Hello Michel
Crikey! I had to do some work to understand your work as it might connect with mine.
What I do like, and especially like, is your ability to work with interactions through graphs, and your clever ability to see that graphs (and perhaps all kinds of things) can have equivalent interpretations that look quite different to each other but emphasis different aspects. Is this not just what we see in our everyday world? From one perspective there are just physical objects, but from another there are mental objects as well, and so many anthropocentric perspectives - hot, far, large...
Which form is the correct form? Is it It from Bit or the other way, or indeed some completely different way, or are there multiple interpretations (which is necessarily the case as touched on in my essay) none of which can be said to have priority (some people will recognise this as a solution to the mind body problem, but I'll leave that for next year's essay and my book 'The Armchair Universe' when it is finished).
I have no problem with your argument, but pick out some aspects that lead to questions:
Wheeler said:
'We have clues, clues most of all in the writings of Bohr, but not answers ... Are billions upon billions of acts of observer-participancy the foundation of everything? We are about as far as we can today from knowing enough about the deeper machinery of the universe to answer this question. Increasing knowledge about detail has brought an increasing ignorance about the plan.'
Lovely choice of quote. Seeking detail is to move on from unstable foundations (Hume, Kant, Popper) hoping the edifice will prove itself strong enough to compensate for the instability. Parmenides and Zeno stamp their feet! One must first find a foundation for change, and the idea that humankind is forever cut off from knowledge of reality is a flawed argument. First understand the machinery, and what brings the machinery that drives change, and so allows a universe that does not collapse under its own inconsistencies. That was my intent. And one wonders - how can the universe come full born, immediately following such complex rules. Whence spacetime? What is spacetime? These are the true foundational questions, of which It from Bit is a human-centered assumption.
Bell says:
'In a theory in which parameters are added to quantum mechanics to determine the results of individual measurements, without changing the statistical predictions, there must be a mechanism whereby the setting of one measuring device can influence the reading of another instrument, however remote. Moreover, the signal involved must propagate instantaneously, so that a theory could not be Lorentz invariant.'
This idea of Bell, and those who accept his argument, is very empiricist, though most will not see it. In a Harmony Set interpretation one might consider that what is really happening is that when two structures interact such that the polarity of one quantum of an entangled pair is realised, then, under equivalence, the totality of the system must be preserved. Given that in the Harmony Set a change is global, then automatically (without wanting to invent an entire 3-space physics to match this, but relying on the GPE) as a simple matter of equivalence to the pre-existing system the other photon will have the appropriate polarity. Otherwise the system would not comply with the GPE, which is absolutely impossible, at least from the point of Endpoint Skepticism (hence, absolutely for everyone else, as a matter of intellectual honesty). The only thing that might change the outcome would be if the evolving generation of new structure created a new localised variation that affected the result in some way (but this is a step too far for the present).
The aspect that interests me, though I don't really see how you are connecting the concept, is your thought that a compatibility (i. e., commutativity) diagram of observables has a kind of engine that drives it: a dessin d'enfant (a child's drawing). This is a big cruncher for me, because I don't see how one has stepped across from the mathematician who is describing a connection (the same bother as with theories of physics) to an ontological force or power such as I attribute to the GPE. I wonder, if a dessin d'enfant is a bipartite graph embedded on an oriented surface, where did the surface originate, how did the surface find its orientation? These are, to me, the seriously foundational questions. This does not make your analysis at all incorrect. Unfortunately, under the GPE and its implied globalized bundling problem, not only does the universe collapse to a single minimally simple omnet, all of mathematics went down the tube with it. To develop the Harmony Set required that I reinvent a mathematics with it, and show how it aligns to contemporary mathematics, which it does, but only to up to a certain point. In doing so, infinities and limits and associated problems fall away. Of course there is a lot more work required here by me and others who might spend the time to understand this rather fascinating Harmony Set, and its implications.
Apologies for the length of my response. This is the short version!
Excellent effort,
Best wishes,
Stephen Anastasi