Hello Peter,

Thank you for your kind words and good comment. Indeed, the direction of our research on the topic of the contest is very close. Theme of the contest is great. It just develops the theme of previous competitions and puts a deep question about the nature of the information, the essential connection between physics and information, the formation of a new scientific picture of the world of the information age, a new paradigm, a new "epistemic schemes" ..

Yes, unfortunately, not everyone understands the connection between the fundamental ontological justification of sign systems, physics and mathematics, and clarifying the nature of the information. All this is due to the need to address the structure of space, and as a result of the nature and definition of "place" information. But the most important thing - it is the birth of a new concept - "ontological memory," the nucleus of a new episteme. Of course, this concept is debatable, but I'm very glad that the contest has brought me to this "core", countersign, which "holds" our world, making it sustainable, "feeds" and the formation of new material structures. We can say that the world is "awash" in the ocean of Ontomemory, polyvalent phenomenon which is information. Once again well said John Archibald Wheeler on the importance of the philosophy of physics and information theory: «" Philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers ".

Good luck in the contest, Vladimir

Hello Vladimir,

although my field is not phylosophy I see in your essay two important issues: how information is stored and it must be modified, although I think you have a hard work in front of you to develop the Delta-Logic. I know some proposals to use modal logic in quantum physics maybe you can take some ideas of it for your work.

Best regards,


    Hello Sergio,

    Thank you for your comment! Yes, you're absolutely right. Need to deepen understanding and then the parameterization of deep Delta-Logit. I think your ideas here are very valuable. So I wrote in the conclusion that further development of the "General Theory of Information", deepening the understanding of the relationship of matter and information.

    Best regards and wishes,


    Hello, Jayakar,

    Thank you for your kind comment! Again, I read your additional research. Best regards, Vladimir

    Hi Vladimir,

    Thanks for reading my essay, and I left an answer for you in my thread. I have tried hard to understand your ideas but I am not able to connect well, only few points that others have already mentioned. Maybe, I will wait and see more responses here and try to understand before I engage.


      Hello Adel,

      Thank you for your comment. Contests FQXi - is first of all contests of ideas. In my essay main ideas: a picture of the world of the information age is introduced the concept of "ontological memory" (structural memory) is determined by the nature of information and time as multivalent phenomena ontological memory is determined by the place of "information". Based on the construction of the dialectic of absolute generating structure (its construction is disclosed in detail in my previous essay contest FQXi 2012) introduced a new piece of information-«Delta-Logit», as the deepening of the ontological formula D.A.Uilera «It from Bit». I hope for your fair assessment of my ideas.

      Regards, Vladimir

      Vladimir, this is an excellent essay and you deserve a high position in the rankings. When theorists first learnt about string theory they though it provided a clear route to a unified theory but they have found that the situation is much more complex and uncertain. This is indeed a "crisis"

      Now we have to explore further what the mathematics says. It will take a long time and ideas such as your Δ-Logit may be right.

      good luck

        Dear Vlad, i agree with you in general and we do have similar view in most things. we use different languages and translations and we do have our own unique contribution as you quoted Protagoras the principle of Homomensura: "A Man is a measure of all things: existing in their existence, not existing in their non-existence". I agree with most of your views as expressed in your conclusions. I have to read several times to get the essence of your essay o get familiar with your terms and unique language. Congratulation and wishing you well and I will rank it high now.

        Truly, Leo

          • [deleted]

          Hello Philip,

          Thank you for your kind and encouraging comment. Global Contest FQXi-a competition for new ideas in fundamental science, especially in physics. In the words of Nobel Laureate David Gross, we need to construction a «general framework structure». I'll add: with the ontological justification. The fundamental (!) Knowledge must be substantiated and the "bottom" and "top" - empirically (empiricism) and essentially (empyrean). Only the fundamental rationale of sign systems, physics and mathematics, and then building a «general framework structure» will give access to the understanding of the nature and location information in a unified picture of the world, united and for physicists and lyricist.

          Good luck in the contest and best wishes,


          Hello Leo,

          Thank you very much for your kind comments and appreciation of my essay. I think all of us together, physics, and the lyrics will be able to find the true image of "Child of Qbit in Time."

          Good luck in the contest and best wishes,


          Hi Vladimir,

          Your philosophical undertone is very heavy for me, I am more in agreement with Einstein's thinking in "taming the philosophy". However, I have found two good things about you and your theory that give me the incentive to rate you very good.

          First, unlike many people here you have shown that you have taken the contest seriously and engaged in a very good way. I just don't understand why more people who entered this contest don't do the same, maybe they have not invested the time like me and you. Also, although I have done some trolling with the scoring, but it seems some people are making a career out of it, but I maybe mistaken.

          Second, You might be surprised to learn that the mathematical structure that I have uncovered is nothing but your "ontological memory" in some sense. This structure is so wild, in each point in space(actually interpreted as space) it carries the information about its relation to other points(and the information they carry) in all the universe and that is translated to the usual probability density. That is why I call this structure the most generalized geometry there is.

          I also left you an answer in my thread.


            Vladimir, it seems that I did rate you low much earlier, I apologize for that.

            Hello Akinbo,

            The current crisis in physics, as is well demonstrated by Lee Smolin in his book "The Trouble with Physics ..." is a crisis of the philosophical foundations, of the fundamental concepts of physical knowledge. Knowledge, not only of fundamental physical, stands on the turn of the eras. On the search for new foundations, new concepts and new fundamental ideas are directed just contests FQXi. Indeed, Einstein's philosophical testament to physicists all subsequent generations makes "dig" to the farthest depths of meaning.

            Indeed, as David Gross said, speaking in Moscow in 2011 and in 2012, the need to search for a "general framework structure". And such a search is conducted by many physicists, mathematicians and philosophers. You and I are also participating together in this search. And it's very good. We need different ideas, different methods, different concepts. I am very grateful to the contest, he helped me to the concept of "ontological (structural) memory." I am confident that this concept should be the centerpiece of a new picture of the world of the information age. Physics makes the first steps to the physical structures of memory. Therefore, as I wrote in the conclusions of an essay calls for enhanced development of a "general theory of structures." Thus, the theory of physical structures is developing school physicist Yuri Kulakov in Russia. Regards, Vladimir

            Hi Vladimir,

            For an idea of how you might represent the Delta-Logit, take a look at

            NUCRS by Peter Marcer and Peter Rowlands.

            You remark "Observers are necessary to bring the Universe into being."

            As you may have noticed, my Software Cosmos describes a particular way of modeling this.



              Hi Vladimir,

              I will try again...

              For an idea of how you might represent the Delta-Logit, take a look at

              NUCRS by Peter Marcer and Peter Rowlands.

              You remark "Observers are necessary to bring the Universe into being."

              As you may have noticed, my Software Cosmos describes a particular way of modeling this.



              Thank you, Hugh! Now everything is normal. Starting to learn ...

              Regards, Vladimir


              Some scientists say that ontological unification draws from the theory of original image and that the attributes of God are confirmed, in visible terms,by the ontological unification of matter. What are your thoughts there?
