Hello George,
Thank you very much for your kind and insightful comment. I agree with Jaures Alferov. But physicists are forced to delve into the philosophical foundations of physics, as it forces them to make the crisis in the foundations of science, as well told Lee Smolin in his book "The Trouble with physics ...". Philosophical precepts of Albert Einstein and physicist John Wheeler no longer be ignored: "At the present time, a physicist has to deal with philosophic problems to a much greater extent than physicists of the previous generations had to deal with" and "Philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers ". And contests FQXi say about the turn of physicists to the philosophical foundations of physics and mathematics. Is it possible to answer questions about the nature of information without philosophy? The information revolution makes physicists delve into the philosophical foundations of physics, mathematics, information theory...
Remember the song Alexandra Pahmutova played by Anna Herman "Hope is my compass earth ..." ..
All we need philosophical courage ...
Good luck and best wishes,