of random outcomes can be explained and contextualized in a variety of ways, the nature of information remains unchanged: It still defines the Observer's 'patch of reality' at any given moment, and continues to do so throughout evolution.
Even if we could describe the quantum world in perfect mathematical language, we would still have only described some small part of our Cosmos perfectly; and we would still be involved in our distinctive human Cosmos ... one that displays a continuous correlation between Bit and It over the course of evolution.
The observer does not interact with the whole field of reality regardless of how probabilities emerge, or how context affects them. Mathematics is the projection of the human mind on to the Cosmos - it will always be this, and it will always be entirely composed of Bits, thus keeping the Bit-It conundrum relevant to any definition of the Cosmos.
Though it is doubtless critical to investigate quantum reality as thoroughly as you do, I think we must also ask: 'Why do Bits 'match' Its so consistently at every instant of evolution - whatever their mathematics?' It would be interesting if the mathematics could be applied to the larger context of the perpetual Correlation of Bit to It.
As you can probably tell, this is one of the strands of my essay - which I think you would find interesting for the reasons I've stated.
Once again, yours is a very serious work, one with consequences; I am eager to hear your feedback, and wish you all the best.