Dear Valdimir,
Here is a copy of the comment that I made to you on my forum page that you asked me to also leave on your page.
Thank you for your agreement. I read your paper, so I can talk with you more intelligently. You have a good concept that understanding basic forms and that of which they are composed are very important steps to being able to understand them and the larger scale objects or forms of which they are members. I propose that you consider that the output of the dimensional structure, which is motion, is the true Delta-Logit or the base form from which all other entities are composed. If we start from the structure of a basic motion, the first thing that is obvious is that it is the generator of the basic increment. This can be observed in its continual incremental change in position. This change in position generates the concept of distance as the variation from one position to another position. Since all motions do not contain the same capability to change position, but one motion can change position faster than another motion which can be observed as one motion creating a larger distance while another simultaneous motion creates a smaller distance variation, the concept of variability of size is created. In order to compare motions that produce different simultaneous sizes of distance to each other the concept of time is created as a comparison of a given generated distance size to a standard distance size that is generated in some continuous cyclical fashion, such as the earth rotating on its axis or the vibrational frequency of some atom, etc. Because a motion travels in a straight line it generates the concept of past, present, and future. Where the motion is currently positioned is its present, where it was is its past, and the position to which it is headed is its future. Since all motions do not travel in the same path the concepts of direction and dimension are generated. Since all motions seem to have absolute limits of zero motion amplitude on one end and the speed of light on the other end, the concept of limit is generated. Since matter particles can be changed into energy photons and energy photons can be changed into simple linear motions, it is evident that everything that exists in the universe that is composed of energy or matter or any combinations of them is ultimately composed of motions. This means that motion is the basic form from which all other forms are created. In addition, motion is the mediator of all interaction between entities that exist in the universe. I hope this will be of help to you.
As far as your request for me to evaluate your paper is concerned, I generally do not go into great detail doing that because I don't want to take the chance of unduly affecting the outcome of the contest as I am not competing for the prize as most are, but am just providing information for the growth and benefit of man to achieve the next necessary level of development, but since you asked, I will just say that you have some good ideas and insights into the current problems in math and physics, such as the lack of certainty, etc., but I recommend that you spend more time and space in your paper in fleshing out, explaining, and connecting the ideas into a coherent overall easily understood structure and spend less time and space showing the origin of all of them in other's works, etc. It is your original contribution from your viewpoint that will most likely win you the prize. Use the reference section to show the sources of important concepts that shaped any part of your understanding or that back up your presentation, etc. I hope that helps.
In reading your comments to others it is apparent that you consider matter to be the most basic substance from which all things are constructed. Matter can be broken down into motion, however, so motion is a more basic substance than matter and is the basic substance of which energy photons and matter particles are composed.
You also have come to the understanding that there must be some intelligence behind the universe that has guided it to produce the very complex structures such as living creatures, etc. that exist in it and the systems that allow for their survival, etc. and this is a very good insight. You seem to be attempting to attribute that intelligence to the universe itself thus the need for ontological memory. The problem with this approach is that the initial creation of the universe in such a way as to allow such intelligence to develop and to exist within it would also need to have been planned, executed, and guided by an intelligence. This intelligence could not have been the universe because it did not yet exist. Neither could an intelligence that was later created by the universe such as man, etc. have created the universe since it would not have existed at that time either. This leaves us with only the existence of a preexistent intelligence (God) who created and guided the development of the universe and all of its complexities to the point that we see it today.
Again I hope these concepts help you to develop the complete theory of the universe that you are endeavoring to arrive at.
Paul B.