Dear Vladimir,
At the bottom of Zenkin's interview
there is
"Drawing is a very useful tool against the uncertainty of words" - Leibniz.
Of course, this is exactly what Grothendieck did with his 'dessins d'enfants'.
And as I said in the post on your webpage, the underlying triangle O,1,\infty possibly relates to your cognitive triangle Δ-Logit.
I fully agree with Zonkin's view. I appreciate very much what Vladimir Arnold did for science (including a lot of geometrical ideas and drawings). I am not so surprised that he wrote
"the possessing a large influence mafia of "left-hemispheric mathematicians" has managed to eliminate the geometry from the mathematical education (at first in France, and then also in other countries), by replacing all informal part of this discipline by training in a formal manipulation by abstract concepts"
For many reasons, I really believe that 'the crisis in physics' will start unveil by the use of these dessins.
Your second question is much more difficult to answer. You know that Descartes studied music as well.
Thank you very much for your very positive feedback and the high rate you gave me.
Good luck for the final issue of the contest.